Status 121-148 Status 103-120 Status 72-102 Status 39-71 Status 19-38 Status 1-18

Status 121-148

Experiments 143 to 148 (AutoDock), 0% completed

Experiments 143 through 148 target the LEDGF site of HIV integrase. These experiments involve screening 6 libraries (Full NCI, Enamine, ChemBridge, Asinex, Vitas-M and Maybridge). These experiments will help distinguish better sites of among a group of receptor structures even within the same structure. To help read structures in the table below, the "a" and "b" after the 4-character PDB ID designate those receptor structures with alternate residue positions, while the "a" and "b" with the sites (FBP, LEDGF, Y3) designate different sites for the same symmetric structure of HIV IN.

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TARGET: LEDGFb Site of HIV Integrase
AD Exp. 143AD Exp. 144AD Exp. 145AD Exp. 146AD Exp. 147AD Exp. 148
Receptor StructureFull NCIEnamineChemBridgeAsinexVitas-MMaybridge
PDB 4GVMa, LEDGF Site 1 824077-824393 825345-827689 834725-835738 838781-839287 840809-842312 846825-846901
PDB 4GVMb, LEDGF Site 1 824394-824710 827690-830034 835739-836752 839288-839794 842313-843816 846902-846978
PDB 4GW6a, LEDGF Site 2 824711-825027 830035-832379 836753-837766 839795-840301 843817-845320 846979-847055
PDB 4GW6b, LEDGF Site 2 825028-825344 832380-834724 837767-838780 840302-840808 845321-846824 847056-847132
COMPLETION 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

Experiments 139 to 142 (AD and AD Vina), 0% completed

Experiments 139 through 142 are two studies that each target the the combined receptors thus far used for AutoDock Vina. For each study, AutoDock and AD Vina screen either the NCI Diversity Set II* or the Full NCI Set; hence, there are 4 main groupings of virtual screenings. Experiments 139 and 140 will explore the calibration of a receptor when multiple receptors are involved in a virtual screening. Experiments 141 and 142 will investigate the effect of re-orienting the grid box by systematically rotating and translating a protein structure. In these cases, the LEDGF site of the HIV-1 integrase receptor from PDB 3NF8 is used, 1800 versions. *Note: the current version of the NCI Diversity Set is IV.

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TARGET: All Sites of AD Vina Receptors Thus Far
AD Exp. 139
AD Exp. 140
AD Vina
AD Exp. 141
AD Exp. 142
AD Vina
Receptor StructureNCI Div. 2NCI Div. 2NCI Div. 2Full NCI
Current Vina Receptors 761260-765337 762338-762876 762877-764676 764677-824076
COMPLETION 0% 0% 0% 0%

Experiments 133 to 138 (AD Vina), 45% completed

Experiments 133 through 138 target the dimer cavity (between the 2 LEDGF sites) of HIV integrase. These experiments involve screening 6 libraries (Full NCI, Enamine, ChemBridge, Asinex, Vitas-M and Maybridge). These experiments will help determine the differences and utility of varying the dimensions of a "docking box."

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TARGET: dimer cavity site of IN
AD Exp. 133
AD Vina Exp. 79
AD Exp. 134
AD Vina Exp. 80
AD Exp. 135
AD Vina Exp. 81
AD Exp. 136
AD Vina Exp. 82
AD Exp. 137
AD Vina Exp. 83
AD Exp. 138
AD Vina Exp. 84
Receptor StructureFull NCIEnamineChemBridgeAsinexVitas-MMaybridge
PDB 3AO1, dimer cavity 732310-732341 733910-734144 745660-745761 750760-750810 753310-753460 760860-760867
PDB 3AO2, dimer cavity 732342-732373 734145-734379 745762-745863 750811-750861 753461-753611 760868-760875
PDB 3AV9a, dimer cavity 732374-732405 734380-734614 745864-745965 750862-750912 753612-753762 760876-760883
PDB 3AV9b, dimer cavity 732406-732437 734615-734849 745966-746067 750913-750963 753763-753913 760884-760891
PDB 3AVAa, dimer cavity 732438-732469 734850-735084 746068-746169 750964-751014 753914-754064 760892-760899
PDB 3AVAb, dimer cavity 732470-732501 735085-735319 746170-746271 751015-751065 754065-754215 760900-760907
PDB 3AVCa, dimer cavity 732502-732533 735320-735554 746272-746373 751066-751116 754216-754366 760908-760915
PDB 3AVCb, dimer cavity 732534-732565 735555-735789 746374-746475 751117-751167 754367-754517 760916-760923
PDB 3AVFa, dimer cavity 732566-732597 735790-736024 746476-746577 751168-751218 754518-754668 760924-760931
PDB 3AVFb, dimer cavity 732598-732629 736025-736259 746578-746679 751219-751269 754669-754819 760932-760939
PDB 3AVGa, dimer cavity 732630-732661 736260-736494 746680-746781 751270-751320 754820-754970 760940-760947
PDB 3AVGb, dimer cavity 732662-732693 736495-736729 746782-746883 751321-751371 754971-755121 760948-760955
PDB 3AVHa, dimer cavity 732694-732725 736730-736964 746884-746985 751372-751422 755122-755272 760956-760963
PDB 3AVHb, dimer cavity 732726-732757 736965-737199 746986-747087 751423-751473 755273-755423 760964-760971
PDB 3AVIa, dimer cavity 732758-732789 737200-737434 747088-747189 751474-751524 755424-755574 760972-760979
PDB 3AVIb, dimer cavity 732790-732821 737435-737669 747190-747291 751525-751575 755575-755725 760980-760987
PDB 3AVJa, dimer cavity 732822-732853 737670-737904 747292-747393 751576-751626 755726-755876 760988-760995
PDB 3AVJb, dimer cavity 732854-732885 737905-738139 747394-747495 751627-751677 755877-756027 760996-761003
PDB 3AVKa, dimer cavity 732886-732917 738140-738374 747496-747597 751678-751728 756028-756178 761004-761011
PDB 3AVKb, dimer cavity 732918-732949 738375-738609 747598-747699 751729-751779 756179-756329 761012-761019
PDB 3AVLa, dimer cavity 732950-732981 738610-738844 747700-747801 751780-751830 756330-756480 761020-761027
PDB 3AVLb, dimer cavity 732982-733013 738845-739079 747802-747903 751831-751881 756481-756631 761028-761035
PDB 3AVMa, dimer cavity 733014-733045 739080-739314 747904-748005 751882-751932 756632-756782 761036-761043
PDB 3AVMb, dimer cavity 733046-733077 739315-739549 748006-748107 751933-751983 756783-756933 761044-761051
PDB 3AVNa, dimer cavity 733078-733109 739550-739784 748108-748209 751984-752034 756934-757084 761052-761059
PDB 3AVNb, dimer cavity 733110-733141 739785-740019 748210-748311 752035-752085 757085-757235 761060-761067
PDB 3NF6, dimer cavity 733142-733173 740020-740254 748312-748413 752086-752136 757236-757386 761068-761075
PDB 3NF7, dimer cavity 733174-733205 740255-740489 748414-748515 752137-752187 757387-757537 761076-761083
PDB 3NF8, dimer cavity 733206-733237 740490-740724 748516-748617 752188-752238 757538-757688 761084-761091
PDB 3NF9, dimer cavity 733238-733269 740725-740959 748618-748719 752239-752289 757689-757839 761092-761099
PDB 3NFA, dimer cavity 733270-733301 740960-741194 748720-748821 752290-752340 757840-757990 761100-761107
PDB 3VQ4, dimer cavity 733302-733333 741195-741429 748822-748923 752341-752391 757991-758141 761108-761115
PDB 3VQ5, dimer cavity 733334-733365 741430-741664 748924-749025 752392-752442 758142-758292 761116-761123
PDB 3VQ7, dimer cavity 733366-733397 741665-741899 749026-749127 752443-752493 758293-758443 761124-761131
PDB 3VQ8, dimer cavity 733398-733429 741900-742134 749128-749229 752494-752544 758444-758594 761132-761139
PDB 3VQA, dimer cavity 733430-733461 742135-742369 749230-749331 752545-752595 758595-758745 761140-761147
PDB 3VQD, dimer cavity 733462-733493 742370-742604 749332-749433 752596-752646 758746-758896 761148-761155
PDB 3VQE, dimer cavity 733494-733525 742605-742839 749434-749535 752647-752697 758897-759047 761156-761163
PDB 3ZCM, dimer cavity 733526-733557 742840-743074 749536-749637 752698-752748 759048-759198 761164-761171
PDB 3ZSO, dimer cavity 733558-733589 743075-743309 749638-749739 752749-752799 759199-759349 761172-761179
PDB 3ZSW, dimer cavity 733590-733621 743310-743544 749740-749841 752800-752850 759350-759500 761180-761187
PDB 3ZT1, dimer cavity 733622-733653 743545-743779 749842-749943 752851-752901 759501-759651 761188-761195
PDB 3ZT2, dimer cavity 733654-733685 743780-744014 749944-750045 752902-752952 759652-759802 761196-761203
PDB 3ZT3, dimer cavity 733686-733717 744015-744249 750046-750147 752953-753003 759803-759953 761204-761211
PDB 3ZT4, dimer cavity 733718-733749 744250-744484 750148-750249 753004-753054 759954-760104 761212-761219
PDB 4AHR, dimer cavity 733750-733781 744485-744719 750250-750351 753055-753105 760105-760255 761220-761227
PDB 4GVMa, dimer cavity 733782-733813 744720-744954 750352-750453 753106-753156 760256-760406 761228-761235
PDB 4GVMb, dimer cavity 733814-733845 744955-745189 750454-750555 753157-753207 760407-760557 761236-761243
PDB 4GW6a, dimer cavity 733846-733877 745190-745424 750556-750657 753208-753258 760558-760708 761244-761251
PDB 4GW6b, dimer cavity 733878-733909 745425-745659 750658-750759 753259-753309 760709-760859 761252-761259
COMPLETION 4% 95% 99.9% 74% 0% 0%

Experiments 127 to 132 (AD Vina), 8% completed

Experiments 127 through 132 target HIV reverse transcriptase. These experiments involve screening 6 libraries (Full NCI, Enamine, ChemBridge, Asinex, Vitas-M and Maybridge). These experiments will help determine the differences and utility of varying the dimensions of a "docking box."

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TARGET: NNRTI, NNRTIadjacent, Incoming Nucleotide Binding, and Knuckles sites of RT
AD Exp. 127
AD Vina Exp. 73
AD Exp. 128
AD Vina Exp. 74
AD Exp. 129
AD Vina Exp. 75
AD Exp. 130
AD Vina Exp. 76
AD Exp. 131
AD Vina Exp. 77
AD Exp. 132
AD Vina Exp. 78
Receptor StructureFull NCIEnamineChemBridgeAsinexVitas-MMaybridge
PDB 1rt1, NNRTIadjacent site 700465-700496 702225-702459 715150-715251 720760-720810 723565-723715 731870-731877
PDB 1rt1, all sites 700497-700528 702460-702694 715252-715353 720811-720861 723716-723866 731878-731885
PDB 1rt1, Knuckles site 700529-700560 702695-702929 715354-715455 720862-720912 723867-724017 731886-731893
PDB 1rt1, Incoming Nucleotide Binding site 700561-700592 702930-703164 715456-715557 720913-720963 724018-724168 731894-731901
PDB 1rt1, NNRTI site 700593-700624 703165-703399 715558-715659 720964-721014 724169-724319 731902-731909
PDB 1rth, NNRTIadjacent site 700625-700656 703400-703634 715660-715761 721015-721065 724320-724470 731910-731917
PDB 1rth, all sites 700657-700688 703635-703869 715762-715863 721066-721116 724471-724621 731918-731925
PDB 1rth, Knuckles site 700689-700720 703870-704104 715864-715965 721117-721167 724622-724772 731926-731933
PDB 1rth, Incoming Nucleotide Binding site 700721-700752 704105-704339 715966-716067 721168-721218 724773-724923 731934-731941
PDB 1rth, NNRTI site 700753-700784 704340-704574 716068-716169 721219-721269 724924-725074 731942-731949
PDB 1vrt, NNRTIadjacent site 700785-700816 704575-704809 716170-716271 721270-721320 725075-725225 731950-731957
PDB 1vrt, all sites 700817-700848 704810-705044 716272-716373 721321-721371 725226-725376 731958-731965
PDB 1vrt, Knuckles site 700849-700880 705045-705279 716374-716475 721372-721422 725377-725527 731966-731973
PDB 1vrt, Incoming Nucleotide Binding site 700881-700912 705280-705514 716476-716577 721423-721473 725528-725678 731974-731981
PDB 1vrt, NNRTI site 700913-700944 705515-705749 716578-716679 721474-721524 725679-725829 731982-731989
PDB 1vru, NNRTIadjacent site 700945-700976 705750-705984 716680-716781 721525-721575 725830-725980 731990-731997
PDB 1vru, all sites 700977-701008 705985-706219 716782-716883 721576-721626 725981-726131 731998-732005
PDB 1vru, Knuckles site 701009-701040 706220-706454 716884-716985 721627-721677 726132-726282 732006-732013
PDB 1vru, Incoming Nucleotide Binding site 701041-701072 706455-706689 716986-717087 721678-721728 726283-726433 732014-732021
PDB 1vru, NNRTI site 701073-701104 706690-706924 717088-717189 721729-721779 726434-726584 732022-732029
PDB 2zd1, NNRTIadjacent site 701105-701136 706925-707159 717190-717291 721780-721830 726585-726735 732030-732037
PDB 2zd1, all sites 701137-701168 707160-707394 717292-717393 721831-721881 726736-726886 732038-732045
PDB 2zd1, Knuckles site 701169-701200 707395-707629 717394-717495 721882-721932 726887-727037 732046-732053
PDB 2zd1, Incoming Nucleotide Binding site 701201-701232 707630-707864 717496-717597 721933-721983 727038-727188 732054-732061
PDB 2zd1, NNRTI site 701233-701264 707865-708099 717598-717699 721984-722034 727189-727339 732062-732069
PDB 3jytNoMg, NNRTIadjacent site 701265-701296 708100-708334 717700-717801 722035-722085 727340-727490 732070-732077
PDB 3jytNoMg, all sites 701297-701328 708335-708569 717802-717903 722086-722136 727491-727641 732078-732085
PDB 3jytNoMg, Knuckles site 701329-701360 708570-708804 717904-718005 722137-722187 727642-727792 732086-732093
PDB 3jytNoMg, Incoming Nucleotide Binding site 701361-701392 708805-709039 718006-718107 722188-722238 727793-727943 732094-732101
PDB 3jytNoMg, NNRTI site 701393-701424 709040-709274 718108-718209 722239-722289 727944-728094 732102-732109
PDB 3jyt, NNRTIadjacent site 701425-701456 709275-709509 718210-718311 722290-722340 728095-728245 732110-732117
PDB 3jyt, all sites 701457-701488 709510-709744 718312-718413 722341-722391 728246-728396 732118-732125
PDB 3jyt, Knuckles site 701489-701520 709745-709979 718414-718515 722392-722442 728397-728547 732126-732133
PDB 3jyt, Incoming Nucleotide Binding site 701521-701552 709980-710214 718516-718617 722443-722493 728548-728698 732134-732141
PDB 3jyt, NNRTI site 701553-701584 710215-710449 718618-718719 722494-722544 728699-728849 732142-732149
PDB 4i2q, NNRTIadjacent site 701585-701616 710450-710684 718720-718821 722545-722595 728850-729000 732150-732157
PDB 4i2q, all sites 701617-701648 710685-710919 718822-718923 722596-722646 729001-729151 732158-732165
PDB 4i2q, Knuckles site 701649-701680 710920-711154 718924-719025 722647-722697 729152-729302 732166-732173
PDB 4i2q, Incoming Nucleotide Binding site 701681-701712 711155-711389 719026-719127 722698-722748 729303-729453 732174-732181
PDB 4i2q, NNRTI site 701713-701744 711390-711624 719128-719229 722749-722799 729454-729604 732182-732189
PDB 4icl, NNRTIadjacent site 701745-701776 711625-711859 719230-719331 722800-722850 729605-729755 732190-732197
PDB 4icl, all sites 701777-701808 711860-712094 719332-719433 722851-722901 729756-729906 732198-732205
PDB 4icl, Knuckles site 701809-701840 712095-712329 719434-719535 722902-722952 729907-730057 732206-732213
PDB 4icl, Incoming Nucleotide Binding site 701841-701872 712330-712564 719536-719637 722953-723003 730058-730208 732214-732221
PDB 4icl, NNRTI site 701873-701904 712565-712799 719638-719739 723004-723054 730209-730359 732222-732229
PDB 4ify, NNRTIadjacent site 701905-701936 712800-713034 719740-719841 723055-723105 730360-730510 732230-732237
PDB 4ify, all sites 701937-701968 713035-713269 719842-719943 723106-723156 730511-730661 732238-732245
PDB 4ify, Knuckles site 701969-702000 713270-713504 719944-720045 723157-723207 730662-730812 732246-732253
PDB 4ify, Incoming Nucleotide Binding site 702001-702032 713505-713739 720046-720147 723208-723258 730813-730963 732254-732261
PDB 4ify, NNRTI site 702033-702064 713740-713974 720148-720249 723259-723309 730964-731114 732262-732269
PDB 4kfb, NNRTIadjacent site 702065-702096 713975-714209 720250-720351 723310-723360 731115-731265 732270-732277
PDB 4kfb, all sites 702097-702128 714210-714444 720352-720453 723361-723411 731266-731416 732278-732285
PDB 4kfb, Knuckles site 702129-702160 714445-714679 720454-720555 723412-723462 731417-731567 732286-732293
PDB 4kfb, Incoming Nucleotide Binding site 702161-702192 714680-714914 720556-720657 723463-723513 731568-731718 732294-732301
PDB 4kfb, NNRTI site 702193-702224 714915-715149 720658-720759 723514-723564 731719-731869 732302-732309
COMPLETION 0% 0.2% 2% 2% 13% 30%

Experiments 121 to 126 (AD Vina), 29% completed

Experiments 121 through 126 target the active site of HIV protease. These experiments involve screening 6 libraries (Full NCI, Enamine, ChemBridge, Asinex, Vitas-M and Maybridge). These experiments will help determine the differences and utility of varying the dimensions of a "docking box." The focus of these experiments is on the allosteric sites of HIV protease.

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TARGET: exterior sites of PR
AD Exp. 121
AD Vina Exp. 67
AD Exp. 122
AD Vina Exp. 68
AD Exp. 123
AD Vina Exp. 69
AD Exp. 124
AD Vina Exp. 70
AD Exp. 125
AD Vina Exp. 71
AD Exp. 126
AD Vina Exp. 72
Receptor StructureFull NCIEnamineChemBridgeAsinexVitas-MMaybridge
PDB 1ZTZ, Exterior Sites, Side 1 552395-552426 560637-560871 621607-621708 647971-648021 661153-661303 700257-700264
PDB 1ZTZ, Exterior Sites, Side 2 552427-552458 560872-561106 621709-621810 648022-648072 661304-661454 700265-700272
PDB 3I8Wa, Exterior Sites, Side 1 552459-552490 561107-561341 621811-621912 648073-648123 661455-661605 700273-700280
PDB 3I8Wa, Exterior Sites, Side 2 552491-552522 561342-561576 621913-622014 648124-648174 661606-661756 700281-700288
PDB 3I8Wb, Exterior Sites, Side 1 552523-552554 561577-561811 622015-622116 648175-648225 661757-661907 700289-700296
PDB 3I8Wb, Exterior Sites, Side 2 552555-552586 561812-562046 622117-622218 648226-648276 661908-662058 700297-700304
PDB 3KF0, Exterior Sites, Side 1 552587-552618 562047-562281 622219-622320 648277-648327 662059-662209 700305-700312
PDB 3KF0, Exterior Sites, Side 2 552619-552650 562282-562516 622321-622422 648328-648378 662210-662360 700313-700320
PDB 3KFN, Exterior Sites, Side 1 552651-552682 562517-562751 622423-622524 648379-648429 662361-662511 700321-700328
PDB 3KFN, Exterior Sites, Side 2 552683-552714 562752-562986 622525-622626 648430-648480 662512-662662 700329-700336
PDB 3KFP, Exterior Sites, Side 1 552715-552746 562987-563221 622627-622728 648481-648531 662663-662813 700337-700344
PDB 3KFP, Exterior Sites, Side 2 552747-552778 563222-563456 622729-622830 648532-648582 662814-662964 700345-700352
PDB 3KFR, Exterior Sites, Side 1 552779-552810 563457-563691 622831-622932 648583-648633 662965-663115 700353-700360
PDB 3KFR, Exterior Sites, Side 2 552811-552842 563692-563926 622933-623034 648634-648684 663116-663266 700361-700368
PDB 3KFS, Exterior Sites, Side 1 552843-552874 563927-564161 623035-623136 648685-648735 663267-663417 700369-700376
PDB 3KFS, Exterior Sites, Side 2 552875-552906 564162-564396 623137-623238 648736-648786 663418-663568 700377-700384
PDB 3T11a, Exterior Sites, Side 1 552907-552938 564397-564631 623239-623340 648787-648837 663569-663719 700385-700392
PDB 3T11a, Exterior Sites, Side 2 552939-552970 564632-564866 623341-623442 648838-648888 663720-663870 700393-700400
PDB 3T11b, Exterior Sites, Side 1 552971-553002 564867-565101 623443-623544 648889-648939 663871-664021 700401-700408
PDB 3T11b, Exterior Sites, Side 2 553003-553034 565102-565336 623545-623646 648940-648990 664022-664172 700409-700416
PDB 4DQG, Exterior Sites, Side 1 553035-553066 565337-565571 623647-623748 648991-649041 664173-664323 700417-700424
PDB 4DQG, Exterior Sites, Side 2 553067-553098 565572-565806 623749-623850 649042-649092 664324-664474 700425-700432
PDB 4E43a, Exterior Sites, Side 1 553099-553130 565807-566041 623851-623952 649093-649143 664475-664625 700433-700440
PDB 4E43a, Exterior Sites, Side 2 553131-553162 566042-566276 623953-624054 649144-649194 664626-664776 700441-700448
PDB 4E43b, Exterior Sites, Side 1 553163-553194 566277-566511 624055-624156 649195-649245 664777-664927 700449-700456
PDB 4E43b, Exterior Sites, Side 2 553195-553226 566512-566746 624157-624258 649246-649296 664928-665078 700457-700464
COMPLETION 0% 0% 0% 91% 84% 0%

Status 103-120

Experiments 115 to 120 (AD Vina), 79% completed

Experiments 115 through 120 target the active site of HIV protease. These experiments involve screening 6 libraries (Full NCI, Enamine, ChemBridge, Asinex, Vitas-M and Maybridge). These experiments will help distinguish better sites of among a group of receptor structures even within the same structure. Potentially important molecules (in these cases: water and/or chloride ion) found in the original structures are left in different combinations to produce varied models for HIV protease.

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TARGET: active site of PR
AD Exp. 115
AD Vina Exp. 61
AD Exp. 116
AD Vina Exp. 62
AD Exp. 117
AD Vina Exp. 63
AD Exp. 118
AD Vina Exp. 64
AD Exp. 119
AD Vina Exp. 65
AD Exp. 120
AD Vina Exp. 66
Receptor StructureFull NCIEnamineChemBridgeAsinexVitas-MMaybridge
PDB 1ZTZ, Active Site 396767-396798 405326-405560 468641-468742 496019-496069 509708-509858 550316-550323
PDB 3I8Wa, Active Site 396799-396830 405561-405795 468743-468844 496070-496120 509859-510009 550324-550331
PDB 3I8Wb, Active Site 396831-396862 405796-406030 468845-468946 496121-496171 510010-510160 550332-550339
PDB 3KF0, Active Site 396863-396894 406031-406265 468947-469048 496172-496222 510161-510311 550340-550347
PDB 3KF0 with water, Active Site 396895-396926 406266-406500 469049-469150 496223-496273 510312-510462 550348-550355
PDB 3KFN, Active Site 396927-396958 406501-406735 469151-469252 496274-496324 510463-510613 550356-550363
PDB 3KFN with water, Active Site 396959-396990 406736-406970 469253-469354 496325-496375 510614-510764 550364-550371
PDB 3KFP, Active Site 396991-397022 406971-407205 469355-469456 496376-496426 510765-510915 550372-550379
PDB 3KFP with water, Active Site 397023-397054 407206-407440 469457-469558 496427-496477 510916-511066 550380-550387
PDB 3KFR, Active Site 397055-397086 407441-407675 469559-469660 496478-496528 511067-511217 550388-550395
PDB 3KFR with water, Active Site 397087-397118 407676-407910 469661-469762 496529-496579 511218-511368 550396-550403
PDB 3KFS, Active Site 397119-397150 407911-408145 469763-469864 496580-496630 511369-511519 550404-550411
PDB 3KFS with water, Active Site 397151-397182 408146-408380 469865-469966 496631-496681 511520-511670 550412-550419
PDB 3T11a, Active Site 397183-397214 408381-408615 469967-470068 496682-496732 511671-511821 550420-550427
PDB 3T11a with chloride, Active Site 397215-397246 408616-408850 470069-470170 496733-496783 511822-511972 550428-550435
PDB 3T11a with water, Active Site 397247-397278 408851-409085 470171-470272 496784-496834 511973-512123 550436-550443
PDB 3T11a with chloride and water, Active Site 397279-397310 409086-409320 470273-470374 496835-496885 512124-512274 550444-550451
PDB 3T11b, Active Site 397311-397342 409321-409555 470375-470476 496886-496936 512275-512425 550452-550459
PDB 3T11b with chloride, Active Site 397343-397374 409556-409790 470477-470578 496937-496987 512426-512576 550460-550467
PDB 3T11b with water, Active Site 397375-397406 409791-410025 470579-470680 496988-497038 512577-512727 550468-550475
PDB 3T11b with chloride and water, Active Site 397407-397438 410026-410260 470681-470782 497039-497089 512728-512878 550476-550483
PDB 4DQG, Active Site 397439-397470 410261-410495 470783-470884 497090-497140 512879-513029 550484-550491
PDB 4DQG with water, Active Site 397471-397502 410496-410730 470885-470986 497141-497191 513030-513180 550492-550499
PDB 4E43a, Active Site 397503-397534 410731-410965 470987-471088 497192-497242 513181-513331 550500-550507
PDB 4E43a with water, Active Site 397535-397566 410966-411200 471089-471190 497243-497293 513332-513482 550508-550515
PDB 4E43b, Active Site 397567-397598 411201-411435 471191-471292 497294-497344 513483-513633 550516-550523
PDB 4E43b with water, Active Site 397599-397630 411436-411670 471293-471394 497345-497395 513634-513784 550524-550531
COMPLETION 13% 67% 99.7% 100% 99.9% 95.8%

Experiments 109 to 114 (AutoDock), 17% completed

Experiments 109 through 114 target the LEDGF site of HIV integrase. These experiments involve screening 6 libraries (Full NCI, Enamine, ChemBridge, Asinex, Vitas-M and Maybridge). These experiments will help distinguish better sites of among a group of receptor structures even within the same structure. To help read structures in the table below, the "a" and "b" after the 4-character PDB ID designate those receptor structures with alternate residue positions, while the "a" and "b" with the sites (FBP, LEDGF, Y3) designate different sites for the same symmetric structure of HIV IN.

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TARGET: LEDGFa Site of HIV Integrase
AD Exp. 109AD Exp. 110AD Exp. 111AD Exp. 112AD Exp. 113AD Exp. 114
Receptor StructureFull NCIEnamineChemBridgeAsinexVitas-MMaybridge
PDB 4GVMa, LEDGFa Site 374019-374335 381371-383715 377315-378328 375287-375793 390751-392254 373711-373787
PDB 4GVMb, LEDGFa Site 374336-374652 383716-386060 378329-379342 375794-376300 392255-393758 373788-373864
PDB 4GW6a, LEDGFa Site 374653-374969 386061-388405 379343-380356 376301-376807 393759-395262 373865-373941
PDB 4GW6b, LEDGFa Site 374970-375286 388406-390750 380357-381370 376808-377314 395263-396766 373942-374018
COMPLETION 19% 14% 0.05% 46% 24% 0%

Experiments 103 to 108 (AD Vina), 55% completed

Experiments 103 through 108 target allosteric sites of HIV integrase (FBP, LEDGF, and Y3 (under the 140s residues loop) sites). These experiments involve screening 6 libraries (Full NCI, Enamine, ChemBridge, Asinex, Vitas-M) and Maybridge with AD Vina against various (receptor) structures from the PDB. These experiments complement Experiments 47 - 51, 91 - 96; however, these experiments will help distinguish better sites of among a group of receptor structures even within the same structure. For example, the HIV receptor structure containing the allosteric sites actually contains 2 sites for each of FBP, LEDGF, and Y3 pockets due to the symmetric nature of the HIV IN catalytic core domain (CCD). To help read structures in the table below, the "a" and "b" after the 4-character PDB ID designate those receptor structures with alternate residue positions, while the "a" and "b" with the sites (FBP, LEDGF, Y3) designate different sites for the same symmetric structure of HIV IN.

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TARGET: FBP, LEDGF, and ,Y3 Sites of HIV Integrase
AD Exp. 103
AD Vina Exp. 55
AD Exp. 104
AD Vina Exp. 56
AD Exp. 105
AD Vina Exp. 57
AD Exp. 106
AD Vina Exp. 58
AD Exp. 107
AD Vina Exp. 59
AD Exp. 108
AD Vina Exp. 60
Receptor StructureFull NCIEnamineChemBridgeAsinexVitas-MMaybridge
PDB 3AV9a, FBPa Site 281071-281102 286191-286425 323791-323892 340111-340161 348271-348421 372431-372438
PDB 3AV9a, FBPb Site 281103-281134 286426-286660 323893-323994 340162-340212 348422-348572 372439-372446
PDB 3AV9a, LEDGFa Site 281135-281166 286661-286895 323995-324096 340213-340263 348573-348723 372447-372454
PDB 3AV9a, LEDGFb Site 281167-281198 286896-287130 324097-324198 340264-340314 348724-348874 372455-372462
PDB 3AV9a, Y3a Site 281199-281230 287131-287365 324199-324300 340315-340365 348875-349025 372463-372470
PDB 3AV9a, Y3b Site 281231-281262 287366-287600 324301-324402 340366-340416 349026-349176 372471-372478
PDB 3AV9b, FBPa Site 281263-281294 287601-287835 324403-324504 340417-340467 349177-349327 372479-372486
PDB 3AV9b, FBPb Site 281295-281326 287836-288070 324505-324606 340468-340518 349328-349478 372487-372494
PDB 3AV9b, LEDGFa Site 281327-281358 288071-288305 324607-324708 340519-340569 349479-349629 372495-372502
PDB 3AV9b, LEDGFb Site 281359-281390 288306-288540 324709-324810 340570-340620 349630-349780 372503-372510
PDB 3AV9b, Y3a Site 281391-281422 288541-288775 324811-324912 340621-340671 349781-349931 372511-372518
PDB 3AV9b, Y3b Site 281423-281454 288776-289010 324913-325014 340672-340722 349932-350082 372519-372526
PDB 3AVAa, FBPa Site 281455-281486 289011-289245 325015-325116 340723-340773 350083-350233 372527-372534
PDB 3AVAa, FBPb Site 281487-281518 289246-289480 325117-325218 340774-340824 350234-350384 372535-372542
PDB 3AVAa, LEDGFa Site 281519-281550 289481-289715 325219-325320 340825-340875 350385-350535 372543-372550
PDB 3AVAa, LEDGFb Site 281551-281582 289716-289950 325321-325422 340876-340926 350536-350686 372551-372558
PDB 3AVAa, Y3a Site 281583-281614 289951-290185 325423-325524 340927-340977 350687-350837 372559-372566
PDB 3AVAa, Y3b Site 281615-281646 290186-290420 325525-325626 340978-341028 350838-350988 372567-372574
PDB 3AVAb, FBPa Site 281647-281678 290421-290655 325627-325728 341029-341079 350989-351139 372575-372582
PDB 3AVAb, FBPb Site 281679-281710 290656-290890 325729-325830 341080-341130 351140-351290 372583-372590
PDB 3AVAb, LEDGFa Site 281711-281742 290891-291125 325831-325932 341131-341181 351291-351441 372591-372598
PDB 3AVAb, LEDGFb Site 281743-281774 291126-291360 325933-326034 341182-341232 351442-351592 372599-372606
PDB 3AVAb, Y3a Site 281775-281806 291361-291595 326035-326136 341233-341283 351593-351743 372607-372614
PDB 3AVAb, Y3b Site 281807-281838 291596-291830 326137-326238 341284-341334 351744-351894 372615-372622
PDB 3AVCa, FBPa Site 281839-281870 291831-292065 326239-326340 341335-341385 351895-352045 372623-372630
PDB 3AVCa, FBPb Site 281871-281902 292066-292300 326341-326442 341386-341436 352046-352196 372631-372638
PDB 3AVCa, LEDGFa Site 281903-281934 292301-292535 326443-326544 341437-341487 352197-352347 372639-372646
PDB 3AVCa, LEDGFb Site 281935-281966 292536-292770 326545-326646 341488-341538 352348-352498 372647-372654
PDB 3AVCa, Y3a Site 281967-281998 292771-293005 326647-326748 341539-341589 352499-352649 372655-372662
PDB 3AVCa, Y3b Site 281999-282030 293006-293240 326749-326850 341590-341640 352650-352800 372663-372670
PDB 3AVCb, FBPa Site 282031-282062 293241-293475 326851-326952 341641-341691 352801-352951 372671-372678
PDB 3AVCb, FBPb Site 282063-282094 293476-293710 326953-327054 341692-341742 352952-353102 372679-372686
PDB 3AVCb, LEDGFa Site 282095-282126 293711-293945 327055-327156 341743-341793 353103-353253 372687-372694
PDB 3AVCb, LEDGFb Site 282127-282158 293946-294180 327157-327258 341794-341844 353254-353404 372695-372702
PDB 3AVCb, Y3a Site 282159-282190 294181-294415 327259-327360 341845-341895 353405-353555 372703-372710
PDB 3AVCb, Y3b Site 282191-282222 294416-294650 327361-327462 341896-341946 353556-353706 372711-372718
PDB 3AVFa, FBPa Site 282223-282254 294651-294885 327463-327564 341947-341997 353707-353857 372719-372726
PDB 3AVFa, FBPb Site 282255-282286 294886-295120 327565-327666 341998-342048 353858-354008 372727-372734
PDB 3AVFa, LEDGFa Site 282287-282318 295121-295355 327667-327768 342049-342099 354009-354159 372735-372742
PDB 3AVFa, LEDGFb Site 282319-282350 295356-295590 327769-327870 342100-342150 354160-354310 372743-372750
PDB 3AVFa, Y3a Site 282351-282382 295591-295825 327871-327972 342151-342201 354311-354461 372751-372758
PDB 3AVFa, Y3b Site 282383-282414 295826-296060 327973-328074 342202-342252 354462-354612 372759-372766
PDB 3AVFb, FBPa Site 282415-282446 296061-296295 328075-328176 342253-342303 354613-354763 372767-372774
PDB 3AVFb, FBPb Site 282447-282478 296296-296530 328177-328278 342304-342354 354764-354914 372775-372782
PDB 3AVFb, LEDGFa Site 282479-282510 296531-296765 328279-328380 342355-342405 354915-355065 372783-372790
PDB 3AVFb, LEDGFb Site 282511-282542 296766-297000 328381-328482 342406-342456 355066-355216 372791-372798
PDB 3AVFb, Y3a Site 282543-282574 297001-297235 328483-328584 342457-342507 355217-355367 372799-372806
PDB 3AVFb, Y3b Site 282575-282606 297236-297470 328585-328686 342508-342558 355368-355518 372807-372814
PDB 3AVGa, FBPa Site 282607-282638 297471-297705 328687-328788 342559-342609 355519-355669 372815-372822
PDB 3AVGa, FBPb Site 282639-282670 297706-297940 328789-328890 342610-342660 355670-355820 372823-372830
PDB 3AVGa, LEDGFa Site 282671-282702 297941-298175 328891-328992 342661-342711 355821-355971 372831-372838
PDB 3AVGa, LEDGFb Site 282703-282734 298176-298410 328993-329094 342712-342762 355972-356122 372839-372846
PDB 3AVGa, Y3a Site 282735-282766 298411-298645 329095-329196 342763-342813 356123-356273 372847-372854
PDB 3AVGa, Y3b Site 282767-282798 298646-298880 329197-329298 342814-342864 356274-356424 372855-372862
PDB 3AVGb, FBPa Site 282799-282830 298881-299115 329299-329400 342865-342915 356425-356575 372863-372870
PDB 3AVGb, FBPb Site 282831-282862 299116-299350 329401-329502 342916-342966 356576-356726 372871-372878
PDB 3AVGb, LEDGFa Site 282863-282894 299351-299585 329503-329604 342967-343017 356727-356877 372879-372886
PDB 3AVGb, LEDGFb Site 282895-282926 299586-299820 329605-329706 343018-343068 356878-357028 372887-372894
PDB 3AVGb, Y3a Site 282927-282958 299821-300055 329707-329808 343069-343119 357029-357179 372895-372902
PDB 3AVGb, Y3b Site 282959-282990 300056-300290 329809-329910 343120-343170 357180-357330 372903-372910
PDB 3AVHa, FBPa Site 282991-283022 300291-300525 329911-330012 343171-343221 357331-357481 372911-372918
PDB 3AVHa, FBPb Site 283023-283054 300526-300760 330013-330114 343222-343272 357482-357632 372919-372926
PDB 3AVHa, LEDGFa Site 283055-283086 300761-300995 330115-330216 343273-343323 357633-357783 372927-372934
PDB 3AVHa, LEDGFb Site 283087-283118 300996-301230 330217-330318 343324-343374 357784-357934 372935-372942
PDB 3AVHa, Y3a Site 283119-283150 301231-301465 330319-330420 343375-343425 357935-358085 372943-372950
PDB 3AVHa, Y3b Site 283151-283182 301466-301700 330421-330522 343426-343476 358086-358236 372951-372958
PDB 3AVHb, FBPa Site 283183-283214 301701-301935 330523-330624 343477-343527 358237-358387 372959-372966
PDB 3AVHb, FBPb Site 283215-283246 301936-302170 330625-330726 343528-343578 358388-358538 372967-372974
PDB 3AVHb, LEDGFa Site 283247-283278 302171-302405 330727-330828 343579-343629 358539-358689 372975-372982
PDB 3AVHb, LEDGFb Site 283279-283310 302406-302640 330829-330930 343630-343680 358690-358840 372983-372990
PDB 3AVHb, Y3a Site 283311-283342 302641-302875 330931-331032 343681-343731 358841-358991 372991-372998
PDB 3AVHb, Y3b Site 283343-283374 302876-303110 331033-331134 343732-343782 358992-359142 372999-373006
PDB 3AVIa, FBPa Site 283375-283406 303111-303345 331135-331236 343783-343833 359143-359293 373007-373014
PDB 3AVIa, FBPb Site 283407-283438 303346-303580 331237-331338 343834-343884 359294-359444 373015-373022
PDB 3AVIa, LEDGFa Site 283439-283470 303581-303815 331339-331440 343885-343935 359445-359595 373023-373030
PDB 3AVIa, LEDGFb Site 283471-283502 303816-304050 331441-331542 343936-343986 359596-359746 373031-373038
PDB 3AVIa, Y3a Site 283503-283534 304051-304285 331543-331644 343987-344037 359747-359897 373039-373046
PDB 3AVIa, Y3b Site 283535-283566 304286-304520 331645-331746 344038-344088 359898-360048 373047-373054
PDB 3AVIb, FBPa Site 283567-283598 304521-304755 331747-331848 344089-344139 360049-360199 373055-373062
PDB 3AVIb, FBPb Site 283599-283630 304756-304990 331849-331950 344140-344190 360200-360350 373063-373070
PDB 3AVIb, LEDGFa Site 283631-283662 304991-305225 331951-332052 344191-344241 360351-360501 373071-373078
PDB 3AVIb, LEDGFb Site 283663-283694 305226-305460 332053-332154 344242-344292 360502-360652 373079-373086
PDB 3AVIb, Y3a Site 283695-283726 305461-305695 332155-332256 344293-344343 360653-360803 373087-373094
PDB 3AVIb, Y3b Site 283727-283758 305696-305930 332257-332358 344344-344394 360804-360954 373095-373102
PDB 3AVJa, FBPa Site 283759-283790 305931-306165 332359-332460 344395-344445 360955-361105 373103-373110
PDB 3AVJa, FBPb Site 283791-283822 306166-306400 332461-332562 344446-344496 361106-361256 373111-373118
PDB 3AVJa, LEDGFa Site 283823-283854 306401-306635 332563-332664 344497-344547 361257-361407 373119-373126
PDB 3AVJa, LEDGFb Site 283855-283886 306636-306870 332665-332766 344548-344598 361408-361558 373127-373134
PDB 3AVJa, Y3a Site 283887-283918 306871-307105 332767-332868 344599-344649 361559-361709 373135-373142
PDB 3AVJa, Y3b Site 283919-283950 307106-307340 332869-332970 344650-344700 361710-361860 373143-373150
PDB 3AVJb, FBPa Site 283951-283982 307341-307575 332971-333072 344701-344751 361861-362011 373151-373158
PDB 3AVJb, FBPb Site 283983-284014 307576-307810 333073-333174 344752-344802 362012-362162 373159-373166
PDB 3AVJb, LEDGFa Site 284015-284046 307811-308045 333175-333276 344803-344853 362163-362313 373167-373174
PDB 3AVJb, LEDGFb Site 284047-284078 308046-308280 333277-333378 344854-344904 362314-362464 373175-373182
PDB 3AVJb, Y3a Site 284079-284110 308281-308515 333379-333480 344905-344955 362465-362615 373183-373190
PDB 3AVJb, Y3b Site 284111-284142 308516-308750 333481-333582 344956-345006 362616-362766 373191-373198
PDB 3AVKa, FBPa Site 284143-284174 308751-308985 333583-333684 345007-345057 362767-362917 373199-373206
PDB 3AVKa, FBPb Site 284175-284206 308986-309220 333685-333786 345058-345108 362918-363068 373207-373214
PDB 3AVKa, LEDGFa Site 284207-284238 309221-309455 333787-333888 345109-345159 363069-363219 373215-373222
PDB 3AVKa, LEDGFb Site 284239-284270 309456-309690 333889-333990 345160-345210 363220-363370 373223-373230
PDB 3AVKa, Y3a Site 284271-284302 309691-309925 333991-334092 345211-345261 363371-363521 373231-373238
PDB 3AVKa, Y3b Site 284303-284334 309926-310160 334093-334194 345262-345312 363522-363672 373239-373246
PDB 3AVKb, FBPa Site 284335-284366 310161-310395 334195-334296 345313-345363 363673-363823 373247-373254
PDB 3AVKb, FBPb Site 284367-284398 310396-310630 334297-334398 345364-345414 363824-363974 373255-373262
PDB 3AVKb, LEDGFa Site 284399-284430 310631-310865 334399-334500 345415-345465 363975-364125 373263-373270
PDB 3AVKb, LEDGFb Site 284431-284462 310866-311100 334501-334602 345466-345516 364126-364276 373271-373278
PDB 3AVKb, Y3a Site 284463-284494 311101-311335 334603-334704 345517-345567 364277-364427 373279-373286
PDB 3AVKb, Y3b Site 284495-284526 311336-311570 334705-334806 345568-345618 364428-364578 373287-373294
PDB 3AVLa, FBPa Site 284527-284558 311571-311805 334807-334908 345619-345669 364579-364729 373295-373302
PDB 3AVLa, FBPb Site 284559-284590 311806-312040 334909-335010 345670-345720 364730-364880 373303-373310
PDB 3AVLa, LEDGFa Site 284591-284622 312041-312275 335011-335112 345721-345771 364881-365031 373311-373318
PDB 3AVLa, LEDGFb Site 284623-284654 312276-312510 335113-335214 345772-345822 365032-365182 373319-373326
PDB 3AVLa, Y3a Site 284655-284686 312511-312745 335215-335316 345823-345873 365183-365333 373327-373334
PDB 3AVLa, Y3b Site 284687-284718 312746-312980 335317-335418 345874-345924 365334-365484 373335-373342
PDB 3AVLb, FBPa Site 284719-284750 312981-313215 335419-335520 345925-345975 365485-365635 373343-373350
PDB 3AVLb, FBPb Site 284751-284782 313216-313450 335521-335622 345976-346026 365636-365786 373351-373358
PDB 3AVLb, LEDGFa Site 284783-284814 313451-313685 335623-335724 346027-346077 365787-365937 373359-373366
PDB 3AVLb, LEDGFb Site 284815-284846 313686-313920 335725-335826 346078-346128 365938-366088 373367-373374
PDB 3AVLb, Y3a Site 284847-284878 313921-314155 335827-335928 346129-346179 366089-366239 373375-373382
PDB 3AVLb, Y3b Site 284879-284910 314156-314390 335929-336030 346180-346230 366240-366390 373383-373390
PDB 3AVMa, FBPa Site 284911-284942 314391-314625 336031-336132 346231-346281 366391-366541 373391-373398
PDB 3AVMa, FBPb Site 284943-284974 314626-314860 336133-336234 346282-346332 366542-366692 373399-373406
PDB 3AVMa, LEDGFa Site 284975-285006 314861-315095 336235-336336 346333-346383 366693-366843 373407-373414
PDB 3AVMa, LEDGFb Site 285007-285038 315096-315330 336337-336438 346384-346434 366844-366994 373415-373422
PDB 3AVMa, Y3a Site 285039-285070 315331-315565 336439-336540 346435-346485 366995-367145 373423-373430
PDB 3AVMa, Y3b Site 285071-285102 315566-315800 336541-336642 346486-346536 367146-367296 373431-373438
PDB 3AVMb, FBPa Site 285103-285134 315801-316035 336643-336744 346537-346587 367297-367447 373439-373446
PDB 3AVMb, FBPb Site 285135-285166 316036-316270 336745-336846 346588-346638 367448-367598 373447-373454
PDB 3AVMb, LEDGFa Site 285167-285198 316271-316505 336847-336948 346639-346689 367599-367749 373455-373462
PDB 3AVMb, LEDGFb Site 285199-285230 316506-316740 336949-337050 346690-346740 367750-367900 373463-373470
PDB 3AVMb, Y3a Site 285231-285262 316741-316975 337051-337152 346741-346791 367901-368051 373471-373478
PDB 3AVMb, Y3b Site 285263-285294 316976-317210 337153-337254 346792-346842 368052-368202 373479-373486
PDB 3AVNa, FBPa Site 285295-285326 317211-317445 337255-337356 346843-346893 368203-368353 373487-373494
PDB 3AVNa, FBPb Site 285327-285358 317446-317680 337357-337458 346894-346944 368354-368504 373495-373502
PDB 3AVNa, LEDGFa Site 285359-285390 317681-317915 337459-337560 346945-346995 368505-368655 373503-373510
PDB 3AVNa, LEDGFb Site 285391-285422 317916-318150 337561-337662 346996-347046 368656-368806 373511-373518
PDB 3AVNa, Y3a Site 285423-285454 318151-318385 337663-337764 347047-347097 368807-368957 373519-373526
PDB 3AVNa, Y3b Site 285455-285486 318386-318620 337765-337866 347098-347148 368958-369108 373527-373534
PDB 3AVNb, FBPa Site 285487-285518 318621-318855 337867-337968 347149-347199 369109-369259 373535-373542
PDB 3AVNb, FBPb Site 285519-285550 318856-319090 337969-338070 347200-347250 369260-369410 373543-373550
PDB 3AVNb, LEDGFa Site 285551-285582 319091-319325 338071-338172 347251-347301 369411-369561 373551-373558
PDB 3AVNb, LEDGFb Site 285583-285614 319326-319560 338173-338274 347302-347352 369562-369712 373559-373566
PDB 3AVNb, Y3a Site 285615-285646 319561-319795 338275-338376 347353-347403 369713-369863 373567-373574
PDB 3AVNb, Y3b Site 285647-285678 319796-320030 338377-338478 347404-347454 369864-370014 373575-373582
PDB 4GVMa, FBPa Site 285679-285710 320031-320265 338479-338580 347455-347505 370015-370165 373583-373590
PDB 4GVMa, FBPb Site 285711-285742 320266-320500 338581-338682 347506-347556 370166-370316 373591-373598
PDB 4GVMa, LEDGFa Site 285743-285774 320501-320735 338683-338784 347557-347607 370317-370467 373599-373606
PDB 4GVMa, LEDGFb Site 285775-285806 320736-320970 338785-338886 347608-347658 370468-370618 373607-373614
PDB 4GVMb, FBPa Site 285807-285838 320971-321205 338887-338988 347659-347709 370619-370769 373615-373622
PDB 4GVMb, FBPb Site 285839-285870 321206-321440 338989-339090 347710-347760 370770-370920 373623-373630
PDB 4GVMb, LEDGFa Site 285871-285902 321441-321675 339091-339192 347761-347811 370921-371071 373631-373638
PDB 4GVMb, LEDGFb Site 285903-285934 321676-321910 339193-339294 347812-347862 371072-371222 373639-373646
PDB 4GW6a, FBPa Site 285935-285966 321911-322145 339295-339396 347863-347913 371223-371373 373647-373654
PDB 4GW6a, FBPb Site 285967-285998 322146-322380 339397-339498 347914-347964 371374-371524 373655-373662
PDB 4GW6a, LEDGFa Site 285999-286030 322381-322615 339499-339600 347965-348015 371525-371675 373663-373670
PDB 4GW6a, LEDGFb Site 286031-286062 322616-322850 339601-339702 348016-348066 371676-371826 373671-373678
PDB 4GW6b, FBPa Site 286063-286094 322851-323085 339703-339804 348067-348117 371827-371977 373679-373686
PDB 4GW6b, FBPb Site 286095-286126 323086-323320 339805-339906 348118-348168 371978-372128 373687-373694
PDB 4GW6b, LEDGFa Site 286127-286158 323321-323555 339907-340008 348169-348219 372129-372279 373695-373702
PDB 4GW6b, LEDGFb Site 286159-286190 323556-323790 340009-340110 348220-348270 372280-372430 373703-373710
COMPLETION 83% 90% 34% 100% 26% 0%

Status 72-102

Experiments 97 to 102 (AD Vina), 13% completed

Experiments 97 through 102 target allosteric sites of HIV integrase (FBP, LEDGF, and Y3 (under the 140s residues loop) sites) using the flexible residue feature in AutoDock Vina. These experiments involve screening 6 libraries (Full NCI, Enamine, ChemBridge, Asinex, Vitas-M) and Maybridge with AD Vina against various structures from the PDB. These experiments complement Experiments 47 - 51, 91 - 96; and the resulting data will help discriminate receptor structures when many are available for a virtual screening as well as evaluate flexible docking with AutoDock Vina.

Read More on this experiment

TARGET: FBP, LEDGF, and ,Y3 Sites of HIV Integrase
AD Exp. 97
AD Vina Exp. 49
AD Exp. 98
AD Vina Exp. 50
AD Exp. 99
AD Vina Exp. 51
AD Exp. 100
AD Vina Exp. 52
AD Exp. 101
AD Vina Exp. 53
AD Exp. 102
AD Vina Exp. 54
Receptor StructureFull NCIEnamineChemBridgeAsinexVitas-MMaybridge
PDB 3AO1, FBPa Site 197695-197726 202303-202537 236143-236244 250831-250881 258175-258325 279919-279926
PDB 3AO1, FBPb Site 197727-197758 202538-202772 236245-236346 250882-250932 258326-258476 279927-279934
PDB 3AO1, LEDGFa Site 197759-197790 202773-203007 236347-236448 250933-250983 258477-258627 279935-279942
PDB 3AO1, LEDGFb Site 197791-197822 203008-203242 236449-236550 250984-251034 258628-258778 279943-279950
PDB 3AO2, FBPa Site 197823-197854 203243-203477 236551-236652 251035-251085 258779-258929 279951-279958
PDB 3AO2, FBPb Site 197855-197886 203478-203712 236653-236754 251086-251136 258930-259080 279959-279966
PDB 3AO2, LEDGFa Site 197887-197918 203713-203947 236755-236856 251137-251187 259081-259231 279967-279974
PDB 3AO2, LEDGFb Site 197919-197950 203948-204182 236857-236958 251188-251238 259232-259382 279975-279982
PDB 3NF6, FBPa Site 197951-197982 204183-204417 236959-237060 251239-251289 259383-259533 279983-279990
PDB 3NF6, FBPb Site 197983-198014 204418-204652 237061-237162 251290-251340 259534-259684 279991-279998
PDB 3NF6, LEDGFa Site 198015-198046 204653-204887 237163-237264 251341-251391 259685-259835 279999-280006
PDB 3NF6, LEDGFb Site 198047-198078 204888-205122 237265-237366 251392-251442 259836-259986 280007-280014
PDB 3NF6, Y3a Site 198079-198110 205123-205357 237367-237468 251443-251493 259987-260137 280015-280022
PDB 3NF6, Y3b Site 198111-198142 205358-205592 237469-237570 251494-251544 260138-260288 280023-280030
PDB 3NF6, FBPa Site 198143-198174 205593-205827 237571-237672 251545-251595 260289-260439 280031-280038
PDB 3NF6, FBPb Site 198175-198206 205828-206062 237673-237774 251596-251646 260440-260590 280039-280046
PDB 3NF6, LEDGFa Site 198207-198238 206063-206297 237775-237876 251647-251697 260591-260741 280047-280054
PDB 3NF6, LEDGFb Site 198239-198270 206298-206532 237877-237978 251698-251748 260742-260892 280055-280062
PDB 3NF6, Y3a Site 198271-198302 206533-206767 237979-238080 251749-251799 260893-261043 280063-280070
PDB 3NF6, Y3b Site 198303-198334 206768-207002 238081-238182 251800-251850 261044-261194 280071-280078
PDB 3NF7, FBPa Site 198335-198366 207003-207237 238183-238284 251851-251901 261195-261345 280079-280086
PDB 3NF7, FBPb Site 198367-198398 207238-207472 238285-238386 251902-251952 261346-261496 280087-280094
PDB 3NF7, LEDGFa Site 198399-198430 207473-207707 238387-238488 251953-252003 261497-261647 280095-280102
PDB 3NF7, LEDGFb Site 198431-198462 207708-207942 238489-238590 252004-252054 261648-261798 280103-280110
PDB 3NF7, Y3a Site 198463-198494 207943-208177 238591-238692 252055-252105 261799-261949 280111-280118
PDB 3NF7, Y3b Site 198495-198526 208178-208412 238693-238794 252106-252156 261950-262100 280119-280126
PDB 3NF7, FBPa Site 198527-198558 208413-208647 238795-238896 252157-252207 262101-262251 280127-280134
PDB 3NF7, FBPb Site 198559-198590 208648-208882 238897-238998 252208-252258 262252-262402 280135-280142
PDB 3NF7, LEDGFa Site 198591-198622 208883-209117 238999-239100 252259-252309 262403-262553 280143-280150
PDB 3NF7, LEDGFb Site 198623-198654 209118-209352 239101-239202 252310-252360 262554-262704 280151-280158
PDB 3NF7, Y3a Site 198655-198686 209353-209587 239203-239304 252361-252411 262705-262855 280159-280166
PDB 3NF7, Y3b Site 198687-198718 209588-209822 239305-239406 252412-252462 262856-263006 280167-280174
PDB 3NF8, FBPa Site 198719-198750 209823-210057 239407-239508 252463-252513 263007-263157 280175-280182
PDB 3NF8, FBPb Site 198751-198782 210058-210292 239509-239610 252514-252564 263158-263308 280183-280190
PDB 3NF8, LEDGFa Site 198783-198814 210293-210527 239611-239712 252565-252615 263309-263459 280191-280198
PDB 3NF8, LEDGFb Site 198815-198846 210528-210762 239713-239814 252616-252666 263460-263610 280199-280206
PDB 3NF8, Y3a Site 198847-198878 210763-210997 239815-239916 252667-252717 263611-263761 280207-280214
PDB 3NF8, Y3b Site 198879-198910 210998-211232 239917-240018 252718-252768 263762-263912 280215-280222
PDB 3NF8, FBPa Site 198911-198942 211233-211467 240019-240120 252769-252819 263913-264063 280223-280230
PDB 3NF8, FBPb Site 198943-198974 211468-211702 240121-240222 252820-252870 264064-264214 280231-280238
PDB 3NF8, LEDGFa Site 198975-199006 211703-211937 240223-240324 252871-252921 264215-264365 280239-280246
PDB 3NF8, LEDGFb Site 199007-199038 211938-212172 240325-240426 252922-252972 264366-264516 280247-280254
PDB 3NF8, Y3a Site 199039-199070 212173-212407 240427-240528 252973-253023 264517-264667 280255-280262
PDB 3NF8, Y3b Site 199071-199102 212408-212642 240529-240630 253024-253074 264668-264818 280263-280270
PDB 3NF9, FBPa Site 199103-199134 212643-212877 240631-240732 253075-253125 264819-264969 280271-280278
PDB 3NF9, FBPb Site 199135-199166 212878-213112 240733-240834 253126-253176 264970-265120 280279-280286
PDB 3NF9, LEDGFa Site 199167-199198 213113-213347 240835-240936 253177-253227 265121-265271 280287-280294
PDB 3NF9, LEDGFb Site 199199-199230 213348-213582 240937-241038 253228-253278 265272-265422 280295-280302
PDB 3NF9, Y3a Site 199231-199262 213583-213817 241039-241140 253279-253329 265423-265573 280303-280310
PDB 3NF9, Y3b Site 199263-199294 213818-214052 241141-241242 253330-253380 265574-265724 280311-280318
PDB 3NF9, FBPa Site 199295-199326 214053-214287 241243-241344 253381-253431 265725-265875 280319-280326
PDB 3NF9, FBPb Site 199327-199358 214288-214522 241345-241446 253432-253482 265876-266026 280327-280334
PDB 3NF9, LEDGFa Site 199359-199390 214523-214757 241447-241548 253483-253533 266027-266177 280335-280342
PDB 3NF9, LEDGFb Site 199391-199422 214758-214992 241549-241650 253534-253584 266178-266328 280343-280350
PDB 3NF9, Y3a Site 199423-199454 214993-215227 241651-241752 253585-253635 266329-266479 280351-280358
PDB 3NF9, Y3b Site 199455-199486 215228-215462 241753-241854 253636-253686 266480-266630 280359-280366
PDB 3NFA, FBPa Site 199487-199518 215463-215697 241855-241956 253687-253737 266631-266781 280367-280374
PDB 3NFA, FBPb Site 199519-199550 215698-215932 241957-242058 253738-253788 266782-266932 280375-280382
PDB 3NFA, LEDGFa Site 199551-199582 215933-216167 242059-242160 253789-253839 266933-267083 280383-280390
PDB 3NFA, LEDGFb Site 199583-199614 216168-216402 242161-242262 253840-253890 267084-267234 280391-280398
PDB 3NFA, Y3a Site 199615-199646 216403-216637 242263-242364 253891-253941 267235-267385 280399-280406
PDB 3NFA, Y3b Site 199647-199678 216638-216872 242365-242466 253942-253992 267386-267536 280407-280414
PDB 3NFA, FBPa Site 199679-199710 216873-217107 242467-242568 253993-254043 267537-267687 280415-280422
PDB 3NFA, FBPb Site 199711-199742 217108-217342 242569-242670 254044-254094 267688-267838 280423-280430
PDB 3NFA, LEDGFa Site 199743-199774 217343-217577 242671-242772 254095-254145 267839-267989 280431-280438
PDB 3NFA, LEDGFb Site 199775-199806 217578-217812 242773-242874 254146-254196 267990-268140 280439-280446
PDB 3NFA, Y3a Site 199807-199838 217813-218047 242875-242976 254197-254247 268141-268291 280447-280454
PDB 3NFA, Y3b Site 199839-199870 218048-218282 242977-243078 254248-254298 268292-268442 280455-280462
PDB 3VQ4, FBPa Site 199871-199902 218283-218517 243079-243180 254299-254349 268443-268593 280463-280470
PDB 3VQ4, FBPb Site 199903-199934 218518-218752 243181-243282 254350-254400 268594-268744 280471-280478
PDB 3VQ4, LEDGFa Site 199935-199966 218753-218987 243283-243384 254401-254451 268745-268895 280479-280486
PDB 3VQ4, LEDGFb Site 199967-199998 218988-219222 243385-243486 254452-254502 268896-269046 280487-280494
PDB 3VQ5, FBPa Site 199999-200030 219223-219457 243487-243588 254503-254553 269047-269197 280495-280502
PDB 3VQ5, FBPb Site 200031-200062 219458-219692 243589-243690 254554-254604 269198-269348 280503-280510
PDB 3VQ5, LEDGFa Site 200063-200094 219693-219927 243691-243792 254605-254655 269349-269499 280511-280518
PDB 3VQ5, LEDGFb Site 200095-200126 219928-220162 243793-243894 254656-254706 269500-269650 280519-280526
PDB 3VQ7, FBPa Site 200127-200158 220163-220397 243895-243996 254707-254757 269651-269801 280527-280534
PDB 3VQ7, FBPb Site 200159-200190 220398-220632 243997-244098 254758-254808 269802-269952 280535-280542
PDB 3VQ7, LEDGFa Site 200191-200222 220633-220867 244099-244200 254809-254859 269953-270103 280543-280550
PDB 3VQ7, LEDGFb Site 200223-200254 220868-221102 244201-244302 254860-254910 270104-270254 280551-280558
PDB 3VQ8, FBPa Site 200255-200286 221103-221337 244303-244404 254911-254961 270255-270405 280559-280566
PDB 3VQ8, FBPb Site 200287-200318 221338-221572 244405-244506 254962-255012 270406-270556 280567-280574
PDB 3VQ8, LEDGFa Site 200319-200350 221573-221807 244507-244608 255013-255063 270557-270707 280575-280582
PDB 3VQ8, LEDGFb Site 200351-200382 221808-222042 244609-244710 255064-255114 270708-270858 280583-280590
PDB 3VQA, FBPa Site 200383-200414 222043-222277 244711-244812 255115-255165 270859-271009 280591-280598
PDB 3VQA, FBPb Site 200415-200446 222278-222512 244813-244914 255166-255216 271010-271160 280599-280606
PDB 3VQA, LEDGFa Site 200447-200478 222513-222747 244915-245016 255217-255267 271161-271311 280607-280614
PDB 3VQA, LEDGFb Site 200479-200510 222748-222982 245017-245118 255268-255318 271312-271462 280615-280622
PDB 3VQD, FBPa Site 200511-200542 222983-223217 245119-245220 255319-255369 271463-271613 280623-280630
PDB 3VQD, FBPb Site 200543-200574 223218-223452 245221-245322 255370-255420 271614-271764 280631-280638
PDB 3VQD, LEDGFa Site 200575-200606 223453-223687 245323-245424 255421-255471 271765-271915 280639-280646
PDB 3VQD, LEDGFb Site 200607-200638 223688-223922 245425-245526 255472-255522 271916-272066 280647-280654
PDB 3VQE, FBPa Site 200639-200670 223923-224157 245527-245628 255523-255573 272067-272217 280655-280662
PDB 3VQE, FBPb Site 200671-200702 224158-224392 245629-245730 255574-255624 272218-272368 280663-280670
PDB 3VQE, LEDGFa Site 200703-200734 224393-224627 245731-245832 255625-255675 272369-272519 280671-280678
PDB 3VQE, LEDGFb Site 200735-200766 224628-224862 245833-245934 255676-255726 272520-272670 280679-280686
PDB 3ZCM, FBPa Site 200767-200798 224863-225097 245935-246036 255727-255777 272671-272821 280687-280694
PDB 3ZCM, FBPb Site 200799-200830 225098-225332 246037-246138 255778-255828 272822-272972 280695-280702
PDB 3ZCM, LEDGFa Site 200831-200862 225333-225567 246139-246240 255829-255879 272973-273123 280703-280710
PDB 3ZCM, LEDGFb Site 200863-200894 225568-225802 246241-246342 255880-255930 273124-273274 280711-280718
PDB 3ZCM, Y3a Site 200895-200926 225803-226037 246343-246444 255931-255981 273275-273425 280719-280726
PDB 3ZCM, Y3b Site 200927-200958 226038-226272 246445-246546 255982-256032 273426-273576 280727-280734
PDB 3ZSO, FBPa Site 200959-200990 226273-226507 246547-246648 256033-256083 273577-273727 280735-280742
PDB 3ZSO, FBPb Site 200991-201022 226508-226742 246649-246750 256084-256134 273728-273878 280743-280750
PDB 3ZSO, LEDGFa Site 201023-201054 226743-226977 246751-246852 256135-256185 273879-274029 280751-280758
PDB 3ZSO, LEDGFb Site 201055-201086 226978-227212 246853-246954 256186-256236 274030-274180 280759-280766
PDB 3ZSO, Y3a Site 201087-201118 227213-227447 246955-247056 256237-256287 274181-274331 280767-280774
PDB 3ZSO, Y3b Site 201119-201150 227448-227682 247057-247158 256288-256338 274332-274482 280775-280782
PDB 3ZSW, FBPa Site 201151-201182 227683-227917 247159-247260 256339-256389 274483-274633 280783-280790
PDB 3ZSW, FBPb Site 201183-201214 227918-228152 247261-247362 256390-256440 274634-274784 280791-280798
PDB 3ZSW, LEDGFa Site 201215-201246 228153-228387 247363-247464 256441-256491 274785-274935 280799-280806
PDB 3ZSW, LEDGFb Site 201247-201278 228388-228622 247465-247566 256492-256542 274936-275086 280807-280814
PDB 3ZSW, Y3a Site 201279-201310 228623-228857 247567-247668 256543-256593 275087-275237 280815-280822
PDB 3ZSW, Y3b Site 201311-201342 228858-229092 247669-247770 256594-256644 275238-275388 280823-280830
PDB 3ZT1, FBPa Site 201343-201374 229093-229327 247771-247872 256645-256695 275389-275539 280831-280838
PDB 3ZT1, FBPb Site 201375-201406 229328-229562 247873-247974 256696-256746 275540-275690 280839-280846
PDB 3ZT1, LEDGFa Site 201407-201438 229563-229797 247975-248076 256747-256797 275691-275841 280847-280854
PDB 3ZT1, LEDGFb Site 201439-201470 229798-230032 248077-248178 256798-256848 275842-275992 280855-280862
PDB 3ZT1, Y3a Site 201471-201502 230033-230267 248179-248280 256849-256899 275993-276143 280863-280870
PDB 3ZT1, Y3b Site 201503-201534 230268-230502 248281-248382 256900-256950 276144-276294 280871-280878
PDB 3ZT2, FBPa Site 201535-201566 230503-230737 248383-248484 256951-257001 276295-276445 280879-280886
PDB 3ZT2, FBPb Site 201567-201598 230738-230972 248485-248586 257002-257052 276446-276596 280887-280894
PDB 3ZT2, LEDGFa Site 201599-201630 230973-231207 248587-248688 257053-257103 276597-276747 280895-280902
PDB 3ZT2, LEDGFb Site 201631-201662 231208-231442 248689-248790 257104-257154 276748-276898 280903-280910
PDB 3ZT2, Y3a Site 201663-201694 231443-231677 248791-248892 257155-257205 276899-277049 280911-280918
PDB 3ZT2, Y3b Site 201695-201726 231678-231912 248893-248994 257206-257256 277050-277200 280919-280926
PDB 3ZT3, FBPa Site 201727-201758 231913-232147 248995-249096 257257-257307 277201-277351 280927-280934
PDB 3ZT3, FBPb Site 201759-201790 232148-232382 249097-249198 257308-257358 277352-277502 280935-280942
PDB 3ZT3, LEDGFa Site 201791-201822 232383-232617 249199-249300 257359-257409 277503-277653 280943-280950
PDB 3ZT3, LEDGFb Site 201823-201854 232618-232852 249301-249402 257410-257460 277654-277804 280951-280958
PDB 3ZT3, Y3a Site 201855-201886 232853-233087 249403-249504 257461-257511 277805-277955 280959-280966
PDB 3ZT3, Y3b Site 201887-201918 233088-233322 249505-249606 257512-257562 277956-278106 280967-280974
PDB 3ZT4, FBPa Site 201919-201950 233323-233557 249607-249708 257563-257613 278107-278257 280975-280982
PDB 3ZT4, FBPb Site 201951-201982 233558-233792 249709-249810 257614-257664 278258-278408 280983-280990
PDB 3ZT4, LEDGFa Site 201983-202014 233793-234027 249811-249912 257665-257715 278409-278559 280991-280998
PDB 3ZT4, LEDGFb Site 202015-202046 234028-234262 249913-250014 257716-257766 278560-278710 280999-281006
PDB 3ZT4, Y3a Site 202047-202078 234263-234497 250015-250116 257767-257817 278711-278861 281007-281014
PDB 3ZT4, Y3b Site 202079-202110 234498-234732 250117-250218 257818-257868 278862-279012 281015-281022
PDB 4AHR, FBPa Site 202111-202142 234733-234967 250219-250320 257869-257919 279013-279163 281023-281030
PDB 4AHR, FBPb Site 202143-202174 234968-235202 250321-250422 257920-257970 279164-279314 281031-281038
PDB 4AHR, LEDGFa Site 202175-202206 235203-235437 250423-250524 257971-258021 279315-279465 281039-281046
PDB 4AHR, LEDGFb Site 202207-202238 235438-235672 250525-250626 258022-258072 279466-279616 281047-281054
PDB 4AHR, Y3a Site 202239-202270 235673-235907 250627-250728 258073-258123 279617-279767 281055-281062
PDB 4AHR, Y3b Site 202271-202302 235908-236142 250729-250830 258124-258174 279768-279918 281063-281070
COMPLETION 78% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0%

Experiments 91 to 96 (AD Vina), 79% completed

Experiments 91 through 96 (AD Vina Experiments 43 to 48) target allosteric sites of HIV integrase. These experiments involve screening 6 libraries (Full NCI, Enamine, ChemBridge, Asinex, Vitas-M) and Maybridge with AD Vina against various structures from the PDB. These experiments complement Experiments 47 - 51, and the resulting data will help discriminate receptor structures when many are available for a virtual screening.

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TARGET: FBP, LEDGF, and ,Y3 Sites of HIV Integrase
AD Exp. 91
AD Vina Exp. 43
AD Exp. 92
AD Vina Exp. 44
AD Exp. 93
AD Vina Exp. 45
AD Exp. 94
AD Vina Exp. 46
AD Exp. 95
AD Vina Exp. 47
AD Exp. 96
AD Vina Exp. 48
Receptor StructureFull NCIEnamineChemBridgeAsinexVitas-MMaybridge
PDB 3NF6_A, FBP Site 168745-168776 170345-170579 182095-182196 187195-187245 189745-189895 197295-197302
PDB 3NF6_B, FBP Site 168777-168808 170580-170814 182197-182298 187246-187296 189896-190046 197303-197310
PDB 3NF7_A, FBP Site 168809-168840 170815-171049 182299-182400 187297-187347 190047-190197 197311-197318
PDB 3NF7_B, FBP Site 168841-168872 171050-171284 182401-182502 187348-187398 190198-190348 197319-197326
PDB 3NF8_A, FBP Site 168873-168904 171285-171519 182503-182604 187399-187449 190349-190499 197327-197334
PDB 3NF9_A, FBP Site 168905-168936 171520-171754 182605-182706 187450-187500 190500-190650 197335-197342
PDB 3NF9_B, FBP Site 168937-168968 171755-171989 182707-182808 187501-187551 190651-190801 197343-197350
PDB 3NFA_A, FBP Site 168969-169000 171990-172224 182809-182910 187552-187602 190802-190952 197351-197358
PDB 3NFA_B, FBP Site 169001-169032 172225-172459 182911-183012 187603-187653 190953-191103 197359-197366
PDB 3VQ8_B, FBP Site 169033-169064 172460-172694 183013-183114 187654-187704 191104-191254 197367-197374
PDB 3ZCM_A, FBP Site 169065-169096 172695-172929 183115-183216 187705-187755 191255-191405 197375-197382
PDB 3ZSO_B, FBP Site 169097-169128 172930-173164 183217-183318 187756-187806 191406-191556 197383-197390
PDB 3ZSW_B, FBP Site 169129-169160 173165-173399 183319-183420 187807-187857 191557-191707 197391-197398
PDB 3ZT1_A, FBP Site 169161-169192 173400-173634 183421-183522 187858-187908 191708-191858 197399-197406
PDB 3ZT2_A, FBP Site 169193-169224 173635-173869 183523-183624 187909-187959 191859-192009 197407-197414
PDB 3ZT3_A, FBP Site 169225-169256 173870-174104 183625-183726 187960-188010 192010-192160 197415-197422
PDB 3ZT4_B, FBP Site 169257-169288 174105-174339 183727-183828 188011-188061 192161-192311 197423-197430
PDB 3AO1, LEDGF Site 169289-169320 174340-174574 183829-183930 188062-188112 192312-192462 197431-197438
PDB 3AO2, LEDGF Site 169321-169352 174575-174809 183931-184032 188113-188163 192463-192613 197439-197446
PDB 3NF6_B, LEDGF Site 169353-169384 174810-175044 184033-184134 188164-188214 192614-192764 197447-197454
PDB 3NF7_A, LEDGF Site 169385-169416 175045-175279 184135-184236 188215-188265 192765-192915 197455-197462
PDB 3NF7_B, LEDGF Site 169417-169448 175280-175514 184237-184338 188266-188316 192916-193066 197463-197470
PDB 3NF8_B, LEDGF Site 169449-169480 175515-175749 184339-184440 188317-188367 193067-193217 197471-197478
PDB 3NF9_A, LEDGF Site 169481-169512 175750-175984 184441-184542 188368-188418 193218-193368 197479-197486
PDB 3NF9_B, LEDGF Site 169513-169544 175985-176219 184543-184644 188419-188469 193369-193519 197487-197494
PDB 3NFA_A, LEDGF Site 169545-169576 176220-176454 184645-184746 188470-188520 193520-193670 197495-197502
PDB 3NFA_B, LEDGF Site 169577-169608 176455-176689 184747-184848 188521-188571 193671-193821 197503-197510
PDB 3VQ4, LEDGF Site 169609-169640 176690-176924 184849-184950 188572-188622 193822-193972 197511-197518
PDB 3VQ5_A, LEDGF Site 169641-169672 176925-177159 184951-185052 188623-188673 193973-194123 197519-197526
PDB 3VQ7, LEDGF Site 169673-169704 177160-177394 185053-185154 188674-188724 194124-194274 197527-197534
PDB 3VQA, LEDGF Site 169705-169736 177395-177629 185155-185256 188725-188775 194275-194425 197535-197542
PDB 3VQD, LEDGF Site 169737-169768 177630-177864 185257-185358 188776-188826 194426-194576 197543-197550
PDB 3VQE_A, LEDGF Site 169769-169800 177865-178099 185359-185460 188827-188877 194577-194727 197551-197558
PDB 4AHR_A, LEDGF Site 169801-169832 178100-178334 185461-185562 188878-188928 194728-194878 197559-197566
PDB 3AO1, Y3 Site 169833-169864 178335-178569 185563-185664 188929-188979 194879-195029 197567-197574
PDB 3AO2, Y3 Site 169865-169896 178570-178804 185665-185766 188980-189030 195030-195180 197575-197582
PDB 3VQ4, Y3 Site 169897-169928 178805-179039 185767-185868 189031-189081 195181-195331 197583-197590
PDB 3VQ5_A, Y3 Site 169929-169960 179040-179274 185869-185970 189082-189132 195332-195482 197591-197598
PDB 3VQ8_B, Y3 Site 169961-169992 179275-179509 185971-186072 189133-189183 195483-195633 197599-197606
PDB 3VQA, Y3 Site 169993-170024 179510-179744 186073-186174 189184-189234 195634-195784 197607-197614
PDB 3VQD, Y3 SiteA 170025-170056 179745-179979 186175-186276 189235-189285 195785-195935 197615-197622
PDB 3VQE_A, Y3 Site 170057-170088 179980-180214 186277-186378 189286-189336 195936-196086 197623-197630
PDB 3ZCM_A, Y3 Site 170089-170120 180215-180449 186379-186480 189337-189387 196087-196237 197631-197638
PDB 3ZSO_B, Y3 Site 170121-170152 180450-180684 186481-186582 189388-189438 196238-196388 197639-197646
PDB 3ZSW_B, Y3 Site 170153-170184 180685-180919 186583-186684 189439-189489 196389-196539 197647-197654
PDB 3ZT1_A, Y3 Site 170185-170216 180920-181154 186685-186786 189490-189540 196540-196690 197655-197662
PDB 3ZT2_A, Y3 Site 170217-170248 181155-181389 186787-186888 189541-189591 196691-196841 197663-197670
PDB 3ZT3_A, Y3 Site 170249-170280 181390-181624 186889-186990 189592-189642 196842-196992 197671-197678
PDB 3ZT4_B, Y3 Site 170281-170312 181625-181859 186991-187092 189643-189693 196993-197143 197679-197686
PDB 4AHR_A, Y3 Site 170313-170344 181860-182094 187093-187194 189694-189744 197144-197294 197687-197694
COMPLETION 100% 99.9% 99.7% 100% 66% 6%

Experiments 85 to 90 (AD Vina), 100% completed

Experiments 85 through 90 (AD Vina Experiments 37 to 42) target allosteric sites of HIV protease. These experiments involve screening 6 libraries (Full NCI, Enamine, ChemBridge, Asinex, Vitas-M) and Maybridge with AD Vina against various structures from the PDB.

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Receptor Information (Total of 72)
PDB Codes of Included Structures
1ZTZ 3IW8 3KF0 3KFN 3KFP 3KFR 3KFS 3T11 4DQG 4E43

Allosteric Sites of Chain A (and B for all but 3I8W and KFP)
1F1 Disulfide Exo Ear
TARGET: 4 Allosteric Sites of HIV-1 Protease (PR)
AD Exp. 85AD Exp. 86AD Exp. 87AD Exp. 88AD Exp. 89AD Exp. 90
Receptor StructureFull NCIEnamineChemBridgeAsinexVitas-MMaybridge
PDB 1ZTZ, 1F1 Site, Chain A 127057-127088 129361-129595 146281-146382 153625-153675 157297-157447 168169-168176
PDB 1ZTZ, 1F1 Site, Chain B 127089-127120 129596-129830 146383-146484 153676-153726 157448-157598 168177-168184
PDB 1ZTZ, Disulfide Site, Chain A 127121-127152 129831-130065 146485-146586 153727-153777 157599-157749 168185-168192
PDB 1ZTZ, Disulfide Site, Chain B 127153-127184 130066-130300 146587-146688 153778-153828 157750-157900 168193-168200
PDB 1ZTZ, "Ear" Site, Chain A 127185-127216 130301-130535 146689-146790 153829-153879 157901-158051 168201-168208
PDB 1ZTZ, "Ear" Site, Chain B 127217-127248 130536-130770 146791-146892 153880-153930 158052-158202 168209-168216
PDB 1ZTZ, 4d9 and DMSO Sites, Chain A 127249-127280 130771-131005 146893-146994 153931-153981 158203-158353 168217-168224
PDB 1ZTZ, 4d9 and DMSO Sites, Chain B 127281-127312 131006-131240 146995-147096 153982-154032 158354-158504 168225-168232
PDB 3I8W Monomer, 1F1 Site 127313-127344 131241-131475 147097-147198 154033-154083 158505-158655 168233-168240
PDB 3I8W Monomer, Disulfide Site 127345-127376 131476-131710 147199-147300 154084-154134 158656-158806 168241-168248
PDB 3I8W Monomer, "Ear" Site 127377-127408 131711-131945 147301-147402 154135-154185 158807-158957 168249-168256
PDB 3I8W Monomer, 4d9 and DMSO Sites 127409-127440 131946-132180 147403-147504 154186-154236 158958-159108 168257-168264
PDB 3KF0, 1F1 Site, Chain A 127441-127472 132181-132415 147505-147606 154237-154287 159109-159259 168265-168272
PDB 3KF0, 1F1 Site, Chain B 127473-127504 132416-132650 147607-147708 154288-154338 159260-159410 168273-168280
PDB 3KF0, Disulfide Site, Chain A 127505-127536 132651-132885 147709-147810 154339-154389 159411-159561 168281-168288
PDB 3KF0, Disulfide Site, Chain B 127537-127568 132886-133120 147811-147912 154390-154440 159562-159712 168289-168296
PDB 3KF0, "Ear" Site, Chain A 127569-127600 133121-133355 147913-148014 154441-154491 159713-159863 168297-168304
PDB 3KF0, "Ear" Site, Chain B 127601-127632 133356-133590 148015-148116 154492-154542 159864-160014 168305-168312
PDB 3KF0, 4d9 and DMSO Sites, Chain A 127633-127664 133591-133825 148117-148218 154543-154593 160015-160165 168313-168320
PDB 3KF0, 4d9 and DMSO Sites, Chain B 127665-127696 133826-134060 148219-148320 154594-154644 160166-160316 168321-168328
PDB 3KFN, 1F1 Site, Chain A 127697-127728 134061-134295 148321-148422 154645-154695 160317-160467 168329-168336
PDB 3KFN, 1F1 Site, Chain B 127729-127760 134296-134530 148423-148524 154696-154746 160468-160618 168337-168344
PDB 3KFN, Disulfide Site, Chain A 127761-127792 134531-134765 148525-148626 154747-154797 160619-160769 168345-168352
PDB 3KFN, Disulfide Site, Chain B 127793-127824 134766-135000 148627-148728 154798-154848 160770-160920 168353-168360
PDB 3KFN, "Ear" Site, Chain A 127825-127856 135001-135235 148729-148830 154849-154899 160921-161071 168361-168368
PDB 3KFN, "Ear" Site, Chain B 127857-127888 135236-135470 148831-148932 154900-154950 161072-161222 168369-168376
PDB 3KFN, 4d9 and DMSO Sites, Chain A 127889-127920 135471-135705 148933-149034 154951-155001 161223-161373 168377-168384
PDB 3KFN, 4d9 and DMSO Sites, Chain B 127921-127952 135706-135940 149035-149136 155002-155052 161374-161524 168385-168392
PDB 3KFP Monomer, 1F1 Site 127953-127984 135941-136175 149137-149238 155053-155103 161525-161675 168393-168400
PDB 3KFP Monomer, Disulfide Site 127985-128016 136176-136410 149239-149340 155104-155154 161676-161826 168401-168408
PDB 3KFP Monomer, "Ear" Site 128017-128048 136411-136645 149341-149442 155155-155205 161827-161977 168409-168416
PDB 3KFP Monomer, 4d9 and DMSO Sites 128049-128080 136646-136880 149443-149544 155206-155256 161978-162128 168417-168424
PDB 3KFR, 1F1 Site, Chain A 128081-128112 136881-137115 149545-149646 155257-155307 162129-162279 168425-168432
PDB 3KFR, 1F1 Site, Chain B 128113-128144 137116-137350 149647-149748 155308-155358 162280-162430 168433-168440
PDB 3KFR, Disulfide Site, Chain A 128145-128176 137351-137585 149749-149850 155359-155409 162431-162581 168441-168448
PDB 3KFR, Disulfide Site, Chain B 128177-128208 137586-137820 149851-149952 155410-155460 162582-162732 168449-168456
PDB 3KFR, "Ear" Site, Chain A 128209-128240 137821-138055 149953-150054 155461-155511 162733-162883 168457-168464
PDB 3KFR, "Ear" Site, Chain B 128241-128272 138056-138290 150055-150156 155512-155562 162884-163034 168465-168472
PDB 3KFR, 4d9 and DMSO Sites, Chain A 128273-128304 138291-138525 150157-150258 155563-155613 163035-163185 168473-168480
PDB 3KFR, 4d9 and DMSO Sites, Chain B 128305-128336 138526-138760 150259-150360 155614-155664 163186-163336 168481-168488
PDB 3KFS, 1F1 Site, Chain A 128337-128368 138761-138995 150361-150462 155665-155715 163337-163487 168489-168496
PDB 3KFS, 1F1 Site, Chain B 128369-128400 138996-139230 150463-150564 155716-155766 163488-163638 168497-168504
PDB 3KFS, Disulfide Site, Chain A 128401-128432 139231-139465 150565-150666 155767-155817 163639-163789 168505-168512
PDB 3KFS, Disulfide Site, Chain B 128433-128464 139466-139700 150667-150768 155818-155868 163790-163940 168513-168520
PDB 3KFS, "Ear" Site, Chain A 128465-128496 139701-139935 150769-150870 155869-155919 163941-164091 168521-168528
PDB 3KFS, "Ear" Site, Chain B 128497-128528 139936-140170 150871-150972 155920-155970 164092-164242 168529-168536
PDB 3KFS, 4d9 and DMSO Sites, Chain A 128529-128560 140171-140405 150973-151074 155971-156021 164243-164393 168537-168544
PDB 3KFS, 4d9 and DMSO Sites, Chain B 128561-128592 140406-140640 151075-151176 156022-156072 164394-164544 168545-168552
PDB 3T11, 1F1 Site, Chain A 128593-128624 140641-140875 151177-151278 156073-156123 164545-164695 168553-168560
PDB 3T11, 1F1 Site, Chain B 128625-128656 140876-141110 151279-151380 156124-156174 164696-164846 168561-168568
PDB 3T11, Disulfide Site, Chain A 128657-128688 141111-141345 151381-151482 156175-156225 164847-164997 168569-168576
PDB 3T11, Disulfide Site, Chain B 128689-128720 141346-141580 151483-151584 156226-156276 164998-165148 168577-168584
PDB 3T11, "Ear" Site, Chain A 128721-128752 141581-141815 151585-151686 156277-156327 165149-165299 168585-168592
PDB 3T11, "Ear" Site, Chain B 128753-128784 141816-142050 151687-151788 156328-156378 165300-165450 168593-168600
PDB 3T11, 4d9 and DMSO Sites, Chain A 128785-128816 142051-142285 151789-151890 156379-156429 165451-165601 168601-168608
PDB 3T11, 4d9 and DMSO Sites, Chain B 128817-128848 142286-142520 151891-151992 156430-156480 165602-165752 168609-168616
PDB 4DQG, 1F1 Site, Chain A 128849-128880 142521-142755 151993-152094 156481-156531 165753-165903 168617-168624
PDB 4DQG, 1F1 Site, Chain B 128881-128912 142756-142990 152095-152196 156532-156582 165904-166054 168625-168632
PDB 4DQG, Disulfide Site, Chain A 128913-128944 142991-143225 152197-152298 156583-156633 166055-166205 168633-168640
PDB 4DQG, Disulfide Site, Chain B 128945-128976 143226-143460 152299-152400 156634-156684 166206-166356 168641-168648
PDB 4DQG, "Ear" Site, Chain A 128977-129008 143461-143695 152401-152502 156685-156735 166357-166507 168649-168656
PDB 4DQG, "Ear" Site, Chain B 129009-129040 143696-143930 152503-152604 156736-156786 166508-166658 168657-168664
PDB 4DQG, 4d9 and DMSO Sites, Chain A 129041-129072 143931-144165 152605-152706 156787-156837 166659-166809 168665-168672
PDB 4DQG, 4d9 and DMSO Sites, Chain B 129073-129104 144166-144400 152707-152808 156838-156888 166810-166960 168673-168680
PDB 4E43, 1F1 Site, Chain A 129105-129136 144401-144635 152809-152910 156889-156939 166961-167111 168681-168688
PDB 4E43, 1F1 Site, Chain B 129137-129168 144636-144870 152911-153012 156940-156990 167112-167262 168689-168696
PDB 4E43, Disulfide Site, Chain A 129169-129200 144871-145105 153013-153114 156991-157041 167263-167413 168697-168704
PDB 4E43, Disulfide Site, Chain B 129201-129232 145106-145340 153115-153216 157042-157092 167414-167564 168705-168712
PDB 4E43, "Ear" Site, Chain A 129233-129264 145341-145575 153217-153318 157093-157143 167565-167715 168713-168720
PDB 4E43, "Ear" Site, Chain B 129265-129296 145576-145810 153319-153420 157144-157194 167716-167866 168721-168728
PDB 4E43, 4d9 and DMSO Sites, Chain A 129297-129328 145811-146045 153421-153522 157195-157245 167867-168017 168729-168736
PDB 4E43, 4d9 and DMSO Sites, Chain B 129329-129360 146046-146280 153523-153624 157246-157296 168018-168168 168737-168744
COMPLETION 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Experiments 79 to 84 (AD Vina), 100% completed

Experiments 79 through 84 target (AD Vina Experiments 31 to 36) the exo site region of HIV protease; they are the same experiments as Experiments 73 - 78, but Vina is used instead of AutoDock. These experiments involve screening 6 libraries (Full NCI, Enamine, ChemBridge, Asinex, Vitas-M) and Maybridge with AD Vina against a crystal structure from the Stout Lab and PDB 3KF0.

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TARGET: Exo Site Region of HIV-1 Protease (PR)
AD Exp. 79 (31)AD Exp. 80 (32)AD Exp. 81 (33)AD Exp. 82 (34)AD Exp. 83 (35)AD Exp. 84 (36)
Receptor StructureFull NCIEnamineChemBridgeAsinexVitas-MMaybridge
PDB, 3KF0, Chain A 124401-124432 124529-124763 125469-125570 125877-125927 126081-126231 126749-126825
Stout Lab Structure, Chain A 124433-124464 124764-124998 125571-125672 125928-125978 126232-126382 126826-126902
PDB, 3KF0, Chain B 124465-124496 124999-125233 125673-125774 125979-126029 126383-126533 126903-126979
Stout Lab Structure, Chain B 124497-124528 125234-125468 125775-125876 126030-126080 126534-126684 126980-127056
COMPLETION 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Experiments 73 to 78 (AutoDock), 31% completed

Experiments 73 through 78 target the exo site region of HIV protease. These experiments involve screening 6 libraries (Full NCI, Enamine, ChemBridge, Asinex, Vitas-M) and Maybridge with AutoDock against a crystal structure from the Stout Lab and PDB 3KF0.

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TARGET: Exo Site Region of HIV-1 Protease (PR)
AD Exp. 73AD Exp. 74AD Exp. 75AD Exp. 76AD Exp. 77AD Exp. 78
Receptor StructureFull NCIEnamineChemBridgeAsinexVitas-MMaybridge
PDB, 3KF0, Chain A 101653-101969 102921-105265 112301-113314 116357-116863 118385-119888 124401-124477
Stout Lab Structure, Chain A 101970-102286 105266-107610 113315-114328 116864-117370 119889-121392 124478-124554
PDB, 3KF0, Chain B 102287-102603 107611-109955 114329-115342 117371-117877 121393-122896 124555-124631
Stout Lab Structure, Chain B 102604-102920 109956-112300 115343-116356 117878-118384 122897-124400 124632-124708
COMPLETION 100% 62% 19% 0% 0% 0%

Experiment 72 (AutoDock), 100% Complete

Experiments 72 targets the 4d9 site of HIV-1 protease (PR). This experiment involves screening the full NCI Set against 2 crystal structures and focuses on refining future AutoDock (and AD Vina) virtual screenings. These dockings will be compared with past dockings to the full NCI Set against PR to help overall efficiency in terms of accuracy and speed. Batch summary by parameters*: Batches 97215 - 97848: usual parameters run by Dr. Perryman (ALP) Batches 97849 - 98482: default AutoDock parameters (GA*) Batches 98483 - 99116: default AutoDock parameters (GA*) on fragment structures only Batches 99117 - 99750: default AutoDock parameters Batches 99751 - 100384: default AutoDock parameters on fragment structures only Batches 100385 - 101018: default AutoDock parameters except elitism = 5 Batches 101019 - 101652: default AutoDock parameters except elitism = 10 *All batches in this experiment are done with new docking box parameters.

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TARGET: 4d9 Site of HIV-1 Protease (PR), Full NCI Set
Receptor StructureALP ParametersDefault AD
Parameters (GA*)
Default AD Parameters
Fragments Only(GA*)
Default AD
Default AD Parameters
Fragments Only
Elitism = 5Elitism = 10
PDB 3KF0 97215-97531 97849-98165 98483-98799 99117-99433 99751-100067 100385-100701 101019-101335
Stout Lab C6-bound structure 97532-97848 98166-98482 98800-99116 99434-99750 100068-100384 100702-101018 101336-101652
*GA is the traditional genetic algorithm, and the Lamarckian genetic algorithm (LGA) is the current default AutoDock method.

Status 39-71

Experiments 52 to 71 = AD Vina Exp. 11 to 30, 100% completed

Experiments 52 through 71 (AD Vina Experiments 11 to 30) target the three allosteric sites of HIV reverse transcriptase as well as the known non-nucleoside reverse trasciptase inhibitor (NNRTI) site. These experiments involve screening 5 large libraries (Full NCI, Enamine, ChemBridge, Asinex and Vitas-M) with AD Vina against several crystal structures and molecular dynamics (MD) snapshots from the McCammon Lab, UCSD. Among the crystal structures are those from our collaborators in the Arnold Lab. The MD snapshots were graciously provided by Sara Nichols, from simulations on PDB 1VRT (see the supporting information of Predictive Power of Molecular Dynamics Receptor Structures in Virtual Screening by Nichols et. al.). Positive control dockings were first performed to choose appropriate MD snapshots for each target. While performing these initial studies, different docking parameters were tested involving placement of the docking bounding box in which docking calculations are performed. Experiment summary by site: Exp. 52 - 56: incoming nucleotide binding site (INuB) of HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase (RT) Exp. 57 - 61: knuckles binding site (KNUC) of HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase (RT) Exp. 62 - 66: NNRTI adjacent site (NNRTIadj) of HIV-1 Reverse Trascriptase (RT) Exp. 67 - 71: NNRTI binding site (NNRTI site) of HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase (RT)

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TARGET: Incoming Nucleotide Binding Site (INuB) of HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase (RT)
AD Exp. 52
Vina Exp. 11
AD Exp. 53
Vina Exp. 12
AD Exp. 54
Vina Exp. 13
AD Exp. 55
Vina Exp. 14
AD Exp. 56
Vina Exp. 15
Receptor StructureFull NCIEnamineChemBridgeAsinexVitas-M
MD snapshot uc1_frame_963 63526 - 63557 64006 - 64240 67531 - 67632 69061 - 69111 69826 - 69976
MD snapshot apa_frame_1633 63558 - 63589 64241 - 64475 67633 - 67734 69112 - 69162 69977 - 70127
MD snapshot apa_frame_1598 63590 - 63621 64476 - 64710 67735 - 67836 69163 - 69213 70128 - 70278
MD snapshot apa_frame_1693 63622 - 63653 64711 - 64945 67837 - 67938 69214 - 69264 70279 - 70429
MD snapshot apa_frame_1649 63654 - 63685 64946 - 65180 67939 - 68040 69265 - 69315 70430 - 70580
MD snapshot uc1_frame_455 63686 - 63717 65181 - 65415 68041 - 68142 69316 - 69366 70581 - 70731
MD snapshot uc1_frame_1241 63718 - 63749 65416 - 65650 68143 - 68244 69367 - 69417 70732 - 70882
MD snapshot uc1_frame_1198 63750 - 63781 65651 - 65885 68245 - 68346 69418 - 69468 70883 - 71033
PDB 1VRU, w/NNRTI* 63782 - 63813 65886 - 66120 68347 - 68448 69469 - 69519 71034 - 71184
PDB 1VRU, w/out NNRTI* 63814 - 63845 66121 - 66355 68449 - 68550 69520 - 69570 71185 - 71335
PDB 2ZD1, w/out NNRTI* 63846 - 63877 66356 - 66590 68551 - 68652 69571 - 69621 71336 - 71486
PDB 4ICL, w/out NNRTI* 63878 - 63909 66591 - 66825 68653 - 68754 69622 - 69672 71487 - 71637
PDB 4ICL, w/NNRTI* 63910 - 63941 66826 - 67060 68755 - 68856 69673 - 69723 71638 - 71788
PDB 4KFB, w/out NNRTI* 63942 - 63973 67061 - 67295 68857 - 68958 69724 - 69774 71789 - 71939
PDB 4KFB, w/NNRTI* 63974 - 64005 67296 - 67530 68959 - 69060 69775 - 69825 71940 - 72090
COMPLETION 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
*"NNRTI" is non-nucleoside HIV reverse transcriptase inhibitor.

TARGET: Knuckles Binding Site (KNUC) of HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase (RT)
AD Exp. 57
AD Vina Exp. 16
AD Exp. 58
AD Vina Exp. 17
AD Exp. 59
AD Vina Exp. 18
AD Exp. 60
AD Vina Exp. 19
AD Exp. 61
AD Vina Exp. 20
Receptor StructureFull NCIEnamineChemBridgeAsinexVitas-M
MD snapshot apa_frame_1701 72091 - 72122 72411 - 72645 74761 - 74862 75781 - 75831 76291 - 76441
MD snapshot apa_frame_1702 72123 - 72154 72646 - 72880 74863 - 74964 75832 - 75882 76442 - 76592
PDB 1FK9, w/NNRTI* 72155 - 72186 72881 - 73115 74965 - 75066 75883 - 75933 76593 - 76743
PDB 1FK9, w/out NNRTI* 72187 - 72218 73116 - 73350 75067 - 75168 75934 - 75984 76744 - 76894
PDB 4IFY, w/out NNRTI*
[KNUC and INuB sites centered]
72219 - 72250 73351 - 73585 75169 - 75270 75985 - 76035 76895 - 77045
PDB 4IFY, w/out NNRTI*
[KNUC site centered]
72251 - 72282 73586 - 73820 75271 - 75372 76036 - 76086 77046 - 77196
[KNUC and INuB sites centered]
72283 - 72314 73821 - 74055 75373 - 75474 76087 - 76137 77197 - 77347
PDB 4KFB, w/out NNRTI*
[KNUC and INuB sites centered]
72315 - 72346 74056 - 74290 75475 - 75576 76138 - 76188 77348 - 77498
PDB 4KFB, w/out NNRTI*
[KNUC site centered]
72347 - 72378 74291 - 74525 75577 - 75678 76189 - 76239 77499 - 77649
[KNUC and INuB sites centered]
72379 - 72410 74526 - 74760 75679 - 75780 76240 - 76290 77650 - 77800
COMPLETION 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
*"NNRTI" is non-nucleoside HIV reverse transcriptase inhibitor.

TARGET: NNRTI Adjacent Site (NNRTIadj) of HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase (RT)
AD Exp. 62
AD Vina Exp. 21
AD Exp. 63
AD Vina Exp. 22
AD Exp. 64
AD Vina Exp. 23
AD Exp. 65
AD Vina Exp. 24
AD Exp. 66
AD Vina Exp. 25
Receptor StructureFull NCIEnamineChemBridgeAsinexVitas-M
PDB 2ZD1, w/NNRTI* 77801 - 77832 77897 - 78131 78602 - 78703 78908 - 78958 79061 - 79211
PDB 4IFY, w/NNRTI* 77833 - 77864 78132 - 78366 78704 - 78805 78959 - 79009 79212 - 79362
PDB 4KFB, w/NNRTI* 77865 - 77896 78367 - 78601 78806 - 78907 79010 - 79060 79363 - 79513
COMPLETION 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
*"NNRTI" is non-nucleoside HIV reverse transcriptase inhibitor.

TARGET: NNRTI Site of HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase (RT)
AD Exp. 67
AD Vina Exp. 26
AD Exp. 68
AD Vina Exp. 27
AD Exp. 69
AD Vina Exp. 28
AD Exp. 70
AD Vina Exp. 29
AD Exp. 71
AD Vina Exp. 30
Receptor StructureFull NCIEnamineChemBridgeAsinexVitas-M
MD snapshot uc1_frame_963 79514 - 79545 80506 - 80740 87791 - 87892 90953 - 91003 92534 - 92684
MD snapshot uc1_frame_209 79546 - 79577 80741 - 80975 87893 - 87994 91004 - 91054 92685 - 92835
MD snapshot uc1_frame_1452 79578 - 79609 80976 - 81210 87995 - 88096 91055 - 91105 92836 - 92986
MD snapshot apa_frame_1701 79610 - 79641 81211 - 81445 88097 - 88198 91106 - 91156 92987 - 93137
MD snapshot uc1_frame_1781 79642 - 79673 81446 - 81680 88199 - 88300 91157 - 91207 93138 - 93288
MD snapshot uc1_frame_326 79674 - 79705 81681 - 81915 88301 - 88402 91208 - 91258 93289 - 93439
MD snapshot uc1_frame_63 79706 - 79737 81916 - 82150 88403 - 88504 91259 - 91309 93440 - 93590
MD snapshot uc1_frame_693 79738 - 79769 82151 - 82385 88505 - 88606 91310 - 91360 93591 - 93741
MD snapshot uc1_frame_1076 79770 - 79801 82386 - 82620 88607 - 88708 91361 - 91411 93742 - 93892
MD snapshot uc1_frame_978 79802 - 79833 82621 - 82855 88709 - 88810 91412 - 91462 93893 - 94043
MD snapshot uc1_frame_1038 79834 - 79865 82856 - 83090 88811 - 88912 91463 - 91513 94044 - 94194
MD snapshot apa_frame_1301 79866 - 79897 83091 - 83325 88913 - 89014 91514 - 91564 94195 - 94345
MD snapshot uc1_frame_205 79898 - 79929 83326 - 83560 89015 - 89116 91565 - 91615 94346 - 94496
MD snapshot apa_frame_1845 79930 - 79961 83561 - 83795 89117 - 89218 91616 - 91666 94497 - 94647
MD snapshot uc1_frame_1062 79962 - 79993 83796 - 84030 89219 - 89320 91667 - 91717 94648 - 94798
MD snapshot uc1_frame_455 79994 - 80025 84031 - 84265 89321 - 89422 91718 - 91768 94799 - 94949
MD snapshot uc1_frame_128 80026 - 80057 84266 - 84500 89423 - 89524 91769 - 91819 94950 - 95100
MD snapshot uc1_frame_572 80058 - 80089 84501 - 84735 89525 - 89626 91820 - 91870 95101 - 95251
MD snapshot uc1_frame_653 80090 - 80121 84736 - 84970 89627 - 89728 91871 - 91921 95252 - 95402
MD snapshot apa_frame_1628 80122 - 80153 84971 - 85205 89729 - 89830 91922 - 91972 95403 - 95553
MD snapshot uc1_frame_1198 80154 - 80185 85206 - 85440 89831 - 89932 91973 - 92023 95554 - 95704
PDB 1BQM 80186 - 80217 85441 - 85675 89933 - 90034 92024 - 92074 95705 - 95855
PDB 1EP4 80218 - 80249 85676 - 85910 90035 - 90136 92075 - 92125 95856 - 96006
PDB 1FK9 80250 - 80281 85911 - 86145 90137 - 90238 92126 - 92176 96007 - 96157
PDB 1KLM 80282 - 80313 86146 - 86380 90239 - 90340 92177 - 92227 96158 - 96308
PDB 1RT1 80314 - 80345 86381 - 86615 90341 - 90442 92228 - 92278 96309 - 96459
PDB 1RT4 80346 - 80377 86616 - 86850 90443 - 90544 92279 - 92329 96460 - 96610
PDB 1VRT 80378 - 80409 86851 - 87085 90545 - 90646 92330 - 92380 96611 - 96761
PDB 1VRU 80410 - 80441 87086 - 87320 90647 - 90748 92381 - 92431 96762 - 96912
PDB 2ZD1 80442 - 80473 87321 - 87555 90749 - 90850 92432 - 92482 96913 - 97063
PDB 4IFY 80474 - 80505 87556 - 87790 90851 - 90952 92483 - 92533 97064 - 97214
COMPLETION 99.7% 99.9% 99.9% 100% 100%

Experiments 47 to 51 = AD Vina Exp. 6 to 10, 100% completed

Experiments 47 through 51 (that is, AD Vina Experiments 6 to 10) target the three recently-discovered allosteric sites of HIV integrase. These experiments involve screening ~ 5.6 million compounds against 30 models of different crystal structures of HIV integrase (or "IN"). Each of these crystal structures (3-D, atomically-detailed maps of the location of all of the atoms of the protein) involved an allosteric inhibitor bound to at least one of these three allosteric sites (but some of these allosteric inhibitors were fragments that bound to two or three of these different allosteric sites simultaneously). Thus, we are screening compounds against allosteric-inhibitor-induced conformations (or shapes) of HIV integrase. HIV integrase is one of the three viral enzymes that must work properly in order for HIV to replicate itself and spread. Specifically, HIV integrase processes and then permanently attaches (or "integrates") the viral cDNA into the human genomic DNA of the cells that HIV infects. To learn what "allosteric inhibitors are," see page 4 of Volume 11 of our FightAIDS@Home Newsletter. In these 5 experiments with AD Vina, we will search for new compounds that can bind to at least one of the three allosteric sites of HIV integrase, which are called the LEDGF site, the FBP Site (for Fragment Binding Pocket), or the Y3 site (which is adjacent to the region underneath the "140s loop"). To learn more about these allosteric sites on the catalytic core domain of HIV integrase, see this paper by the Deadman group, this paper by the Scanlon group, this newer paper by the Scanlon group, or see this paper by Alan Engelman, Jacques J. Kessl, and Mamuka Kvaratskhelia. The Engelman and Kvaratskhelia labs, and several other labs at 6 different institutions around the country, recently started collaborating with the Olson lab, as part of the new NIH-funded Center called the "HIVE."

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TARGET: FBP, LEDGF, and Y3 Sites of IN
AD Exp. 47
AD Vina Exp. 6
AD Exp. 48
AD Vina Exp. 7
AD Exp. 49
AD Vina Exp. 8
AD Exp. 50
AD Vina Exp. 9
AD Exp. 51
AD Vina Exp. 10
Receptor StructureFull NCIEnamineChemBridgeAsinexVitas-M
FBP allosteric site of IN from PDB 3AO1 46396-46427 47356-47590 54406-54507 57466-57516 58996-59146
FBP allosteric site of IN from PDB 3AO2 46428-46459 47591-47825 54508-54609 57517-57567 59147-59297
FBP allosteric site of IN from PDB 3NF8_B 46460-46491 47826-48060 54610-54711 57568-57618 59298-59448
FBP allosteric site of IN from PDB 3VQ4 46492-46523 48061-48295 54712-54813 57619-57669 59449-59599
FBP allosteric site of IN from PDB 3VQ5_A 46524-46555 48296-48530 54814-54915 57670-57720 59600-59750
FBP allosteric site of IN from PDB 3VQ7 46556-46587 48531-48765 54916-55017 57721-57771 59751-59901
FBP allosteric site of IN from PDB 3VQA 46588-46619 48766-49000 55018-55119 57772-57822 59902-60052
FBP allosteric site of IN from PDB 3VQD 46620-46651 49001-49235 55120-55221 57823-57873 60053-60203
FBP allosteric site of IN from PDB 3VQE_A 46652-46683 49236-49470 55222-55323 57874-57924 60204-60354
FBP allosteric site of IN from PDB 4AHR_A 46684-46715 49471-49705 55324-55425 57925-57975 60355-60505
LEDGF allosteric site of IN from PDB 3NF6_A 46716-46747 49706-49940 55426-55527 57976-58026 60506-60656
LEDGF allosteric site of IN from PDB 3NF8_A 46748-46779 49941-50175 55528-55629 58027-58077 60657-60807
LEDGF allosteric site of IN from PDB 3VQ8_B 46780-46811 50176-50410 55630-55731 58078-58128 60808-60958
LEDGF allosteric site of IN from PDB 3ZCM_A 46812-46843 50411-50645 55732-55833 58129-58179 60959-61109
LEDGF allosteric site of IN from PDB 3ZSO_B 46844-46875 50646-50880 55834-55935 58180-58230 61110-61260
LEDGF allosteric site of IN from PDB 3ZSW_B 46876-46907 50881-51115 55936-56037 58231-58281 61261-61411
LEDGF allosteric site of IN from PDB 3ZT1_A 46908-46939 51116-51350 56038-56139 58282-58332 61412-61562
LEDGF allosteric site of IN from PDB 3ZT2_A 46940-46971 51351-51585 56140-56241 58333-58383 61563-61713
LEDGF allosteric site of IN from PDB 3ZT3_A 46972-47003 51586-51820 56242-56343 58384-58434 61714-61864
LEDGF allosteric site of IN from PDB 3ZT4_B 47004-47035 51821-52055 56344-56445 58435-58485 61865-62015
Y3 allosteric site of IN from PDB 3NF6_A 47036-47067 52056-52290 56446-56547 58486-58536 62016-62166
Y3 allosteric site of IN from PDB 3NF6_B 47068-47099 52291-52525 56548-56649 58537-58587 62167-62317
Y3 allosteric site of IN from PDB 3NF7_A 47100-47131 52526-52760 56650-56751 58588-58638 62318-62468
Y3 allosteric site of IN from PDB 3NF7_B 47132-47163 52761-52995 56752-56853 58639-58689 62469-62619
Y3 allosteric site of IN from PDB 3NF8_A 47164-47195 52996-53230 56854-56955 58690-58740 62620-62770
Y3 allosteric site of IN from PDB 3NF8_B 47196-47227 53231-53465 56956-57057 58741-58791 62771-62921
Y3 allosteric site of IN from PDB 3NF9_A 47228-47259 53466-53700 57058-57159 58792-58842 62922-63072
Y3 allosteric site of IN from PDB 3NF9_B 47260-47291 53701-53935 57160-57261 58843-58893 63073-63223
Y3 allosteric site of IN from PDB 3NFA_A 47292-47323 53936-54170 57262-57363 58894-58944 63224-63374
Y3 allosteric site of IN from PDB 3NFA_B 47324-47355 54171-54405 57364-57465 58945-58995 63375-63525
COMPLETION 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Experiments 42 to 46 = AD Vina Exp. 1 to 5, 100% completed

Experiments 42 through 46 (that is, AD Vina Experiments 1 to 5) involve screening ~ 5.6 million compounds against two models of a recently-discovered allosteric site of HIV reverse transcriptase. Reverse transcriptase (or "RT") is one of the three viral enzymes that must work properly in order for HIV to replicate itself and spread. These are the first FightAIDS@Home experiments that target the RT system. To learn what "allosteric inhibitors are," see page 4 of Volume 11 of our FightAIDS@Home Newsletter. In these first 5 experiments with AD Vina (see, we will be trying to discover new compounds that can bind to the "NNRTI adjacent" allosteric site of RT. This NNRTI adjacent allosteric site, and two other recently-discovered allosteric sites on HIV reverse transcriptase, were discovered by Eddy Arnold's lab at Rutgers University. Eddy Arnold's lab, and several other labs at 6 different institutions around the country, recently started collaborating with the Olson lab, as part of the new NIH-funded Center called the "HIVE."

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TARGET: NNRTI Adjacent Site of RT
AD Exp. 42
AD Vina Exp. 1
AD Exp. 43
AD Vina Exp. 2
AD Exp. 44
AD Vina Exp. 3
AD Exp. 45
AD Vina Exp. 4
AD Exp. 46
AD Vina Exp. 5
Receptor StructureFull NCIEnamineChemBridgeAsinexVitas-M
NNRTI Adjacent site of RT from PDB 4I7G 45756-45787 45489-45723 45890-45991 46043-46093 46245-46395
NNRTI Adjacent site of RT from PDB 4I7G with NNRTI 45724-45755 45254-45488 45788-45889 45992-46042 46094-46244
COMPLETION 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Experiment 41: 100% Completed

Experiment 41 involves screening the Enamine library of 2.345 million compounds against the two allosteric sites on the surface of HIV protease. Experiment 41 and all previous FAAH experiments were performed with the software "AutoDock" (see ). This experiment is similar to Exp. 36 (see page 2 of the Status for a description of Exp. 36), but a different, much larger library of compounds is being screened, and some new targets are being included. The first part of this experiment involves docking compounds against the two allosteric-fragment-bound crystal structures presented in our recent article in Chemical Biology and Drug Design, vol. 75: 257-268 (March 2010). Three other, brand new crystal structures from Dave Stout's lab that involve allosteric fragments bound to these two sites on the surface of HIV protease are also being used as targets. Two of these new targets are presented in a new research manuscript from the Stout lab that is currently being peer-reviewed. When this paper is accepted, we will describe these targets in more detail and provide a link to this new paper. This is by far the largest experiment we have submitted to FightAIDS@Home; it involves faah33,529 - faah45,253. The results of these calculations started arriving at TSRI on 5/15/2012.

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Experiment 40: 100% Completed

Experiment 40 involves screening the ChemBridge library of 1,013,483 models of compounds against the newly-discovered allosteric binding site on HIV-1 integrase. This new allosteric binding site (which we are also targeting in Experiments 38 and 39) was discovered by Professor John J. Deadman's group, and it was described in "Structural basis for a new mechanism of inhibition of HIV-1 integrase identified by fragment screening and structure-based design," by D.I. Rhodes, T.S. Peat, J.J. Deadman, et al., published in the journal Antiviral Chemistry and Chemotherapy, 21: 155-168 (2011). The new crystal structure from this paper that contains the atomically-detailed, 3-D data on this new allosteric site is called "3NF6.pdb". We are screening compounds against this allosteric site to try to discover new, larger, more potent allosteric inhibitors of HIV-1 integrase. It is hoped that these new allosteric inhibitors of integrase will be effective at disabling the current drug-resistant mutant superbugs of HIV integrase. For more information about this new allosteric site, see Volume 10 of the FightAIDS@Home newsletter or our recent World AIDS Day webinar (both are linked at the top of the homepage for this site). Similar to Experiment 39, in Experiment 40 we are screening one million compounds against the new allosteric site on HIV-1 integrase using two slightly different docking approaches: in the first half of these calculations, we are using the smaller dimensions of the "grid box" (the region that the compounds are allowed to explore during the docking calculations) that produced the best results in the "positive control" docking calculations that reproduced the known binding mode of this new allosteric fragment (see the figures in Volume 10 of the FAAH Newsletter, page 8). In the second half of these calculations, we are using a larger grid box, to try to find even larger allosteric inhibitors that can bind strongly with both the allosteric site and other sub-pockets that are adjacent to it. This experiment involves faah31,501 - faah33,528. These results began arriving at TSRI on 3/24/2012, and the experiment finished 5/29/2012.

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Experiment 39: 100% Completed

Experiment 39 involves screening the Enamine library of 2,345,014 compounds against the newly-discovered allosteric binding site on HIV-1 integrase. This new allosteric binding site (which we are also targeting in Experiment 38) was discovered by Professor John J. Deadman's group, and it was described in "Structural basis for a new mechanism of inhibition of HIV-1 integrase identified by fragment screening and structure-based design," by D.I. Rhodes, T.S. Peat, J.J. Deadman, et al., published in the journal Antiviral Chemistry and Chemotherapy, 21: 155-168 (2011). The new crystal structure from this paper that contains the atomically-detailed, 3-D data on this new allosteric site is called "3NF6.pdb". We are screening compounds against this allosteric site to try to discover new, larger, more potent allosteric inhibitors of HIV-1 integrase. It is hoped that these new allosteric inhibitors of integrase will be effective at disabling the current drug-resistant mutant superbugs of HIV integrase. For more information about this new allosteric site, see Volume 10 of the FightAIDS@Home newsletter or our recent World AIDS Day webinar (both are linked at the top of the homepage for this site). In Experiment 39, we are screening these 2.3 million compounds against the new allosteric site on HIV-1 integrase using two slightly different docking approaches: in the first half of these calculations, we are using the smaller dimensions of the "grid box" (the region that the compounds are allowed to explore during the docking calculations) that produced the best results in the "positive control" docking calculations that reproduced the known binding mode of this new allosteric fragment (see the figures in Volume 10 of the FAAH Newsletter, page 8). In the second half of these calculations, we are using a larger grid box, to try to find even larger allosteric inhibitors that can bind strongly with both the allosteric site and other sub-pockets that are adjacent to it. This experiment involves faah26,811 - faah31,500. These calculations began (that is, the results started arriving at TSRI) on 12/17/2011. The last batch of results arrived 5/15/2012.

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Status 19-38

Experiment 38: 100% Completed

Experiment 38 involves screening the full NCI library of 316,179 compounds against the newly-discovered allosteric binding site on HIV-1 integrase. This new allosteric binding site was discovered by Professor John J. Deadman's group, and it was described in "Structural basis for a new mechanism of inhibition of HIV-1 integrase identified by fragment screening and structure-based design," by D.I. Rhodes, T.S. Peat, J.J. Deadman, et al., published in the journal Antiviral Chemistry and Chemotherapy, 21: 155-168 (2011). The new crystal structure from this paper that contains the atomically-detailed, 3-D data on this new allosteric site is called "3NF6.pdb". We are screening compounds against this allosteric site to try to discover new, larger, more potent allosteric inhibitors of HIV-1 integrase. It is hoped that these new allosteric inhibitors of integrase will be effective at disabling the current drug-resistant mutant superbugs of HIV integrase. For more information about this new allosteric site, see Volume 10 of the FightAIDS@Home newsletter (pages 7-8) or our recent World AIDS Day webinar (both are linked at the top of the homepage for this site). This experiment involves faah26,179 - faah26,810. These calculations began 12/06/2011 and ended 12/22/2011.

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Experiment 37: 100% Completed

Experiment 37 involves screening the newly-updated version of the Asinex library of 360,00 compounds. 507,000 different models are used to represent these 360,000 compounds (due to the need to represent different protonation states and different tautomers that some of these compounds can form in solution). These compounds are being screened against the active site and the "eye site" of 6 different crystal structures of HIV protease. When the flaps have a semi-open conformation, then we can target both the "eye site" and the floor of the active site. But when the flaps have a closed conformation, the "eye site" is no longer accessible (which means that we will only target the traditional active site, which is where the current HIV protease drugs bind). The 1st target is the crystal structure of the wild type HIV protease with 5-nitroindole bound in the eye site. This new crystal structure from Prof. C. David Stout's lab was presented in the Supporting Information for our recent article in Chemical Biology and Drug Design, vol. 75: 257-268 (March 2010). Since this crystallographic structure has semi-open flaps, we are screening these compounds against both the eye site and the active site of this target. The 2nd target is the semi-open crystal structure of wild type HIV-1b protease from 1HHP.pdb. This crystal structure has been used in previous virtual screens that were performed by Prof. Heather Carlson's group, in which they did find a novel inhibitor of HIV protease activity. Thus, this particular crystal structure has already been proven to be useful for virtual screens that target the "eye site." The idea of targeting this eye site was first proposed by Prof. Heather Carlson's group. But in this experiment, we are screening different compounds against this crystal structure than the compounds that were used in previous screens against 1HHP.pdb. The 3rd target has only been used in one previous FightAIDS@Home experiment (i.e., Experiment 35). It is a brand new crystal structure from Assoc. Prof. C. David Stout's lab of the chimeric "FIV 6s98S" protease, which was developed by our collaborators Ying-Chuan Lin, Prof. Bruce E. Torbett, and Prof. John H. Elder, and which has a closed conformation of the flaps. A paper on this new crystal structure of FIV 6s98S protease was recently accepted for publication in Acta Crystallographica and can be found at the above link. This protease enzyme is "chimeric," because it contains 5 residues from HIV protease that were substituted into the corresponding positions in FIV protease. The 6th residue was also substituted from HIV protease, but it changed into a different residue during serial passage experiments (i.e., during directed evolution studies). This 6s98S FIV protease has HIV-like drug sensitivity profiles and is a new model system for multi-drug-resistant HIV protease. The 4th target is the crystal structure of wild type HIV-1b protease bound to the drug darunavir. This crystal structure from 2IEN.pdb has a closed conformation of the flaps. Whenever we target a crystal structure of HIV protease that has a compound bound to it, we delete that ligand before we prepare the model of the target for these docking studies (so that a new compound might be able to bind in its place). The 5th target is the crystal structure of wild type HIV-1b protease bound to the compound TL-3 and to the allosteric fragment "4d9". This crystal structure, which has closed flaps, was also from the 2010 Chemical Biology & Drug Design paper cited above. The 6th target is the crystal structure of the V82F/I84V multi-drug-resistant mutant (or "superbug") of HIV protease from 1MSN.pdb, which has closed flaps. The model of this target has one protonated aspartic acid 25 (i.e., one of the two catalytic residues), which should cause us to fish out slightly different types of ligands. The 7th target is another version of the semi-open crystal structure of wild type HIV-1b protease from 1HHP.pdb. That is, this is the same molecule as the 2nd target in this experiment, but this time the model has one protonated aspartic acid 25. This experiment involves faah22,630 - faah26,178. These calculations began 5/12/2011 and ended 12/15/2011 (except for 3 batches, which were finished on 2/07/2012).

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Experiment 36: 100% Completed

Experiment 36 involves screening the full NCI library of ~ 316,000 compounds against the two allosteric sites on the surface of HIV protease. This experiment is similar to Exp. 31, but a different library of compounds is being screened, and in this experiment we are only docking compounds against the two allosteric-fragment-bound crystal structures from our recent article in Chemical Biology and Drug Design, vol. 75: 257-268 (March 2010). In addition, in this experiment we are investigating four slightly different docking protocols, to both advance the methods we use for drug discovery and to increase our probability of finding new "hits" against HIV protease. Since two different allosteric-fragment-induced structures are being used with four slightly different protocols, this experiment is composed of 8 parts, as follows: 1a) The crystal structure bound to allosteric fragment "1f1" is being screened using an "expanded grid box" that includes the 1f1 allosteric site, the 4d9 allosteric site (in the non-induced conformation = a decoy site), and several other decoy sites. The docking calculations will end according to the number of generations each compound explores in the genetic algorithm (that is, all 316,000 compounds will experience the same number of generations as they explore the target). 1b) The crystal structure bound to allosteric fragment "4d9" is being screened using an "expanded grid box" that includes the 4d9 allosteric site, the 1f1 allosteric site (in the non-induced conformation = a decoy site), and several other decoy sites. The docking calculations will end according to the number of generations each compound explores in the genetic algorithm (that is, all 316,000 ligands will experience the same number of generations as they explore the target). 2a) The crystal structure bound to allosteric fragment "1f1" is being screened using an "expanded grid box" that includes the 1f1 allosteric site, the 4d9 allosteric site (in the non-induced conformation), and several other decoy sites. The docking calculations will end according to the number of energy evaluations each ligand explores in the genetic algorithm (that is, all 316,000 compounds will experience the same number of energy evaluations as they explore the target). 2b) The crystal structure bound to allosteric fragment "4d9" is being screened using an "expanded grid box" that includes the 4d9 allosteric site, the 1f1 allosteric site (in the non-induced conformation), and several other decoy sites. The docking calculations will end according to the number of energy evaluations each compound explores in the genetic algorithm (that is, all 316,000 ligands will experience the same number of energy evaluations as they explore the target). 3a) The crystal structure bound to allosteric fragment "1f1" is being screened using a "focused grid box" that only includes the 1f1 allosteric site (that is, no decoy sites were included in the grid box that the compounds are allowed to explore). The docking calculations will end according to the number of energy evaluations each ligand explores in the genetic algorithm (that is, all 316,000 compounds will experience the same number of energy evaluations as they explore the target). 3b) The crystal structure bound to allosteric fragment "4d9" is being screened using a "focused grid box" that only includes the 4d9 allosteric site (that is, no decoy sites were included in the grid box that the compounds are allowed to explore). The docking calculations will end according to the number of energy evaluations each compound explores in the genetic algorithm (that is, all 316,000 ligands will experience the same number of energy evaluations as they explore the target). 4a) The crystal structure bound to allosteric fragment "1f1" is being screened using a "focused grid box" that only includes the 1f1 allosteric site (that is, no decoy sites were included in the grid box that the compounds are allowed to explore). The docking calculations will end according to the number of generations each ligand explores in the genetic algorithm (that is, all 316,000 compounds will experience the same number of generations as they explore the target). 4b) The crystal structure bound to allosteric fragment "4d9" is being screened using a "focused grid box" that only includes the 4d9 allosteric site (that is, no decoy sites were included in the grid box that the compounds are allowed to explore). The docking calculations will end according to the number of generations each ligand explores in the genetic algorithm (that is, all 316,000 ligands will experience the same number of generations as they explore the target). This experiment involves faah20,093 - faah22,620. These calculations began 4/16/2011 and ended 7/01/2011.

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Experiment 35: 100% Completed

Experiment 35 involves screening the full NCI library of ~ 316,000 compounds against the active site of 8 different versions of HIV protease. Thus, this experiment is similar to Exp. 32, but a different library of compounds is being screened, and one new target has been added. All but two of these target conformations were generated by Dr. Alex L. Perryman's Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations of 5 different variants of HIV protease. These 8 targets include 2 snapshots of the V82F/I84V mutant from ALP's 2004 paper in Protein Science. These 2 snapshots of a multi-drug-resistant "superbug" have semi-open conformations of the flaps, which makes these models good targets for the "eye site" that is located between the tip of a semi-open flap and the top of the wall of the active site. The 3rd target is the equilibration MD (EqMD) output for 1HSI.pdb, which is a semi-open conformation of HIV-2 protease. HIV-2 is the group of strains of HIV that are most common in Africa. We'll be targeting the "eye site" of 1HSI, as well. The 4th target is the EqMD output from 1MSN.pdb, which was created using a different crystal structure of the V82F/I84V superbug. This model has a closed conformation of the flaps, which means that we'll be targeting the floor of the active site. The 5th target also has a closed conformation of the flaps, but this EqMD output is from 2R5P.pdb, which is the wild type HIV-1c protease. HIV-1c is the group of strains of HIV that are most commonly found in Asia. The 6th target has semi-open flaps, and it is the EqMD output from 1TW7.pdb, which is a superbug with the mutations L10I/D25N/M36V/M46L/I54V/I62V/L63P/A71V/V82A/I84V/L90M. We'll be targeting the eye site of this superbug, too. The 7th target is a crystal structure of the wild type HIV protease with 5-nitroindole bound in the eye site. This new crystal structure from Prof. C. David Stout's lab was presented in the Supporting Information for our recent article in Chemical Biology and Drug Design, vol. 75: 257-268 (March 2010). This new research article of ours was recently discussed in a press release on Science Daily and in a news story on KPBS-FM. This paper was recently listed as one of the "most read papers" from Chemical Biology and Drug Design in 2010! I deleted the 5-nitroindole fragment from this structure before generating the AutoDock input file for this target. We'll be screening new fragments against this crystal structure's eye site, as well. The 8th target has never been used on FightAIDS@Home before. It is a brand new crystal structure from Assoc. Prof. C. David Stout's lab of the chimeric "FIV 6s98S" protease, which was developed by our collaborators Ying-Chuan Lin, Prof. Bruce E. Torbett, and Prof. John H. Elder. A paper on this new crystal structure of FIV 6s98S protease is currently being peer-reviewed. This protease enzyme is "chimeric," because it contains 5 residues from HIV protease that were substituted into the corresponding positions in FIV protease. The 6th residue was also substituted from HIV protease, but it changed into a different residue during serial passage experiments (i.e., during directed evolution studies performed with the presence of different HIV protease drugs). This 6s98S FIV protease has HIV-like drug sensitivity profiles and is a new model system for multi-drug-resistant HIV protease. This experiment involves faah17,565 - faah20,092. These calculations began 11/26/2010 and ended 4/25/2011.

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Experiment 34: 100% Completed

Experiment 34 is our second FightAIDS@Home experiment that targets the HIV integrase system. See the description and the link listed under Experiment 33. Experiment 34 involves screening the "full National Cancer Institute's (NCI) library" of over 315,000 different compounds against our new dynamic models of the wild type, the G140S/Q148H drug-resistant mutant, and the E92Q/N155H drug-resistant mutant of HIV-1 integrase. We are trying to discover compounds that can bind to and inhibit the active site of the wild type and these two drug-resistant mutants. Since these models all have two magnesium ions in the active site, we are searching for compounds that can inhibit HIV integrase's "strand transfer reaction," which is what the fairly new drug raltegravir (Isentress) does. We are screening the NCI library of compounds against 4 different snapshots (that is, conformations or 3-D shapes) of HIV integrase: a) the conformation of wild type HIV integrase against which raltegravir docked the best (in the results published in our paper in the Journal of Molecular Biology, March 26, 2010), b) the snapshot of the G140S/Q148H drug-resistant mutant against which raltegravir docked the best in our previous studies, c) the most representative (that is, the most frequently observed) conformation of the E92Q/N155H drug-resistant mutant (according to the results of the QR Factorization method in VMD), and d) the 2nd most representative conformation of the E92Q/N155H drug-resistant mutant of HIV integrase's catalytic core domain. The best compounds from this virtual screen will be assessed in test tubes, in "strand transfer" assays being developed by our collaborator Dr. Ying-Chuan Lin in Prof. John Elder's lab at TSRI. This experiment involves faah16,199 - faah17,462. An extension to this experiment in which the NCI Diversity Set II library of compounds is being screened against these targets involves faah17,463 - faah17,466. A second extension to this experiment in which the "high pH" version of the full NCI library of compounds is being screened against these targets involves faah17,473 - faah17,564. These calculations began 10/11/2010 and ended 1/16/2011.

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TARGET: Y3/Mg Site of IN
AD Exp. 34AD Exp. 34 ext. 1AD Exp. 34 ext. 2
Receptor StructureFull NCINCI Div. IINCI High-pH
MD Snapshot 2-01450 of PDB 1B9D 16199-16514 17463 17473-17495
MD Snapshot 2-06000 of PDB 1B9F 16515-16830 17464 17496-17518
MD Snapshot 3-07390 of PDB 1QS4 16831-17146 17465 17519-17541
MD Snapshot 1-02420 of PDB 1QS4 17147-17462 17466 17542-17564
COMPLETION 100% 100% 100%

Experiment 33: 100% Completed

Experiment 33 is our first FightAIDS@Home experiment that targets the HIV integrase system. While we are busy analyzing and extending the previous experiments you helped us perform against HIV protease, FAAH will now start screening compounds against the new dynamic models of wild type HIV integrase, the E92Q/N155H drug-resistant mutant, and the G140S/Q148H drug-resistant mutant that we recently created. We published these new models as the cover article for the March 26, 2010, issue of the Journal of Molecular Biology. An image of an ensemble of conformations (shapes) of the G140S/Q148H mutant is shown at the bottom of this page. Experiment 33 involves screening the "Asinex library" of over 360,000 different fragments and slightly larger compounds against our new dynamic models of the E92Q/N155H drug-resistant mutant of HIV-1 integrase. We are trying to identify compounds that can attach to brand new binding sites on this mutant. Thus, we are both searching for new types of inhibitors and for new, non-active site regions to which inhibitors can bind. We are screening these compounds against 6 different snapshots of this mutant that had the most open conformations of the "140s loop" near the active site. This loop is known to be critical to the catalytic function of integrase. This 140s loop is located in the top, left corner of the image at the bottom of this page. Since the 140s loop likely has a closed conformation during catalysis, we are searching for fragments that can stabilize the open, likely inactive conformations of the 140s loop. In other words, we are searching for fragments that might act as allosteric inhibitors (flexibility wedges that alter the shapes and motions sampled by this very flexible loop). The best compounds from this virtual screen will be assessed in test tubes, in "3' processing" assays performed by our collaborator Dr. Ying-Chuan Lin in Prof. John Elder's lab at TSRI. This experiment involves faah13,985 - faah16,198. An extension to this experiment in which the NCI Diversity Set II library of compounds is being screened against these targets involves faah17,467 - faah17,472. These calculations began 6/03/2010 and ended 12/01/2010. Jan. 2011 update: 10 of the top-ranked compounds were purchased and are currently be tested by our collaborators at TSRI.

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TARGET: Y3/Mg Site of IN
AD Exp. 33AD Exp. 33 ext. 1
Receptor StructureAsinexNCI Div. II
MD Snapshot 1-04080 of PDB 1QS4 13985-14353 17467
MD Snapshot 2-00020 of PDB 1QS4 14354-14722 17468
MD Snapshot 2-00260 of PDB 1QS4 14723-15091 17469
MD Snapshot 3-02740 of PDB 1QS4 15092-15460 17470
MD Snapshot 3-07720 of PDB 1QS4 15461-15829 17471
MD Snapshot 3-07910 of PDB 1QS4 15830-16198 17472
COMPLETION 100% 100%

Experiment 32: 100% Completed

Experiment 32 involves screening the Otava library of approximately 335,000 "building blocks" (i.e., fragments) against the active site of 7 different versions of HIV protease. All but one of these target conformations were generated by Dr. Alex L. Perryman's Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations of 5 different variants of HIV protease. These 7 targets include 2 snapshots of the V82F/I84V mutant from ALP's 2004 paper in Protein Science. These 2 snapshots of a multi-drug-resistant "superbug" have semi-open conformations of the flaps, which makes these models good targets for the "eye site" that is located between the tip of a semi-open flap and the top of the wall of the active site. The 3rd target is the equilibration MD (EqMD) output for 1HSI.pdb, which is a semi-open conformation of HIV-2 protease. HIV-2 is the group of strains of HIV that are most common in Africa. We'll be targeting the "eye site" of 1HSI, as well. The 4th target is the EqMD output from 1MSN.pdb, which was created using a different crystal structure of the V82F/I84V superbug. This model has a closed conformation of the flaps, which means that we'll be targeting the floor of the active site. The 5th target also has a closed conformation of the flaps, but this EqMD output is from 2R5P.pdb, which is the wild type HIV-1c protease. HIV-1c is the group of strains of HIV that are most commonly found in Asia. The 6th target has semi-open flaps, and it is the EqMD output from 1TW7.pdb, which is a superbug with the mutations L10I/D25N/M36V/M46L/I54V/I62V/L63P/A71V/V82A/I84V/L90M. We'll be targeting the eye site of this superbug, too. The 7th target is a crystal structure of the wild type HIV protease with 5-nitroindole bound in the eye site. This new crystal structure from Prof. C. David Stout's lab was presented in the Supporting Information for our recent article in Chemical Biology and Drug Design, vol. 75: 257-268 (March 2010). This new research article of ours was recently discussed in a press release on Science Daily and in a news story on KPBS-FM. I deleted the 5-nitroindole fragment from this structure before generating the AutoDock input file for this target. We'll be screening new fragments against this crystal structure's eye site, as well. The Protein Data Bank is located at You can search the PDB using the 4 character codes listed above (i.e., before the .pdb suffix) to learn more about each of these targets. This experiment involves faah11,647 - faah13,984. These calculations began 4/12/2010, they were put "on hold" for a while, and they finished 3/06/2011.

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Experiment 31: 100% Completed

Experiment 31 involves screening the Otava library of approximately 335,000 "building blocks" against the "exo sites" on the side surfaces of HIV protease (i.e., the allosteric sites). This experiment will dock these fragments against the exo sites of 8 different targets, which include 5 carefully-selected snapshots from previous Molecular Dynamics simulations of the V82F/I84V multi-drug-resistant mutant "super bug." The other targets correspond to the two new fragment-bound crystal structures of HIV protease that were produced by our collaborator, Prof. C. David Stout at TSRI. We are targeting both sides of one of these two new targets, which is why we have "8 different targets." These two new structures from Prof. Stout were also targeted in Experiments 25-28 and 30. This experiment involves faah8972 - faah11,646. These calculations began 12/07/2009 and ended 4/18/2010.

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Experiment 30: 100% Completed

Like Experiment 29, Experiment 30 also uses the "Asinex" library of over 360,000 different compounds in a virtual screen against HIV protease. But in this experiment, the Asinex compounds are being docked against the allosteric inhibitor site (that is, the "exo site" on the sides of HIV protease). In addition, this experiment targets two new fragment-bound crystal structures of protease that were produced by our collaborator, Prof. C. David Stout at TSRI. These two new structures from Prof. Stout were also targeted in Experiments 25-28. This experiment involves faah8234 - faah8971. These calculations began 10/05/2009 and ended 12/07/2009. Update May, 2012: from the initial analysis of the results against the "1F1" allosteric site on the outside/top of the flaps, 10 fragments were purchased (using some of the funds that IBM's "Watson" won on Jeopardy! and which the IBM International Foundation donated to the FightAIDS@Home project). These 10 fragments were analyzed by Max Chang in Prof. Bruce Torbett's lab in "DSF" assays (differential scanning fluorimetry), which measure the thermal stability (melting temperature) of HIV protease in solution. 5 of these 10 fragments caused a significant shift in HIV protease stability in solution, which indicates that these compounds are able to bind to HIV protease. These 5 fragments are now being investigated in further tests performed by the Finn lab, the Elder lab, and the Stout lab.

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Experiment 29: 100% Completed

This experiment involves docking a huge library of compounds against the active site of six of our new models of HIV protease (which are a subset of the targets being used in Experiments 25-27). These six targets are the outputs of the equilibration phase of six different Molecular Dynamics simulations (hence the "mdEq" part of the work units' names). The six different types of HIV protease that we are docking compounds against in Exp. 29 include the "Model6Xapo," which is a drug-resistant "super bug" with 6 different mutations. Our collaborator, Prof. Dave Stout, figured out the structure of this 6X mutant. The "apo" part of the name indicates that this mutant protease molecule did not have a substrate or drug present when its structure was solved. This Model6Xapo has semi-open flaps (that is, the two double-arrows that point towards the center of the molecule and form a roof over the active site have opened up). We've been working with the IBM members of the FAAH team to update the graphics on your screen-savers. We've sent them new graphics to use, and they've already started testing them. Soon, you will be able to see exactly what we mean when we say "semi-open flaps." Another new model that is being targeted in Exp. 29 is the wild type HIV protease from 1HHP.pdb. We consider this model to be interesting, because the flaps were fairly open, but then they closed again. But this time, they closed down in the opposite arrangement/they "switched handedness" (that is, the flap that is normally in the front is now in the back). Having this different conformation of the flaps might allow us to fish out new types of interesting compounds for subsequent examination in the "test tube." We included models of a multi-drug-resistant "super bug" with mutations at V82F/I84V and another "super bug" with mutations at I62V/V82A/I84V/L90M. We are targeting a model of the protease molecule from "HIV-1c," as well. HIV-1c is the subtype, or group of strains, that is most commonly found in Asia. We are also targeting a model of "HIV-2" protease with semi-open flaps. HIV2 is the group of strains that are most commonly found in Africa. The current anti-AIDS drugs were developed and optimized against "HIV-1b," which is the subtype most commonly found in Europe and the USA. But some of these anti-HIV protease drugs do not work as well against even the wild type strains that are found in other regions (let alone their "super bugs"). Since we are not controlled by the desire to make profit, we are devoting some of our research efforts to the groups of HIV strains that affect the often-neglected patients in Africa and Asia. In addition, studying these versions of HIV protease can also help us learn how to defeat the "super bugs" we find here in the USA. This experiment is the first one in which we are using the "Asinex" library of over 360,000 different compounds in our virtual screens against HIV protease. This experiment involves faah6022 - faah8233. These calculations began 4/23/2009 and ended 10/20/2009.

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Experiment 28: 100% Completed

This experiment utilizes the same set of brand new crystal structures and new models of HIV protease that are being used in Experiments 25-27. See the description of Experiment 25 for the details about these new targets. In experiment 28, we are AutoDocking these compounds against the active site of different variants of HIV protease. This experiment incorporates a library of ligands that we just started using: the ChemBridge building blocks library. The library of "building blocks" from ChemBridge contains many small fragments that were derived from larger compounds. Using these small fragments, or building blocks, should help us cover a larger amount of structural diversity (i.e., of "chemical space") within each experiment. Thus, this library should help us find new hits in a more efficient way. This experiment involves faah5710-6021. These calculations began 4/05/2009 and finished 4/24/2009. Feb. 2011 update: 10 of the top-ranked fragments were purchased and are currently being tested by our collaborators at TSRI. Preliminary data indicate that 2 of these 10 fragments are able to inhibit HIV protease, according to the standard FRET-based activity assay. More testing needs to be done before we can publish these results, but thus far it appears that we discovered 2 completely novel "hits" against the active site/"eye site" in the results of Experiment 28. Extension to Experiment 28 736 compounds from the "ZINC" server that are somewhat similar to these 2 active fragments (discussed above) were hand-picked by Dr. Alex L. Perryman. These 736 compounds generate a "focused library" that we are screening against the active site and the "eye site" of a panel of 9 different variants of HIV protease. Since these 736 compounds are larger than the two active fragments discovered in Experiment 28, this extension of the experiment is searching for more potent compounds that are also able to target both the "eye site" and the floor of the active site. This extension involves faah22,621 - faah22,629. These calculations began 6/01/2011 and ended 6/04/2011.

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Experiment 27: 100% Completed

This experiment utilizes the same set of brand new crystal structures and new models of HIV protease that are being used in Experiments 25 and 26. See the description of Experiment 25 for the details about these new targets. In experiment 27, we are targeting the exo site on the sides of HIV protease. This experiment incorporates a library of ligands that we have never used before. We recently downloaded and reformatted the "ChemBridge building blocks library" of ~ 12,000 models of compounds from "ZINC," (which stands for Zinc Is Not Commercial). See the paragraph below for a few details about ZINC. The library of "building blocks" from ChemBridge contains many small fragments that were derived from larger compounds. Using these small fragments, or building blocks, should help us cover a larger amount of structural diversity (i.e., of "chemical space") within each experiment. Thus, this library should help us find new hits in a more efficient way. This experiment involves faah5398 - faah5709. These calculations began 3/26/2009 and finished 4/09/2009.

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Kudos to ZINC! The virtual representations of the potential inhibitors that we use in all of these experiments are derived from the libraries of ligands that are freely distributed by "ZINC," (which stands for Zinc Is Not Commercial). ZINC is a free database provided by the Shoichet Laboratory in the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). To learn more about ZINC, see Irwin, J. and Shoichet, B. J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2005; 45(1):177-82. We thank Dr. John Irwin and Prof. Brian Shoichet for creating and maintaining such a wonderfully useful and free site.

The AutoDock input files ("pdbqt" files) that we generated for several of these ZINC libraries are now available for free at

Experiment 26: 100% Completed

Similar to Experiment 25, this experiment also involves screening the NCI's "DTP library of moderately active compounds" against several brand new structures and new models of HIV protease. But in this experiment, we are docking the potential inhibitors against the active site, instead of the exo site. See the description of Experiment 25 for the details regarding the new structures and models that we are targeting. This experiment involves faah5320 - faah5397. These calculations began 3/16/2009 and ended on 3/31/2009.

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Experiment 25: 100% Completed

This experiment involves screening the NCI's "DTP library of moderately active compounds" against the exo site of several brand new structures and new models of HIV-1b protease. (See the description of "Experiment 21" for more details about this DTP library.) This experiment targets the potential allosteric inhibitor site (i.e., the "exo site") on the sides of HIV protease. The new structures utilized in this experiment are based on brand new, currently unpublished x-ray crystallographic structures from our collaborator, Prof. David Stout. The new models of HIV protease that are also included in this experiment were harvested from Molecular Dynamics simulations recently performed by Dr. Alex L. Perryman. We harvested the equilibrated structures from the beginnings of our new MD simulations on several different multi-drug-resistant mutants of HIV-1b protease (i.e., several different "super bugs" against which the current drugs no longer work well.) We also included models of HIV-1c protease ("1c" is the HIV subtype, or group of strains, that are most common in Asia) and HIV-2 protease ("HIV-2" is the predominant subtype in Africa). "HIV-1b" is the subtype of HIV most commonly found in the U.S. and in Europe. The current anti-AIDS drugs were all designed and optimized against HIV-1b, but the FightAIDS@Home project is devoted to trying to help all patients with HIV throughout the world. This experiment involves faah5224 - faah5319. These calculations began on 03/03/2009 and ended on 3/31/2009.

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Experiment 24: 100% Completed

Similar to Experiment 12, this experiment performed by Dr. Ruth Huey involves HIV protease "cross-docking" (i.e., this is a test of the new AutoDock code and the new scoring function that involves docking all the known HIV protease inhibitors against 100 different crystal structures of HIV protease). This experiment involved faah4998 - faah5017. These calculations began 08/11/2008 and finished 08/31/2008.

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Experiment 23: 100% Completed

Similar to Experiments 19 and 19a, this Relaxed Complex experiment involves docking the different FDA-approved HIV protease inhibitors (and a few compounds still in development) against the active site of 2,000 different snapshots of HIV-1b protease that were harvested from a Molecular Dynamics simulation. However, this experiment involves docking these reference compounds against conformations of the V82F/I84V multi-drug resistant "super bug" of HIV protease. We'll compare the performance of these compounds in this experiment versus their calculated affinities from Experiments 19 and 19a. The reference compounds used in Experiments 19, 19a, and 23 include the FDA-approved drugs amprenavir, atazanavir, darunavir, indinavir, lopinavir, nelfinavir, ritonavir, saquinavir, and tipranavir, while the compounds in development include AB2, AB3, JE-2147, KNI-272, TL3, and TMC-126. This experiment involves faah4726 - faah4791. These calculations began 12/01/2008, and they finished 02/19/2009.

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Experiment 22: 100% Completed

This Relaxed Complex experiment is very similar to Experiment 21, but this time the "DTP" library is being docked against the potential allosteric inhibitor site on the peripheral surface of HIV protease (i.e., the "exo" site), instead of docking them against the active site. These compounds are also being docked against the same "QR-selected" subset of conformations from the V82F/I84V multi-drug-resistant mutant of HIV protease. For a description of the QR method and a few citations, see the description of Experiment 21. Experiment 22 involves faah4417 - faah4622 and faah5018 - faah5223. These calculations began 10/18/2008, and they ended 03/05/2009.

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Experiment 21: 100% Completed

This Relaxed Complex experiment is testing both a new library of ligands and a new method for selecting the snapshots of the target from MD against which to dock these compounds. The first 1/3 of ligands from the NCI's "DTP" library of compounds is being tested now, while we prepare the files that describe the other 2/3 of this library of compounds. **Update 07/31/2008** All 3/3 of this library have now been prepared by Dr. Stefano Forli. The other 2/3 of this experiment have been submitted. These compounds were "moderately active" in cell-based assays at the NCI, but noone knows which targets these bind to or how they are able to inhibit them. These compounds are being docked against the active site of a "QR-selected" subset of conformations harvested from Molecular Dynamics simulations of the V82F/I84V multi-drug-resistant mutant of HIV protease (i.e., a target from one of the most drug-resistant "super bugs" of HIV). The Structure QR method is a new tool for selecting a structurally diverse, non-redundant set of conformations from a group of different structures that have similar sequences. We thank John Eargle of the Luthey-Schulten lab at UIUC for helping us learn how to apply this method. For more info. on QR, see P. O'Donoghue and Z. Luthey-Schulten; Evolutionary profiles derived from the QR factorization of multiple structural alignments gives an economy of information; J. Mol. Biol., 346, 875-894, (2005). See also MultiSeq of VMD: Elijah Roberts, John Eargle, Dan Wright, and Zaida Luthey-Schulten; MultiSeq: Unifying sequence and structure data for evolutionary analysis; BMC Bioinformatics, 7:382 (2006). This experiment involves faah4314 - faah4416, faah4623 - faah4725, and faah4792 - faah4997. These calculations began 08/28/2008, and they finished 2/19/2009.

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Experiment 20: 100% Completed

This Relaxed Complex experiment is similar to Experiment 16, but different run parameters are being used during the docking and several different protocols for preparing the input files of these compounds are being tested (such as using different protocols to calculate the charges on the atoms within each ligand, using different "atom types" to describe the ligands, and using different protocols for minimizing the structures of the ligands). Thus, this experiment will also allow us to investigate the best way(s) for preparing ligands that will be used in subsequent Relaxed Complex experiments. This experiment involves faah4202 - faah4313. These calculations began 06/08/2008, and they ended on 9/30/2008.

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Experiment 19a: 100% Completed

This Relaxed Complex experiment involves docking the different FDA-approved HIV protease inhibitors (and a few compounds still in development) against the active site of 2,000 different snapshots of the wild type HIV-1b protease that were harvested from the same Molecular Dynamics simulation discussed above in Exp. 19. These calculations will provide a base-line against which to compare the performance of the compounds used in Experiment 19. Different protocols for preparing the input files of these current drugs were used (such as using different protocols to calculate the charges on the atoms within each ligand, using different "atom types" to describe the ligands, and using different protocols for minimizing the structures of the ligands). Thus, this experiment will also allow us to investigate the best way(s) for preparing ligands that will be used in subsequent Relaxed Complex experiments. The reference compounds used in Experiment 19a include the FDA-approved drugs amprenavir, atazanavir, darunavir, indinavir, lopinavir, nelfinavir, ritonavir, saquinavir, and tipranavir, while the compounds in development include AB2, AB3, JE-2147, KNI-272, TL3, and TMC-126. This experiment involved faah4070 - faah4201. These calculations began 05/26/2008 and finished 08/19/2008.

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Experiment 19: 100% Completed

This experiment is similar to Exp. 13, but different run parameters are being used (for example, 2 point cross-over is being used, while Exp. 13 used the arithmetic crossover protocol in the genetic algorithm used in the docking calculations; a new and improved version of the AutoDock code is being used, as well). Exp. 19 is a Relaxed Complex experiment of the "9 false negatives" from the NCI Diversity Set. These 9 compounds did not dock well in previous experiments (by Max Chang and Dr. Lindy Lindstrom) that targeted different crystal structures of HIV protease, but they did display some activity in an experimental assay against HIV protease. Different versions of these 9 ligands and of a few reference compounds are being docked against the active site in 2,000 different snapshots of the wild type protease that were harvested from Dr. Alex Perryman's previously-published Molecular Dynamics simulations (i.e., the cover article of the April, 2004, issue of Protein Science). The reference compounds used in Experiment 19 include the FDA-approved drugs amprenavir, atazanavir, darunavir, indinavir, lopinavir, nelfinavir, ritonavir, saquinavir, and tipranavir, while the compounds in development include AB2, AB3, JE-2147, KNI-272, TL3, and TMC-126. To view some of the recent results from the Relaxed Complex experiments on these reference compounds, see the graph with part of Indinavir's Relaxed Complex "trajectory" or the comparison of AB2's versus AB3's RC "trajectories" at the bottom of this page. This experiment involved faah4000 - faah4069. These calculations began 05/02/2008 and finished 06/14/2008.

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Status 1-18

Experiment 18: 55% Completed--Has Been Halted

NCI Diversity Set (1900) vs. 500 conformations from the first 5 ns of MD on the V82F/I84V drug-resistant "super-bug" of HIV protease. These results will be compared to those from Experiments 10, 11, and a future experiment, in order to help test and improve the methods and tools that can be used in drug design research against any target of interest. This experiment involves faah3202-3702. This experiment is now "on hold." It was halted before its completion, because an error was discovered in the code. The massive number of calculations that you perform for us helped us discover a serious error, and now we have made it much harder to accidentally mis-compile the code. In addition, we have now created new methods for checking the quality of the results. Thus, by helping us improve our code and our protocols, this little setback will help our research in the long-run, and it will help the research that over 4,000 other labs perform with the AutoDock code. We will repeat this experiment (or something very similar to it) with the WCG's new version of the AutoDock code, which is now up-and-running.

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Experiment 17: 88% Completed--Has Been Halted

Relaxed Complex Method of Several Compounds, Their Fragments & Several Derivatives versus the Exo site of snapshots from MD of the V82F/I84V drug-resistant "super-bug" of HIV protease (from 1D4S.pdb). This experiment involves faah3145-3201. This experiment is now "on hold." It was halted before its completion, because an error was discovered in the code. The massive number of calculations that you perform for us helped us discover a serious error, and now we have made it much harder to accidentally mis-compile the code. In addition, we have now created new methods for checking the quality of the results. Thus, by helping us improve our code and our protocols, this little setback will help our research in the long-run, and it will help the research that over 4,000 other labs perform with the AutoDock code. We will repeat this experiment (or something very similar to it) with the WCG's new version of the AutoDock code, which is now up-and-running.

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Experiment 16: 100% Completed

Relaxed Complex Method of Several Compounds, Their Fragments & Several Derivatives versus the Exo site of snapshots from MD of Wild Type 1KZK

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Experiment 15: 100% completed

Relaxed Complex Method of the NCI Diversity Set versus the Exo site of snapshots from MD of Mutant 1D4S

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Experiment 14: 100% Completed

Relaxed Complex Method of the NCI Diversity Set versus the Exo site of snapshots from MD of Wild Type 1KZK

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Experiment 12: 100% completed

HIV protease cross-docking (i.e., this is a test of the new AutoDock code and the new scoring function). This experiment helps us test and improve the tools that we use in these calculations (and that thousands of other labs use in their drug design research against other diseases). This experiment involves faah2695-2714.

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Experiment 11: 100% Completed

NCI Diversity Set (1900) vs. 500 conformations from the first 5 ns of MD on wild type HIV protease

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Experiment 10: 100% Completed

This was Dr. Alex Perryman's first experiment on FAAH. The NCI Diversity Set of compounds was docked against 7 "interesting" snapshots of the V82F/I84V multi-drug-resistant "super bug" of HIV protease. These snapshots were deemed "interesting," since they seemed to be very useful in Dr. Perryman's previous Relaxed Complex experiments. That is, these compounds displayed some of the lowest (i.e., best) Free Energies of Binding against the inhibitor JE-2147, and these 7 conformations helped resolve the compounds that bound well from those that did not bind (in previous computational experiments).

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Experiment 9: 100% Completed

The "consensus" wild type crystal (2BPW.pdb) was used to screen Max Chang's version of the "DTP library of moderately-active compounds" from the NCI. For details on why this wild type protease is considered a "consensus wt," follow the link on the previous page to the FAAH paper published in the Journal of Chemical Information and Modelling.

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Experiment 8: 100% Completed

Experiment 8b: 100% Completed Drugs et al. vs. SCWRL-modeled mutants (no H2O) with flexible sidechains Experiment 8a: 100% Completed Drugs et al. vs. SCWRL-modeled mutants (no H2O) (rigid)

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Experiment 7: 100% Completed

Experiment 7b2: 100% Completed x2AZ8 vs ZINC Fragment Library (exo site) Experiment 7b1: 100% Completed x2AZ8 vs ZINC Fragment Library (active site) Experiment 7a2: 100% Completed x2BPW vs ZINC Fragment Library (exo site) Experiment 7a1.1: 100% Completed Fragment Library vs 2BPW (Active Site)

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Experiment 2: 100% Completed

ChemBridge (500,000) vs. Wild Type HIV Protease (1) Top Hits from Stage 1 vs. Mutant HIV Protease Panel (270) NCI Diversity Set (1,900) vs. Monomeric HIV Protease (20)

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Experiment 1: 100% completed

Experiment 1b: 100% completed NCI Set (230,000) vs. Wild Type HIV Protease (1) Experiment 1a: 100% Completed NCI Diversity Set (1,900) vs. Mutant HIV Protease Panel (270)

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