The Friedlander Laboratory
Department of Cell Biology
Retinal Gene Expression Banner

Michael I. Dorrell, Edith Aguilar, Christoph Weber, Martin Friedlander. IOVS
The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA

Microarray Home      Statistical Analyses      Gene Search

Global gene expression analysis during post-natal mouse retina development

Cluster profiling of genes expressed at various stages of post-natal retina development

The gene expression profiles of thousands of genes in the developing post-natal mouse retina were analyzed by hybridization to Affymetrix Mu74 Av2 in triplicate and compared. The 2635 known gene sequences and 2794 ESTs sequences that are expressed at least 3-fold above background levels in at least one of the eight timepoints tested were clustered based on expression profiles and intensities. Overall, known genes with decreasing expression (clusters 4, 7, and 8) have higher probabilities for functions involving proliferation and neuronal differentiation, while genes with increasing expression profiles (cluster 2, 3, and 6) have higher probabilities of vision related functions. Profile clusters with varying changes in expression throughout (clusters 9 and 10) were found to contain a majority of known vascularization-related properties.

"P#" = post-natal day (mouse age in number of days after birth)

Recently a problem was brought to our attention where the cluster 4 link actually was downloading the list from cluster 5. This problem has now been resolved. We apologize for any inconvenience. (2-23-05)

Click on the graph to get a larger version, choose the table link to see the data underlying the graph.

cluster 1 image
Cluster 1 Table (933 KB)
cluster 2 image
Cluster 2 Table (106 KB)
cluster 3 image
Cluster 3 Table (126 KB)
cluster 4 image
Cluster 4 Table (264 KB)
cluster 5 image
Cluster 5 Table (33 KB)
cluster 6 image
Cluster 6 Table (53 KB)
cluster 7 image
Cluster 7 Table (107 KB)
cluster 8 image
Cluster 8 Table (52 KB)
cluster 9 image
Cluster 9 Table (111 KB)
cluster 10 image
Cluster 10 Table (154 KB)
cluster 10  tree diagram
Cluster 10 Tree Diagram (673 KB)

Table of all genes (4.4 MB!)

Raw data for your own analysis
(1.4 MB, tab delimited)

Copyright 2003 TSRI.   Michael Dorrell