and Schultz win Paul Ehrlich and Ludwig Darmstaedter Prize
TSRI President Richard A. Lerner and Professor Peter G. Schultz
were recently awarded the Paul Ehrlich and Ludwig Darmstaedter
Prize, one of the most renowned prizes in the Federal Republic
of Germany in the field of medicine. The researchers were
selected for their achievements in connection with the development
of catalytic antibodies, molecules that combine the enormous
diversity of antibodies with the catalytic properties of enzymes.
Technology That Fits the Genome Like a Glove
Research Associates Pilar Blancafort and Laurent Magnenat
and Professor Carlos Barbas III have described a new technique
for looking for genes with a combinatorial library of zinc
finger proteins.
Hosts Prospective Students
Three "recruitment weekends" this month provide prospective
Ph.D. candidates with information about all aspects of the
institute's graduate programs.
Wins National Individual Research Service Award
Graduate student Tobin Dickerson of the Janda lab has received
a predoctoral National Individual Research Service Award from
the National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes
of Health. His research concerns a nicotine metabolite, nornicotine,
and its chemistry in the body. He is now investigating specific
implications of aberrant nornicotine protein glycation in
disease states such as Alzheimer's disease and cancer.

Steps Toward Treating Genetic Deafness
Associate Professor Ulrich Mueller, who recently arrived at
TSRI, is examining Usher syndrome and the underlying biology
of mechanosensory perception.