of Four TSRI Scientists Contribute to Science Top-Ten
Breakthroughs of Year
The work of four scientists at TSRI was part of research cited
by Science magazine among three of the top-ten breakthroughs
of the year.
Grant Funds Creation of Encyclopedia of the Innate Immune
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
has awarded a multi-year, $24-million grant to a group of
researchers create a comprehensive picture of our ancient,
essential first line of defense against disease.
Featured in Technology Review as Industry Pioneer
TSRI Professor James Paulson has been chosen as a global leader
in the field of glycomics, the study of carbohydrates in the
human body, by Technology Review, The Massachusetts
Institute of Technology's magazine of innovation.
"Binary" Enzyme Demonstrates Darwinian
Evolution at its Simplest
Blasting Antibodies with Lasers Provides
Direct Way of Measuring Their Flexibilities

Five Research Groups Join CIMBio
"I expect tremendous discussions and cross-fertilization of
our work," says Associate Professor Klaus Hahn.