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Wong CV

Chi-Huey Wong Headshot

Dr. Chi-Huey Wong
Scripps Family Chair Professor 
Department of Chemistry
10550 North Torrey Pines Road
Mail Drop: BCC338
Tel: (858) 784-2487

Ella Blanc
Lab Administrative Coordinator
Tel: (858) 784-8377

Chi-Huey Wong Publications


B.S. (1966-1970) and M.S. (1975-1977) in Biochemical Sciences, National Taiwan University

Ph.D. in Chemistry (1979-1982), Department of Chemistry, MIT

Postdoctoral Fellow (1982-1983), Department of Chemistry, Harvard University

Academic Appointments

1983-1989: Assistant Professor (1983–1986), Associate Professor (1986–1987), and Professor (1987–1989) of Chemistry, Texas A&M University.

1989-2006: Professor and Ernest W. Hahn Chair in Chemistry, The Scripps Research Institute.

1991-1999: Head, Frontier Research Program on Glycotechnology, RIKEN, Japan.

1996-2006: Member, the Skaggs Institute for Chemical Biology, The Scripps Research Institute.

2003-2006: Director and Distinguished Research Fellow, Genomics Research Center, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.

2006-2016: President, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.

2016-2019: Distinguished Research Fellow, Genomics Research Center, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.

2006-2019: Professor of Chemistry, The Scripps Research Institute.

2019-Present: Scripps Family Chair Professor, Department of Chemistry, The Scripps Research Institute (with joint appointment at Academia Sinica as Distinguished Research Fellow).


  • Searle Scholar Award in Biomedical Sciences, USA (1985–1988).
  • Presidential Young Investigator Award in Chemistry, USA (1986–1991).
  • American Chemical Society Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award (1993).
  • The Roy Whistler Award of International Carbohydrate Organization (1994).
  • The ACS Division of Carbohydrate Chemistry Melville L. Wolfrom Award (1995).
  • The Taiwanese American Foundation Prize in Science and Engineering (1997).
  • The American Chemical Society Harrison Howe Award in Chemistry (1998).
  • The American Chemical Society Claude S. Hudson Award in Carbohydrate Chemistry (1999).
  • The International Enzyme Engineering Award (1999).
  • The American Chemical Society San Diego Section Outstanding Scientist Award (1999).
  • The Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award, USA (2000).
  • NIH Merit Award, USA (2001).
  • The American Chemical Society Award for Creative Work in Synthetic Organic Chemistry (2005).
  • The Georges Smets Chair Award for Organic or Polymer Chemistry, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (2006).
  • Humboldt Research Award for Senior Scientists, Germany (2006).
  • The F. A. Cotton Medal for Excellence in Chemical Research, USA (2008).
  • National Science Council Science Professional Gold Medal, Taiwan (2009).
  • The American Chemical Society Arthur C. Cope Award (2012).
  • The Nikkei Asia Prize for Science, Technology and Innovation, Japan (2012).
  • The Wolf Prize in Chemistry (2014).
  • The Royal Society of Chemistry Robert Robinson Award, UK (2015).
  • Elected Member of Academia Sinica, Taiwan (1994).
  • Elected Member of The American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1996).
  • Elected Member of the US National Academy of Sciences (2002).
  • Elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (2005).
  • Elected Member of the World Academy of Sciences (2007).
  • Elected Associate Member of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) (2010).
  • Elected Fellow of the U.S. National Academy of Inventors (2014).
  • Elected Laureate of ITRI (Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan) (2020).
  • The Robert A. Welch Award in Chemistry (2021).
  • The American Institute of Chemists Chemical Pioneer Award (2022).
  • Tetrahedron Prize for Creativity in Organic Synthesis (2022).
  • Barry Cohen International Award, Israel Chemical Society (2023).
  • FACS Foundation Lectureship, The Federation of Asian Chemical Societies (2023).

Professional Honors and Activities

  • The Chinese American Chemical Society Distinguished Research Achievement Award (1994).
  • Member, NIH Biomedical Sciences Study Section (1993–1995), NIH Bioorganic and Natural Products Chemistry Study Section, USA (1995–1999).
  • Visiting Professor, Chemical Center, University of Lund, Sweden (1995–1998).
  • Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Institute of Chemistry (1999–2002) and Corresponding Research Fellow, Institute of Biological Chemistry, Academia Sinica, Taipei (1996–2002).
  • Honorary Professor, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, (1999).
  • Selected by ISI as one of the 100 most cited chemists in the world for the period (1981–1999), current H-Index: 154.
  • Doctor, Scientiarum Honoris Causa, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Israel (2007).
  • Honorary Doctorate, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan (2007).
  • Honorary Fellow, the Chemical Research Society of India (CRSI), India (2007).
  • Honorary Doctorate, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan (2008).
  • Honorary Doctorate, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (2009).
  • Honorary Doctorate, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan (2010).
  • Honorary Doctorate, Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan (2011).
  • Honorary Doctorate, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan (2011).
  • Honorary Doctorate, National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan (2011).
  • Distinguished Fellow, University of Malaya (2012-present).
  • President, Institute for Biotechnology and Medicine Industry (IBMI), Taiwan (2019-).

Advisory Activity

  • Advisory Board Member:  Journal of Organic Chemistry (1993–1997);  Journal of Chemical Society, Perkin Transaction 1 (1993–2002);  ChemBioChem (2005-2015);  The  Journal of the American Chemical Society (2005–2011);  Chemistry–An Asian Journal (2006–2017);  Angewandte Chemie (2010–2017),  Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis (2011-2013).
  • Editorial Board Member:  Drug  Discovery Today (1996–1999);  Current Opinion in Chemical Biology (1998–present);  Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis (2000–2010).
  • Founder, Combichem, Inc., San Diego, CA (1994); Founder, Board Member, and Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board, Optimer Pharmaceuticals, Inc., San Diego (1999–2006).
  • Consultant for Dow Chemical (1983–1988), W.R. Grace (1984–1987), Amgen (1991–1993), Dow Corning (1992–1994), Abbott Laboratories (1991–1994), Lilly Research Laboratories (1991–1993), Mitsubishi Chemical Group Science and Technology Research Center, Japan (2005–2006).
  • Scientific Advisor for Amylin (1989–1993), Oncogene Science (1993–1998), Cytel (1991–1997), Affymax (1992–1995), ArQule (1994–1995), Kosan Biosciences (1997–2002), Pharmanex (1997–2006), Advanced Medicine (now Theravance) (1997–2000), Combichem (1994–1998), Momenta (2001–2003), Diversa (2001–2006), Institute of Chemistry (1992–2000; Chairman of the Board, 1994–2000) and Institute of Biological Chemistry (1994–2002), Academia Sinica, Taipei; Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, National University of Singapore (1994–1997), Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Taiwan (2004–2006), Development Center for Biotechnology (DCB), Taiwan (2004–2006 & 2009-present); OBI Pharma, Taiwan (2017-present); CHO Pharma, Taiwan (2016-present); Delos Capital (2021-), Rock Biomedical, Inc. Taiwan (2022-).
  • Member, Scripps/Novartis Joint Scientific Council (1993–2006).
  • Editor-in-Chief,  Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry (1993–2010).
  • Member of Executive Board of Editors for the Tetrahedron Publications (1993–2010), Chairman of the Board (2006–2008).
  • Scientific Advisor for Max-Planck Institute at Dortmund, Germany (2000–2008).
  • Board member of the National Research Council on Chemical Sciences & Technology, USA (2000–2004).
  • Member, 8 th and 9 th RIKEN Advisory Council (RAC) (2011 & 2014).
  • Chief Science Advisor (2006-2011), Member, Board of Science and Technology (2012-2016), Executive Yuan, Taiwan.
  • Member, Steering Committee of the Lily TB Drug Discovery Initiative (2009 – 2017).
  • Member, Board of Scientific Governors, The Scripps Research Institute (2009 – 2016).
  • Member, Committee on Assessing the Importance of Glycoscience and Glycomics, National Research Council USA (2011-12). A report  published in 2012 on “Transforming Glycoscience: A Roadmap for the Future”
  • Member, High Impact Research (HIR) Advisory Council, University of Malaya (2012-present).

Plenary and Named Lectures

1984: 188th ACS National Meeting
1985: NATO Advanced Research Workshop
1986: US/Japan Biotechnology Conference, Japan. International Symposium on “Biocatalysis in Organic Media,” Wageningen, the Netherlands; 5 th International Symposium on Life Science: Prospects for Enzyme Technology, Kyoto
1987: The Pittsburg–Cleveland Catalysis Society Meeting: Frontiers in Catalysis. Gordon Research Conference on Organic Reactions and Processes; The 18 th Annual NSF Workshop on Organic Synthesis and Natural Products Chemistry; The 87 th American Society of Microbiology Meeting, Atlanta. 194 th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans. Biotechnica ‘87, Hannover
1988: Symposium on Biotransformation, The Society of General Microbiology, University of Southampton, UK (2/2); Symposium on Bioorganic Synthesis, Swedish Academy of Sciences (2/3). ACS Regional Meeting, 22 nd MARM Symposium on Organic Synthesis (5/24); ACS central regional meeting, Symposium on New Synthetic Strategy, West Virginia (6/2); Gordon Research Conference on Stereochemistry, New Port (7/4); Conference on Biocatalytic Synthesis of Organic Compounds, New York (8/8); Symposium on Molecular Recognition Phenomena, Royal Society of Chemistry and Swiss Chemical Society (9/11)
1989: French–American Chemical Society 1st Meeting, Paris (6/5–6/8)
1990: University of Illinois, Frontier in Enzyme Chemistry (3/17); Texas A&M IUCCP Program (3/19); ACS National Meeting, Boston, Division of Carbohydrate Chemistry (4/25); Gordon Conference on Natural Products (7/22); IUMS Congress, Osaka (9/16); Society for Complex Carbohydrates, La Jolla (10/12)
1991: US–Japan Conference on Biotechnology, Hawaii (1/6); The 13 th Annual Conference on Clinical Laboratory Molecular Analysis (2/14); Frontiers in Biomedical Research, Annenberg Center, Palm Springs (2/18); Merck lecturer, University of Alberta, Chemistry (3/18); US–Japan Conference on Selectivity in Synthetic and Bioorganic Chemistry, Tokyo (6/3); ASM Biotechnology Conference, New York (6/27); ACS National Meeting/Fourth North American Congress (8/28); European Peptide Society, Enzymes in Peptide Synthesis, IEC-Bogensee, Germany (9/2); Enzyme Engineering, Hawaii (9/25); International Biotechnology Conference, San Francisco (10/27); Rhone-Poulenc’s 14 th Scientific Sessions, Frontiers in Chemistry and Biology, Paris (11/19); International Symposium on Bioorganic Chemistry, University of Chicago (11/22)
1992: Symposium on Enzymes in organic synthesis, IUPAC meeting in New Delhi, India (1/6); NATO Meeting on Microbial Reagents in Organic Synthesis (3/23); Symposium on Enzymes in organic chemistry: Synthetic and mechanistic aspects, The Organic Chemistry Division, The Royal Netherlands Chemical Society (4/9); Monsanto lecturer, Purdue University (5/4); International Workshop on New Aspects of Biocatalysis, Kyoto University (6/12); 4 th International SCBA Symposium, Singapore (6/14); IUPAC International Carbohydrate Symposium, Paris (7/5–7/10); Syntex lecturer, Colorado State University (11/19–11/20); Symposium on the Preparation of Enantiomerically Pure Compounds, Societe Royale de Chimie, Belgium (10/22–10/23); International Symposium on Gangliosides, Tokyo (11/5)
1993: Merck-Frosst lecturer, University of Victoria (1/21); International Symposium on Bioorganic Chemistry, Interlaken, Switzerland (3/31–4/2); the 28 th ESF/EUCHEM Conference on Stereochemistry-Burgenstock (5/2–5/8); Harvard University Mini-Symposium in Organic Chemistry (5/17); Complex Carbohydrate for Drug Research, Denmark (6/6–6/10); Carbohydrate Gordon Research Conference (7/5–7/8); Chiron lecturer, UC-Berkeley (9/7)
1994: Bristol-Myers Squibb Distinguished Lecturer, Syracuse University, New York (4/5); Sino-American Symposium on Asymmetric Synthesis, Taiwan (4/8); New Perspective in drug design, Thurnberry, Scotland (4/11); CHI’s Glycotechnology Conference, San Diego (5/16);  Organizer and Plenary Lecturer, Table Ronde on Biomolecular Recognition and Catalysis, Paris (7/8–7/9); International Carbohydrate Award lecturer, International Carbohydrate Symposium, Ottawa (7/18); IASOC Conference, Ischia, Italy (9/25); W. S. Johnson Symposium in Organic Chemistry, Stanford University (10/7); 6 th Annual Glaxo-UNC Frontiers in Chemistry and Medicine Symposium (11/7)
1995: International Symposium on Protein Structure and Function, U. Exeter, UK (4/19); Contemporary Challenges in Carbohydrate Chemistry, 1995 UM/PD Symposium, Ann Arbor (4/28); Merck lecturer, University of Cambridge, England (5/10); Tetrahedron Symposium, Kyoto (5/26); The 10 th Nozaki Conference, Nagoya (6/15); International Heterocycle Chemistry, Taipei (8/7); Nobel Symposium on Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis, Stockholm (9/3); The 7 th International Symposium on Chiral Discrimination (ISCD), Jerusalem (11/12)
1996: Swiss Chemical Society (5/23); IUPAC Conference on Organic Synthesis, Amsterdam (6/30); Keynote speaker, the 4 th International Symposium for Chinese Organic Chemists, Hong Kong (4/5); Wyeth-Ayerst lecturer, Columbia University (4/19); Keynote speaker, the Royal Society of Chemistry Annual Meeting, Perthshire, Scotland (9/12); ACS Princeton Organic Chemistry Symposium (9/27)
1997: Israel Chemical Society (2/3); Distinguished Visiting Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Florida (2/12); the Royal Society of Chemistry Carbohydrate Division (3/24); ACS William Johnson Symposium (4/14); Keynote lecturer, 2 nd Carbohydrate Bioengineering, La Rochelle, France (4/15); C. H. Li Memorial lecturer, Academia Sinica, Taipei (5/2); 9 th European Carbohydrate Symposium (6/11); 35 th ACS National Organic Chemistry Symposium (6/22); Sponsored lecturer, 6 th International Symposium on the synthesis and application of isotopes and isotopically labeled compounds, Philadelphia (9/14); Frontier in Chemical Research Program, Texas A&M University (10/13)
1998: Allelix lecturer, Department of Chemistry, University of Toronto, (5/7); 26 th National Medicinal Chemistry Symposium, Richmond, Virginia, (6/15); 20 th Japanese Carbohydrate Symposium (7/15); ACS Symposium on Asymmetric synthesis of Fluoroorganic Compounds, Boston (8/23); Tetrahedron Prize Symposium, Boston (8/26); The 17 th International Symposium on the Life Sciences, Kyoto (11/4)
1999: Paul Gassman lecturer, Department of Chemistry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (6/1); The 37 th IUPAC Congress, Berlin (8/14); The 1999 Naff Symposium on Carbohydrates and Cell Recognition (4/16); Enzyme Engineering XV (10/10). Frontiers in Bioorganic Chemistry 2000, Taipei (10/29)
2000: The Knud Lind Larsen Symposium on Chirality, Danish Academy of Technical Sciences (1/27); The Eighth International Kyoto Conference on New Aspects of Organic Chemistry (IKCOC-8), Kyoto (7/11); the Gordon Conference on Green Chemistry, Connecticut (7/18); International Carbohydrate Conference, Hamburg (8/22); The Novartis lecturer, Budapest (10/22); International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu (12/18)
2001: the Royal Society of Chemistry Carbohydrate Group, Dublin, Ireland (4/4); the International Conference on Green Chemistry, Wales Swansea, UK (4/6); Gordon Research Conference on Bioorganic Chemistry, New Hampshire (6/17); Enzyme Engineering XVI Conference, Potsdam, Germany (10/7); Robert A. Welch Foundation Conference on Chemistry for the 21 st Century, Houston (10/29); Merck lecturer, Wayne State University (11/4)
2002: International Conference on Industrial Applications of Biocatalysis, San Diego (3/21); Health Care Ventures Scientific Advisory Board Retreat, Palm Beach (4/10); First ICI Conference on Contemporary Asymmetric Catalysis (9/12); The Merck lecturer, University of Cambridge, UK (9/22). IUPAC Conference on Natural Products, Florence, Italy (7/29)
2003: Treat B. Johnson Lecture, Yale University (2/19); International Bioinspiring Conference, Haifa, Israel (12/8); International Enzyme Engineering Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico (11/9)
2004: 3 rd International Proteomics Conference, Taipei, Taiwan (5/17); Ralph and Helen Oesper Symposium, University of Cincinnati (10/15); The 4 th Tateshima Conference in Organic Chemistry, Tokyo, Japan (11/12); Yousei University lectureship, Seoul, Korea (11/16); International Symposium on Current Therapeutics Development for Infectious Diseases, Taipei, Taiwan (12/16)
2005: Keynote lecturer, 3 rd Annual Conference on Glycomics–Carbohydrates in Drug Development, San Diego (3/21); American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMS), San Diego (4/2); Wyeth Ayerst lecturer, University of Pennsylvania (4/12); Arnold O. Beckman lecturer, California Institute of Technology (5/18); Commissariat a L’energie Atomique u Centre de Sacly, Paris, France (6/27); Tetrahedron Symposium, Bordeaux, France (6/28); Tetrahedron Prize Symposium, 2005 American Chemical Society Meeting, Washington D.C. (8/29); Royal Society of Chemistry-Fluroine Group, Oxford, UK (9/1–9/2); Harry Day lecturer, Indiana University (9/14)
2006: Smets Chair Award, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (3/13-3/14); Keynote speaker, CHI’s 4 th Annual Glycomics and Carbohydrates in Drug Development, San Diego (3/23–3/24); Keynote lecturer, CACS 25 th Anniversary Symposium, Atlanta (3/27);  Trends in Organic Chemistry: Enzymatic Synthesis, Stockholm (9/4); Keynote speaker, Joint third AOHUPO and Fourth International Structural Biology and Functional Genomics Conference, Singapore (12/4-12/7)
2007: Novartis Lecturer, Columbia University (1/29); Claude S. Hudson Award Symposium, 233 th ACS National Meeting, Chicago (3/25); Organic Chemistry—Present & Future, International Symposium Organized in Honor of Prof. Léon Ghosez, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (4/10-4/13); 24 th Herbert C. Brown Lecture, Purdue University (4/19); Gordon Research Conferences—Carbohydrates, Tilton School, New Hampshire (6/17); Tetrahedron Symposium, Berlin (6/28); International Symposium on Molecular Immunology of Complex Carbohydrates, Academia Sinica, Taipei (7/9); Eli Lilly Lecture, Yale University (9/19); The 4 th Takeda Science Foundation Symposium on Pharma Sciences, Tokyo (12/3)
2008: The 10th CRSI (Chemical Research Society of India) National Symposium—Honorary Fellow Award & Lecture, Bangalore, India (2/1~2/3); Monte Jade Annual Conference—Dinner Keynote Speech, Santa Clara Convention Center, CA (3/8); The 4 th Symposium: Innovation COE Program for Future Drug Discovery and Medical Care, Hokkaido University, Japan (3/14); Cotton Medal Symposium, Texas A & M University (3/24~3/26); Joint 7 th Human Genome Organization-Pacific Meeting and the 8 th Asia Pacific Conference on Human Genetics, Cebu, the Philippines (4/2~4/5); ASBMB Meeting, San Diego (4/5~4/9); International Congress on Bioactive Molecules and the 3 rd International Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Oujda, Morocco (5/28~5/29); IUPAC ICOS-17, the 17 th IUPAC International Conference on Organic Synthesis, Daejeon, Korea (6/24~6/26); Tetrahedron Symposium, Berkeley, California (7/22~7/26); Howard Lectures, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia (8/6~8/8); Tetrahedron Prize Symposium and the 236 th ACS Meeting, Philadelphia (8/17~8/22); NRC-NSC Eminent Researchers Program (9/2~9/6); EMBL Conference on Chemical Biology 2008, Heidelberg, Germany (10/8~10/11); 50th Anniversary of Microbial Chemistry Research Foundation, Tokyo (10/30); ISOR-2008, International Symposium on Organic Reactions, Taiwan (11/23)
2009: Harvard Business School Asia Business Conference, Boston (2/14~2/15); Scripps Scientific Governors Inaugural Symposium, Florida (2/26~2/27); The 237 th ACS Meeting and Claude Hudson Award in Carbohydrate Chemistry Symposium, Salt Lake City (3/22~3/26); SAPA-Monte Jade Annual Conference, New England and 11th SAPA-NE (Sino-American Pharmaceutical Professionals Association) Annual Conference, Philadelphia, (5/16); TAITA 2009 Annual Conference, San Francisco (5/23); Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany (5/26~5/27); Final Symposium of the SFB 470: From Glycobiology to Glycochemistry, University of Hamburg (5/28~5/29); The 238th ACS Meeting, Washington D.C. (8/16~8/20); 11th Conference on Chitin and Chitosan, Taiwan (9/7); The 1st Hokkaido University-Academia Sinica Joint Symposium and The 7th Symposium for Future Drug Discovery and Medical Care, Hokkaido, Japan (10/7~10/8); The 3 rd International Symposium on Bio-Inspired Engineering, Taiwan (10/21~10/23), Peiking University (10/22~10/26); City University of Hong Kong and Chinese University of Hong Kong (11/9~11/11)
2010: 7th International Symposium for Chinese Medicinal Chemists (ISCMC-2010), Kaohsiung, Taiwan (2/1~2/5); XII International Symposium on Respiratory Viral Infections, Taipei (3/11~3/14); Conference of Presidents of Academies and Scholarly Societies: in celebration of the 50 th anniversary of The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Israel (3/14~3/20); EMBL Conference, Hamburg (5/5~5/7); The 21st Banyu Life Science International Sendai Symposium, Sendai, Japan (6/5); Konstanz Symposium Chemical Biology, Konstanz, Germany (6/16~6/18); Humboldt University, Germany (6/24); The Inaugural (1st) International Conference on Molecular and Functional Catalysis, Singapore (7/11~7/15); 25th International Carbohydrate Symposium(ICS 2010), Tokyo, Japan (8/1~8/6); the 240th ACS National Meeting, Boston (8/22~8/26); Taiwan Swiss Biomedical Symposium, Taiwan (8/31~9/2); Univ. of Notre Dame Reilly Lectureship (9/13~9/15); UCSD/Taiwan Symposium on Frontiers in Biosciences, San Diego (9/16~9/17); 11th Int'l Symposium for Chinese Organic Chemists, Taiwan (10/24~10/26); RIKEN Chemical Biology Symposium (10/26~10/28); UC Berkeley Green Chemistry Seminar (12/6)
2011: The 76th ICS (Israel Chemical Society) Meeting, Israel (2/9~2/10); Frontiers in Biomedical Research Symposium, Palm Spring (2/20~2/23); Infectious Disease Research Institute, Seattle (3/1); 2011 R. Bryan Miller Symposium, University of California at Davis (3/3~3/4); The 241 st ACS Meeting and the Claude S. Hudson Award Symposium, Anaheim (3/27~3/31); University of Namur, Belgium (4/8); European Young Investigator Workshop on Carbohydrate Chemistry: From Synthesis to Applications, Lyon, France (4/11~4/15); The 9th Carbohydrate Bioengineering Meeting (CBM9), Lisbon, Portugal (5/15~5/18); 2011 Keystone Symposium on Pathogenesis of Influenza: Virus-Host Interactions, Hong Kong (5/23~5/28); The 21st International Symposium on Glycoconjugates, Vienna, Austria (8/21-8/26); The 31st Naito Conference on Glycan Expression and Regulation, Sapporo, Japan (9/13~9/16); International Symposium on Cancer Translational Research, Taipei (11/19~11/20); The 8th AFMC International Medicinal Chemistry Symposium, Tokyo, Japan (11/29~12/2)
2012: The 243 rd ACS Meeting, San Diego (3/25~3/29); The 244 th ACS Meeting, Philadelphia (8/19~8/23); Taiwan-UK Conference on Life Sciences, Oxford, England (9/1~9/2); Sialoglyco 2012 International Symposium, Taipei (9/9); 13th FAOBMB Congress, Bangkok (11/25~11/26)
2013: 7th Glycan Forum, Berlin, Germany (3/20~3/22); 2013 Boston Taiwanese Biotechnology Symposium, Boston, USA (6/15); The 17th European Carbohydrate Symposium (EuroCarb 17), Tel Aviv, Israel (7/7~7/11); The Solvay Conference, Brussels, Belgium (10/16~10/19); 4th Asian-Oceanian Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry (AOC-4 GSC), Taipei, Taiwan (11/4); From Molecules to Medicine, the first Israel – Taiwan Life Science Conference, Taipei, Taiwan (12/9~12/11)
2014: 27th International Carbohydrate Symposium, Bangalore, India (1/12~1/17); 7th General Assembly and International Conference of Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention, Taipei (3/21); Sialoglyco 2014 Meeting, Australia (9/7~9/10); 15th IUBMB-24th FAOBMB-TSBMB International Conference, Taipei (10/21~10/26); 2014 Joint Meeting of Society for Glycobiology and Japanese Society of Carbohydrate Research, Honolulu, Hawaii (11/16~11/19)
2015: The 249 th ACS Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA (3/22~3/26); SCBA Symposium, Taipei , Taiwan (6/26~6/29); The 250 th ACS Meeting, Boston, USA (8/16~8/20); Glyco23 Congress, Croatia (9/15~9/20); 2nd Shanghai Tech-SIAIS Bioforum, Shanghai (11/10~11/12); ASCB  (American Society for Cell Biology) Annual Meeting ,San Diego (12/12)
2016: The Einstein Lecturer, Israel Academy of Sciences (3/14); The 251 st ACS Meeting, San Diego (3/16~3/17); The 251 st ACS Meeting, San Diego, USA (3/16~3/17); AAI (American Association of Immunologists) Satellite Meeting, Seattle (5/14); ASCO Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA (6/3~6/7);  23rd Pacific Science Congress, Taipei, Taiwan (6/13~6/17). ACBC (4th Asian Chemical Biology Conference), Kaohsiung, Taiwan (11/28). Special IUBMB Meeting: Frontiers in Glycoscience: Host-Pathogen Interactions (12/12)
2017: Academia Sinica-Osaka Bilateral Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan (10/12). EMBO Event, Taipei, Taiwan (11/20); IUBMB Special Meeting on “Frontiers in Glycoscience: Oncology”, Taipei, Taiwan (12/4)
2018: Bowei Science Conference (BSC): From Chemistry to Material Design, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan (1/5~1/7). Israel-Taiwan Life Science Conference, Taipei, Taiwan (11/14~11/15). 10th ACGG Conference, Tainan, Taiwan (11/18~11/21)
2019: 2019 Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Carbohydrates (6/23~6/28), Hong Kong
2020: Asia-Pacific Federation of Pharmacology (APFP) Meeting (5/3~5/6) (Canceled). PacifiChem, Hawaii (Dec 15-20) (Cancelled).
2021: Carbohydrates Gordon Research Conference (6/20-6/25), New Hampshire, USA; International Glycoconjugate Symposium, Taipei (Aug 29-Sept 3) (Canceled). The 14th Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Federation of Pharmacologists (APFP) (11/26-11/29). Andrew University (Sept 23). Stanford University, Chemistry (Oct 6). Welch Chemical Conference (Oct 26).
2022: ACS National Meeting, San Diego (March 22); 30th International Carbohydrate Symposium, Brazil (July 12).
2023 ACS National Meeting, Indianapolis, USA (March 28); International Glycoconjugate Conference, Taipei (August 27). Tetrahedron Symposium, Gothenburg, Sweden (June 27-30); The Federation of Asian Chemical Societies Foundation Lecture, Istanbul, Turkey (July 9-14); ACS National Meeting, San Francisco (August 13-17).

Principal areas of research interest

Chemical Biology and Synthetic Chemistry: development of new tools and methods for understanding the role of glycosylation in biology and disease progression; chemo-enzymatic synthesis of complex carbohydrates and glycoproteins; design of small-molecule probes for the study of carbohydrate-mediated biological recognition; programmable one-pot oligosaccharide synthesis and glycan microarray development; vaccine design and drug discovery against infectious diseases and cancers. H-index 154. 

Published Papers  (PubMed)

Click to view Dr. Wong's CV


C.-H. Wong and G. M. Whitesides, “Enzymes in Synthetic Organic Chemistry,” Pergamon Press, 1994.

Famulok, E.-L. Winnacker, C.-H. Wong, “Combinatorial Chemistry in Biology,” Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1999.

Cornils, W. A. Herrmann, R. Schlögl, C.-H. Wong, “Catalysis from A to Z–A Concise Encyclopedia,” Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 1999.

C.-H Wong: “Carbohydrate-based Drug Discovery” Vols. I & II, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 2003.

C.-H. Wong and P. G. Wang, eds. “Carbohydrates, Nucleosides and Nucleic Acids.”  Comprehensive Natural Products II: Chemistry and Biology (“CONAP II”), Vol. 6, 10 vols. Elsevier, Missouri, USA, 2009.

N. Taniguchi, T. Endo, G. W. Hart, P. H. Seeberger,  C.-H. Wong, eds. “Glycoscience: Biology and Medicine”, Springer Japan, 2014.

Book Chapters

  1. K.-T. Wang, C.-H. Wong, “Total synthesis of cobra cardiotoxin,” in  Proceeding of the Fifth American Peptide Symposium, M. Goodman, J. Meienhofer, eds., Wiley, New York, pp 528–531 (1977).
  2. G. M. Whitesides, C.-H. Wong, A. Pollak, “Asymmetric synthesis using cofactor-requiring enzymes,” in  Asymmetric Reactions and Processes in Chemistry, E. L. Eliel and S. Otsuka, eds., ACS Symposium Series, the American Chemical Society, 185, 205–218 (1982).
  3. C.-H. Wong, “Aldolases as catalysts in organic synthesis,” in  Enzymes as Catalysts in Organic Synthesis (Schneider, M. P ed.), D. Reidel Publishing Co., 1986, pp 199–216.
  4. C.-H. Wong, “Nicotinamide cofactor-requiring enzymatic synthesis in organic solvent-water biphasic systems,”  Biocatalysis in Organic Media (C. Laane, ed.), Wageningen, The Netherlands, 1986, pp 197–208.
  5. C.-H. Wong, D. G. Drueckhammer, H. M. Sweers, “Chemoenzymatic synthesis of fluorosugars,”  ACS Symposium Series on Fluorocarbohydrates: Chemistry and Biochemistry (N. F. Tylor, ed.), 1988, pp 29–42.
  6. C.-H. Wong, “Enzyme-catalyzed synthesis of carbohydrates,” in  Trends in Synthetic Carbohydrate Chemistry, ACS Symposium Series 386 (Horton, D.; Hawkins, L. D.; McGarvey, G. J.; eds.), American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C. 1989, pp 317–335.
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  38. C.-Y. Wu, C.-H. Wong “Automation in glycan synthesis” in  Glycoscience: Biology and Medicine, (N.  Taniguchi, T.  Endo, G. W.  Hart ,   P. H.  Seeberger, C.-H.  Wong, eds.), Springer Japan, 2014, pp. 345-351.
  39. T.-I. Tsai, C.-Y. Wu, C.-H. Wong “Large-scale enzymatic synthesis of glycans with cofactor regeneration” in   Glycoscience: Biology and Medicine, (N.  Taniguchi, T.  Endo, G. W.  Hart ,   P. H.  Seeberger, C.-H.  Wong, eds.), Springer Japan, 2014, pp. 409-417.
  40. C.-H. Wong “Chemo-enzymatic synthesis of glycans: overview” in  Glycoscience: Biology and Medicine, (N.  Taniguchi, T.  Endo, G. W.  Hart ,   P. H.  Seeberger, C.-H.  Wong, eds.), Springer Japan, 2014, pp. 293-294.
  41. C.-H. Wong “Homogeneous glycoproteins: overview” in  Glycoscience: Biology and Medicine, (N.  Taniguchi, T.  Endo, G. W.  Hart ,   P. H.  Seeberger, C.-H.  Wong, eds.), Springer Japan, 2014, pp. 959-962.
  42. C.-H. Wong “Molecular probes for glycosylation: overview” in  Glycoscience: Biology and Medicine, (N.  Taniguchi, T.  Endo, G. W.  Hart ,   P. H.  Seeberger, C.-H.  Wong, eds.), Springer Japan, 2014, pp. 455-457.
  43. C.-H. Wong and Naoyuki Taniguchi “Current status and new challenges in glycoscience: overview” in  Glycoscience: Biology and Medicine, (N.  Taniguchi, T.  Endo, G. W.  Hart ,   P. H.  Seeberger, C.-H.  Wong, eds.), Springer Japan, 2014, pp. 11-14.


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  66. C.-H. Wong, R. Xu, S. R. Hanson, Z. Zhang, Y.-Y. Yang, P. G. Schultz “Site-specific incorporation of mucin-type N-acetylgalactosamine a-O-threonine into protein in E. Coli” US Patent No. 7378263 (2008).
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  73. K.-F. Hua, H.-Y. Hsu, C.-H. Wong “Methods and compositions associated with administration of an extract of Ganoderma lucidum” US Patent No. 7,687,064 (2009).
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  75. T.-R. Tu, C.-F. Li, S.-H. Su, C.-H. Wong, E. Fan “Compositions and methods for treating allergies, auto-immune diseases, and improving skin condition by Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi) polysaccharides” US Patent No. 7,785,600 (2010).
  76. C.-H. Wong, S.-L. Hsieh, T.-L. Hsu, S.-C. Cheng, S.-T. Chen “Methods and reagents for the analysis and purification of polysaccharides” US Patent No. 7998482 (2011), US Patent No. 7,943,134 (2011), Taiwan Patent No. I333959 (2010).
  77. C.-H. Wong, C.-Y. Wu “Methods for modifying human antibodies by glycan engineering” US Patent No. 10,087,236 (2018), US Patent Application No. 16/150,190 (2018), US Patent Application No. 16/150,164 (2018).
  78. C.-H. Wong, C.-Y. Wu “Alpha-selective sialyl phosphate donors for preparation of sialosides and sialoside arrays for influenza virus” European Patent No. 2411528 (2015), US Patent No. 8,507,660 (2013).
  79. C.-H. Wong, C. Ma, C.-C. Wang, J.-R. Chen “Methods and compositions for immunization against virus” US Patent No. 10307475B2 (2019), US Patent No. 8,741,311 (2014), Australian Patent No. 2016203431 (2018), Chinese Patent No. ZL201080022917.1 (2017), Korean Patent No. 10-1793195 (2017), Israel Patent No. 215430 (2017), Chile Patent No. 55277 (2017), Australian Patent No. 2010229675 (2016), Colombia Patent No. 30288 (2016), Taiwan Patent No. I510247 (2015), Mexican Patent No. 327466 (2015), US Patent Application No. 16/431,099 (2019), Korean Patent Application No. 10-2017-7031207 (2010), Israel Patent Application No. 248607 (2010), PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US10/28968 (2010), European Patent No. EP 2411049 (2020), Canadian Patent Application No. CA 2,756,206 (2010), Brazil Patent Application No. BR PI10126350 (2010), Chinese Patent No. ZL201710696137.9 (2022), Hong Kong Patent Application No. 18106115.7 (2018).
  80. S.-M. Liang, Y.-P. Chen, W.-B. Yang, C.-H. Wong “Reishi F3 sub fraction polysaccharides and methods of using same” US Patent No. 8,071,105 (2011).
  81. C.-H. Wong, E. Fan, H.-Y. Hsu, T.-R. Tu, W.-C. Lin, C.-F. Li, S.-T. Weng, W.-T. Wang “Reishi polysaccharide-based compositions and methods for treatment of cancer” Taiwan Patent No. I606835 (2017), PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US2011/033831 (2011).
  82. C.-H. Wong, C. A. Ma, Y.-C. Tseng “Methods for producing virus particles with simplified glycosylation of surface proteins” US Patent No. 9,920,347 (2018), US Patent No. 9,403,878 B2 (2016), Australian Patent No. 2016204276 (2018), Australian Patent No. 2011323141 (2016), Korean Patent No. 10-1927421 (2018), Japanese Patent No. 6166178 (2017), Russian Patent No. 2607452 (2017), Mexican Patent No. 349530 (2017), Taiwan Patent No. I537385 (2016), Colombian Patent No. 30832 (2016), Chinese Patent Application No. 201711437066.7 (2017), Mexican Patent No. 394274 (2022), Japanese Patent No. 6773513 (2020), Korean Patent No. 10-2156209 (2020), PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US 2011/59449 (2011), Israel Patent No. 226143 (2020), EP Patent No. 2635693 (2020), Chinese Patent Application No. 201180063980.4 (2011), Chile Patent No. 59812 (2020), Canadian Patent No. 2854619 (2022), Brazil Patent No. BR1120130111984 (2022), Brazil Patent Application No. BR1220210248257 (2021), Canadian Patent Application No. 3147075 (2022).
  83. C.-H. Wong, C.-Y. Wu, C.-H. Liang, A.-S. Yang “Glycan arrays for high throughput screening of viruses” US Patent No. 10,338,069 (2019), US Patent Application No. 16/458,986 (2019), PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US2011/32192 (2011).
  84. C.-H. Wong, J.-M. Fang, J.-J. Shie, Y.-S. Cheng “Zanamivir phosphonate congeners with anti-influenza activity and determining oseltamivir susceptibility of influenza viruses” US Patent No. 9,874,562 B2 (2018), US Patent No. 9,403,855 (2016), Korean Patent No. 101915647 (2018), Chinese Patent No. ZL 201510157505.3 (2018), European Patent No. 2975409 (2018), Australian Patent No. 2011250970 (2017), Korean Patent No. 10-1745386 (2017), Japanese Patent No. 5947289 (2016), Chinese Patent No. ZL 201180034218.3 (2016), European Patent No. 2568976 (2015), Canadian Patent No. 2,835,489 (2018), PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US2011/35982 (2011).
  85. C.-H. Wong, Y.-T. Wu “Compounds and methods for treating tuberculosis infection” US Patent No. 9,073,941 (2015).
  86. C.-H. Wong, T.-L. Hsu, S. Hanson, Masaaki Sawa “Alkynyl sugar analogs for the labeling and visualization of glycoconjugates in cells” US Patent No. 10,317,393 (2019), US Patent No. 7,960,139 (2011), US Patent No. 9,816,981 (2017).
  87. C.-H. Wong, T.-L. Hsu, S. Hanson “Tailored glycoproteomic methods for the sequencing, mapping and identification of cellular glycoproteins” US Patent No. 7,943,330 (2011).
  88. P.-H. Liang, Y.-L. Lin, C.-H. Wong “Novel five-membered iminocyclitol derivatives as selective and potent glycosidase inhibitors: new structures for antivirals and osteoarthritis therapeutics” US Patent No. 8,273,788 (2012), US Patent No. 7,919,521 (2011).
  89. C.-H. Wong, T.-L. Hsu, S. Hanson, M. Sawa “Glycoproteomic probes for fluorescent imaging of fucosylated glycans in vivo” US Patent No. 8,329,413 (2012), US Patent No. 7,910,319 (2011).
  90. D. Ho, Y. Hung, M.-W. Chen, R. T. J. Cheng, C.-H. Wong, A. Yu “Flu vaccines and methods of use thereof” Taiwan Patent No. I403518 (2013), US Patent No. 7,981,428 (2011), US Patent No. 8,030,029 (2011).
  91. S.-L. Hsieh, C.-H. Wong, T.-L. Hsu, S.-T. Chen “Compositions and methods for identifying response targets and treating flavivirus infection responses” Chinese Patent No. ZL200880129343.0 (2014), Taiwan Patent No. I403586 (2013), US Patent No. 8460669 (2013), US Patent No. 7943134 (2011).
  92. C.-H. Wong, Y.-S. Cheng, H.-M. Yu, T.-J. Cheng, C.-Y. Wu, J.-M. Fang “Compositions and methods for treating inflammation and inflammation-related disorders by Plectranthus amboinicus extract” US Patent No. 8,105,636 (2012).
  93. C.-H. Wong, Alice L. Yu , W.-B. Yang, E. Fan, H.-Y. Hsu, P. Lee T.-R. Tu, C.-C. Hung “Hirsutella sinensis mycelia compositions and methods for treating sepsis and related inflammatory responses” US Patent No. 8,486,914 (2013).
  94. C.-H. Wong, P.-H. Liang “Quantitative microarray of intact glycolipid CD1d interaction and correlation with cell-based cytokine production” US Patent No. 8,383,554 (2013).
  95. C.-H. Wong, J.-M. Fang, W.-B. Yang, T.-J. R. Cheng, Y. S.-Y. Hsieh, C. Chien, C.-C. Lin, H.-Y. Wen “Structure and bioactivity of the polysaccharides in medicinal plant Dendrobium huoshanense” Taiwan Patent No. I488636 (2015), US Patent No. 8,354,127 (2013).
  96. Yu, J. Yu, K.-I. Lin, W.-B. Yang, C.-H. Wong “Fungal immunostimulatory compositions” US Patent No. US 8,906,380 B2 (2014), Taiwan Patent No. I386220 (2013).
  97. C.-H. Wong, J.-M. Fang, Y.-S. E. Cheng, C.-S. Tsai “Cell-permeable probes for identification and imaging of sialidases” US Patent No. 10,214,765 (2019), US Patent No. 9,914,956 B2 (2018), EP Patent No. EP 2885311 (2020), Japanese Patent No. 6302909 (2018), PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US2013/55472 (2013).
  98. C.-H. Wong, J.-M. Fang, J.-J. Shie “Benzocyclooctyne compounds and uses thereof” US Patent No. 9,547,009 (2017), Japanese Patent No. 6211084 (2017), PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US2013/56018 (2013), EP Patent Application No. 13830785.5 (2013).
  99. C.-H. Wong, J.-M. Fang, K.-C. Liu, J.-T. Jan, T.-J. R. Cheng, Y.-S. E. Cheng “Enhanced anti-influenza agents conjugated with anti-inflammatory activity” Israel Patent No. 235117 (2019), US Patent No. 9,914,956 (2018), Chinese Patent No. ZL201380030579.X (2018), Australian Patent No. 2013245756 (2018), Japanese Patent No. 6174117 (2017), PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US2013/36308 (2013), Mexican Patent No. 369397 (2019), Korean Patent No. KR 10-2195657 5 (2020), EP Patent No. EP 2841066 (2021), Canadian Patent Application No. 2,870,335 (2013), Japanese Patent Application No. 2021-122971 (2021).
  100. C.-H. Wong, T.-I. Tsai, C.-Y. Wu “Large scale enzymatic synthesis of oligosaccharides” Australian Patent No. 2018200094 (2019), Japanese Patent No. 6462756 (2019), Hong Kong Patent No. 1207668 (2019), Canadian Patent No. 2882294 (2019), Chinese Patent No. ZL 201380044460.8 (2018), Australian Patent No. 2016206315 (2018), Australian Patent No. 2013305937 (2016), Japanese Patent No. 6125637 (2017), Taiwan Patent No. I573876 (2017), Taiwan Patent No. I567200 (2017), Taiwan Patent No. I563092 (2016), Taiwan Patent No. I563091 (2016), Taiwan Patent No. I510627 (2015), US Patent No. 9,340,812 (2016), Korean Patent No. 10-1685628 (2016), Australian Patent No. 2019203313 (2020), Hong Kong Patent No. HK 1254775 (2022), Hong Kong Patent No. 1254776 (2022) , Hong Kong Patent No. 1254774 (2022), Hong Kong Patent No. 1254773 (2021) , Hong Kong Patent No. 1254772 (2021) , Chinese Patent No. ZL201810425413.2 (2022), Chinese Patent No. ZL201810425113.4 (2022), Chinese Patent No. ZL201810425064.4 (2021), Chinese Patent No. ZL201810424957.7 (2021), Chinese Patent No. ZL201810425034.3 (2021) , Japanese Patent No. 6647382 (2020), PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US2013/55731(2013), Indian Patent Application No. 365/DELNP/2015 (2013), EP Patent Application No. EP 13 830306.0 (2013), Japanese Patent No. 6925658 (2021), Canadian Patent No. 3052909 (2019), Canadian Patent Application No. 3129035 (2021) , Japanese Patent Application No. 2021-122971 (2021).
  101. C.-H. Wong, T.-J. Cheng, C. Ma, W.-C. Cheng “Antibiotic compositions and related screening methods” US Patent No. 8,916,540 B2 (2014).
  102. C.-H. Wong, P.-H. Liang “Quantitative analysis of carbohydrate-protein interactions using glycan microarrays: determination of surface and solution dissociation constants” US Patent No. 8,906,832 B2 (2014).
  103. F. H. Arnold, C.-H. Wong, Y. Mitsuda, M. M. Yu Chen, C. Bennett, W. Greenberg, J. C. Lewis, S. Bastian, “Methods and compositions for preparation of selectively protected carbohydrates” US Patent No. 8,802,401 (2014).
  104. C.-H. Wong, C.-Y. Wu, C.-H. Wang, S.-T. Li “Glycan conjugates and use thereof” US Patent No. 9981030 (2018), EP Patent No. EP 3013347 (2019), PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US2014/044740 (2014).
  105. C.-H. Wong, C.-Y. Wu, H.-Y. Chuang, C.-T. Ren “RM2 antigens and use thereof” EP Patent No. 3013365 (2019), US Patent No. 10,086,054 B2 (2018), PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US2014/044465 (2014).
  106. C.-H. Wong, C.-Y. Wu, H.-Y. Hsu, S.-F. Liao, C.-H. Liang “Antibody-mediated anti-tumor activity induced by Reishi mushroom polysaccharides” Taiwan Patent No. I599370 (2017), PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US2014/48325 (2014), US Patent No. 10,307,470 (2019).
  107. C.-H. Wong, A. Yu, K.-H. Lin, T.-N. Wu “Human iNKT cell activation using glycolipids with altered glycosyl groups” Japanese Patent No. 6486368 (2019), Israel Patent No. 244326 (2019), US Patent No. 10,111,951 B2 (2018), US Patent No. 9,782,476 B2 (2017), Korean Patent Application No. 10-2016-7008727 (2014), EP Patent No. 3041484 (2021), Chinese Patent No. ZL201480049320.4 (2021), Canadian Patent Application No. 2923579 (2014), PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US14/054617 (2014), Australian Patent No. 2014317889 (2020), US Patent No. 10,918,714 (2021).
  108. C.-H. Wong, Y.-W. Lou, C.-W. Lin, S.-C. Yeh, T.-L. Hsu, C.-Y. Wu, Han-Chung Wu, “Compositions and methods for treatment and detection of cancers” US Patent No. 9,982,041 (2018), US Patent No. 9,975,965 B2 (2018), US Patent No. 10,150,818 (2018), PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US2016/015856 (2016), PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US15/11748 (2015), PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US15/040,199 (2015), Chinese Patent No. ZL 201580004867.7 (2020), Chinese Patent No. ZL 201580073451.0 (2021), EP Patent No. 3094352 (2020), EP Patent No. 3245225 (2021).
  109. C.-H. Wong, J.-M. Fang, J.-J. Shie “Reactive labelling compounds and uses thereof” Japanese Patent No. 6562942 (2019), US Patent No. 10,119,972 B2 (2018), US Patent No. 9,759,726 B2 (2017), Japanese Patent No. 6884177 (2021), PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US2015/022977 (2015), Taiwan Patent No. I687428(2020), Chinese Patent No. ZL 201580016671.X (2020), EP Patent Application No. 15770237.4 (2015), Taiwan Patent Application No. 109107959 (2020).
  110. C.-H. Wong, C.-Y. Wu, Ming-Hung Tsai “Anti-CD20 glycoantibodies and uses thereof” Taiwan Patent No. I670078 (2019), PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US15/32740 (2015), US Patent Application No. 14/723,020 (2015), US Patent Application No. 17/211,619 (2021), Japanese Patent Application No. 2020-116436 (2020), Chinese Patent Application No. 201580027984.5 (2015), Australian Patent Application No. 2015267047 (2015), Australian Patent Application No. 2021200784 (2021), Canadian Patent Application No. 2950415 (2015), Korean Patent Application No. 10-2022-7038033 (2022), Israel Patent No. 249186 (2022).
  111. C.-H. Wong, C.-Y. Wu “Anti-HER2 glycoantibodies and uses thereof” US Patent No.  10,005,847 B2 (2018), PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US2015/32738 (2015), Taiwan Patent No. I679020 (2019), Japanese Patent No. 7062361 (2022), Chinese Patent Application No. 201580027983.0 (2015), EP Patent Application No. 22180212.7 (2022), Australian Patent No. 2015267045 (2021), Canadian Patent Application No. 2950440 (2015), Korean Patent Application No. 10-2016-7036523 (2015), Israel Patent Application No. 249188 (2015), US Patent No. 10,618,973.
  112. C.-H. Wong, C.-Y. Wu “Anti-TNF-alpha glycoantibodies and uses thereof” PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US2015/32737 (2015), US PatentNo. US 11,332,523 B2 (2022), Taiwan Patent No. I732738 (2021), Japanese Patent No. 7063538 (2022),, Canadian Patent Application No. 2950433 (2015), Korean Patent Application No. 10-2016-7036499 (2015), Israel Patent No. 249184 (2022).
  113. C.-H. Wong, T.-I. Tsai “Fucosidase from bacteroides and methods using the same” PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US2015/032744 (2015), US Patent No. US 11,319,567 B2 (2022), Taiwan Patent No. I717319 (2021), Japanese Patent No. 7093612 (2022), Chinese Patent Application No.  201580027982.6 (2015), EP Patent No. 3149161 (2021), EP Patent Application No. 21162500.9 (2015), Australian Patent No. 2015267051 (2022), Canadian Patent Application No. 2950577 (2015), Israel Patent No. 249183 (2021), Japanese Patent Application No. 2020-123040 (2020).
  114. C.-H. Wong, C.-Y. Wu, H.-Y. Lee “Novel glycan conjugates and use thereof” Korean Patent No. 10-2003138 (2019), US Patent No. 10155823B2 (2018), Japanese Patent No. 6401380 (2018), Canadian Patent No. 2959030 (2018), Australian Patent No. 2015305332 (2018), New Zealand Patent No. 729243 (2018), Taiwan Patent No. I587871 (2017), Chinese Patent No. ZL 201580045205.4 (2020), EP Patent No. 3183262 (2020), Mexican Patent No. 382791 (2021), Indian Patent No. 337688 (2020), PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US15/46197 (2015).
  115. C.-H. Wong, A. Yu, K.-H. Lin, T.-N. Wu “Human iNKT cell activation using glycolipids” US Patent No. 9,879,042 B2 (2018), US Patent No. 10,533,034 (2020), PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US2015/049014 (2015), Australian Patent No. 2015315294 (2020), Japanese Patent No. 6899321 (20215), Chinese Patent No. ZL 201580048074.5 (2021), EP Patent Application No. 15839183.9 (2015), Canadian Patent Application No. 2960712 (2015), Korean Patent No. 10-2422375 (2022), Israel Patent No. 250957 (2021), Taiwan Patent No. I745275 (2021).
  116. C.-H. Wong, C.-Y. Wu, “Novel glycan conjugates and methods of use thereof” US Patent No. 10,342,858 (2019), Chinese Patent No. ZL 201580074177.9 (2019), PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US2015/46420 (2015), Taiwan Patent No. I736523  (2021), Japanese Patent No. 6779887 (2020) , Australian Patent Application No. 2021200283(2021), Canadian Patent Application No. 2972072 (2015), EP Patent No. 3248005 (2020), Israel Patent No. 253161 (2021), Korean Patent Application No. 10-2017-7023508 (2015), Japanese Patent Application No. 2020-104476 (2020), EP Patent Application No. 20204837.7 (2020).
  117. C.-H. Wong, C.-Y. Wu, C. Ma, “Compositions and methods relating to universal glycoforms for enhanced antibody efficacy” Taiwan Patent No. I654202 (2019), US Patent No. 10,023,892 B2 (2018), US Patent No. 10,118,969 B2 (2018), US Patent Application No. 16/018,400 (2018), PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US2016/015858 (2016), Australian Patent No. 2016211176 (2021), Canadian Patent Application No. 2973886 (2016), Chinese Patent No. ZL 2016 8 0008450.2 (2022), Chinese Patent Application No. ZL 202210185767.0 (2022), EP Patent No. 325059 (2021), Japanese Patent No. 6942633 (2021), Korean Patent Application No. 10-2017-7024323 (2016), Israel Patent Application No. 253497 (2016), Taiwan Patent No. I717333 (2021), Japanese Patent No. 6894239 (2021), Canadian Patent Application No. 2950423 (2015), Korean Patent Application No. 10-2016-7036488 (2015), Israel Patent No. 249195 (2022), PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US2015/032745 (2015), Chinese Patent No. ZL 201580027960.X (2021), EP Patent No. EP3149045(2022), Australian Patent Application No. 2021200644 (2021), Japanese Patent Application No. 2019-231775 (2019), Hong Kong Patent Application No. 42022059580.5(2022) .
  118. C.-H. Wong, C.-Y. Wu, Sarah K.-C. Cheung, P.-K. Chuang, T.-L. Hsu, “Cancer markers and methods of use thereof” PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US2016/014771 (2016), US Patent No. 10,495,645 (2019), EP Patent No. 3248013 (2020), Taiwan Patent No. I710571 (2020), Japanese Patent Application No. 2017-538630 (2016), Japanese Patent Application No. 2021-036533 (2021), Chinese Patent No. ZL 201680006858.6 (2020), Chinese Patent Application No. 202010870629.7 (2020), Australian Patent No. 2016209056 (2021), Canadian Patent Application No. 2972731 (2016), Korean Patent Application No. 10-2017-7023545 (2016), Israel Patent Application No. 253160 (2016), US Patent Application No. 16/698,529 (2019).
  119. C.-H. Wong, T.-J. Cheng, R.-J. Chein, P.-C. Yang, S.-H. Pan, “4, 9-Dioxo-4,9-dihydronaphtho[2,3-b]furan-3-carboxamide derivatives and uses thereof for treating proliferative diseases and infectious diseases” PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US17/19964 (2017), US Patent No. 11,434,229 B2 (2022), US Patent Application No. 17/811,880(2022), Taiwan Patent No. I744288 (2021).
  120. C.-H. Wong, T.-J. Cheng, J.-M. Fang, P.-C. Yang, S.-H. Pan, L.-W. Li, “Purine compounds possessing anticancer activity” PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US2017/016453 (2017), US Patent No. 10,765,681 (2020), Taiwan Patent No. I722106 (2021) Chinese Patent Application No. 201780009107.4 (2017).
  121. C.-H. Wong, C.-Y. Wu, Sachin S Shivatare, “Methods for modular synthesis of N-glycans and arrays thereof” US Patent No. 10,336,784 (2019), PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US2017/021454 (2017), Taiwan Patent Application No. 106107652 (2017), Australian Patent Application No. 2017231749 (2017), Canadian Patent Application No. 3016170 (2017), Chinese Patent Application No. 201780027439.5 (2017), EP Patent Application No. 17764050.5 (2017), Israel Patent Application No. 261517 (2017), Japanese Patent Application No. 2018-547330 (2017), Korean Patent Application No. 10-2018-7028421 (2017).
  122. C.-H. Wong, C.-Y. Wu, “Recombinant virus, composition comprising the same, and uses thereof” PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US17/60510 (2017), US Patent No. US11480391B2 (2022), US Patent Application No. 17/933,832 (2022), Taiwan Patent No. I725253 (2021), Taiwan Patent Application No. 110109141 (2021), Taiwan Patent Application No. 112102644 (2023), EP Patent Application No. 17870305.4 (2017), Japanese Patent No. 6975233 (2021), Korean Patent Application No. 10-2019-7014670 (2017), Korean Patent No. 10-2439864 (2022), Korean Patent Application No. 10-2021-7033540 (2021), Korean Patent Application No. 10-2023-7000149 (2023), Canadian Patent Application No. 3042447 (2017), Israel Patent Application No. 266526 (2017), Israel Patent Application No. 293502 (2022), Indian Patent No. 400182 (2022), Chinese Patent Application No. 201780068958.6 (2017).
  123. C.-H. Wong, C.-Y. Wu, N.-H. Lin, C.-C. Huang, L.-Y. Huang, Sachin S. Shivatare, T. Cheng, L.-T Chen, “Endoglycosidase mutants for glycoprotein remodeling and methods of using it” US Patent No. 10,000,747 (2018), US Patent No. 10,407,673 (2019), PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US2017/048252 (2017), EP Patent Application No. 17844364.4 (2017), Israel Patent Application No. 264873 (2017), Indian Patent Application No. 201927010495 (2017), Korean Patent No. 10-2166120 (2020), Chinese Patent Application No. 201780051835.1 (2017), Canadian Patent Application No. 20173034876 (2017), Australian Patent No. 20170315677 (2021), Taiwan Patent No. I706035 (2020), Japanese Patent Application No. 2019-531870 (2017).
  124. C.-H. Wong, C. Ma, T.-J. Cheng, W.-C. Cheng “Crystal structure of bifunctional transglycosylase pbp1b from E. coli and inhibitors thereof” US Patent No. 9,890,111 B2 (2018).
  125. N.-H. Lin, C.-C. Huang, C.-Y. Chen, K.-C. Chu, C.-H. Wong, H.-C. Wu, “Antibodies, binding fragments, and methods of use” US Patent No. 10,538,592 (2020), EP Patent Application No. 17844307.3 (2017), Israel Patent Application No. 264795 (2017).
  126. H.-J. Lo, C.-H. Wong, “Sialidase-resistant saccharide and method of making and using the same” PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US20/14608 (2020), Taiwan Patent No. I749504 (2021), Canadian Patent Application No. 3131096 (2020), Israel Patent Application No. 286492 (2020), US Patent Application No. 17/598,064 (2020), Euorpean Patent Application No. 20 783 332.8 (2020), Japanese Patent Application No. 2021-558,537 (2020), Indian Patent Application No. 202147043192 (2020), Korean Patent Application No. 10-2021-7031324 (2020), Chinese Patent Application No. 202080022413.3 (2020), Hong Kong Patent Application No. 62022057194.2 (2022).
  127. C.-H. Wong, H.-Y. Liao, S.-C. Wang, Y.-A. Ko, K.-I. Lin, C. Ma, T.-J. Cheng, “Chimeric influenza vaccines” PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US2021/031406 (2021), Taiwan Patent Application No. 110116591 (2021), Indian Patent Application No. 202227070223(2021), Israel Patent Application No. 298035 (2021), Chinese Patent Application No. 202180033945.1 (2021), Japanese Patent Application No. 2022-567535(2022), US Patent Application No. 17/998,208(2022), European Patent Application No. 21800534.6(2022), Singapore Patent Application No.11202254591W(2022), Australian Patent Application No. 2021268212 (2022).
  128. S.-C. Hung, C.-H. Wong, T.-J. Cheng, “Compounds and methods for treating osteoarthritis” Taiwan Patent Application No. 110106062 (2021), Japanese Patent Application No. 2021-026160 (2021), US Patent No. US 11,332,490 B1 (2022).
  129. S.-C. Hung, C.-H. Wong, V. Gannedi, B. K. Villuri, N. S. Reddy, C.-C. Ku, “One-pot diastereoselective synthesis of Remdesivir” US Patent Application No. 63/089,028 (2020).
  130. S.-C. Hung, C.-H. Wong, J.-T. Jan, T.-J. Cheng, C. Ma, R.-J. Chein, W.-B. Yang, Y.-T. Wu, P.-H. Liang, “Methods for treating SARS-COV-2 infection” US Patent Application No. 63/119,573 (2020).
  131. C. Ma, C.-H. Wong, H.-Y. Huang, “Monoglycosylated spike vaccine for SARS-CoV-2 and its variants of concern” PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US2022/071682 (2022), Taiwan Patent Application No. 111113933 (2022), US Patent Application No. 18/005,573 (2023), Indonesian Patent Application No. P00202300371(2023), Singapore Patent Application No. 11202300199V (2023), European Patent Application No. 22789118.1(2023), Mexican Patent Application No. MX/a/2023/000578 (2023), Australian Patent Application No. 2022257113 (2023).
  132. C.-H. Wong, C.-C. Jiang, S.-C. Hung, C.-H. Hsieh, P.-H. Liang, T.-J. Cheng, H.-I. Yang, “Methods of diagnosing and treating osteoarthritis” Taiwan Patent Application No. 111143067 (2022), PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US2022/49671 (2022).
  133. C.-H. Wong, C. Ma, C.-Y. Wu, “Glycosite-delelted mRNA of SARS-COV-2 spike protein as broad-spectrum vaccine” PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US2022/071679 (2022), Taiwan Patent Application No. 111113932 (2022).
  134. C.-H. Wong, C. Ma, K.-I. Ling, S.-W. Wang, Y.-H. Chang, X. Chen, H. -Y. Huang, “Antibody specific to spike protein of SARS-COV-2 and uses thereof” PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US2022/77481 (2022), Taiwan Patent Application No. 111137397 (2022), US Patent Application No. 17/937,744 (2022).
  135. C.-H. Wong, K.-I. Ling, S.-W. Wang, Y.-H. Chang, “ANTIBODY SPECIFIC TO SPIKE PROTEIN OF SARS-COV-2 AND USES THEREOF” PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US2022/082428 (2022), Taiwan Patent Application No. 111150166 (2022), US Patent Application No. 18/146,873 (2022).



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