Source: Interfolio F180

Mia L. Huang, PhD
Scripps Research Joint Appointments
Research Focus
Glycans are important biomolecular regulators, yet their structural complexity often precludes detailed analysis of their functions. The Huang Lab investigates questions in chemical glycobiology related to the study of stem cell differentiation, musculoskeletal research, or cancer. We seek to develop strategies to illuminate the mechanisms through which glycans orchestrate these biological events. The Lab employs techniques in synthetic chemistry, mass spectrometry, and protein engineering to illuminate fundamental mechanisms involved in glycan-protein biology.
Ph.D. (Chemistry), New York University, 2012B.A. (Chemistry), CUNY Queens College, 2007
Professional Experience
2018-2022 Assistant Professor2022-Present Associate Professor
Awards & Professional Activities
2006 Passantino Collegiate Merit Award, Queens College, Flushing, NY2007 Department of Chemistry Service Award, Queens College, NY
2007 Stanley G. Konkol Memorial Award, Queens College, Flushing, NY
2007 Department of Chemistry, Honors, Queens College, Flushing, NY
2008 Henry Mitchell MacCracken Fellowship, New York University, New York, NY
2010 Poster Award Winner, Stony Brook University ICB&DD Symposium, Stony Brook, NY
2011 Graduate School of Arts & Sciences Horizon Fellowship, New York University, New York, NY
2012 First Prize, Poster Competition, Gordon Research Conference on Peptides, Ventura, CA
2016 First Prize, Poster Competition, UCSD Chemistry Postdoctoral Symposium, La Jolla, CA
2017 NIH K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Career Transition Award
2017 First Prize, Poster Competition, Gordon Research Conference in Bioorganic Chemistry
2019 Participant, NIGMS Mentoring Workshop for Junior Faculty in Chemistry & Chemical Biology
2019 Awardee, The Joe W. and Dorothy Dorsett Brown Foundation Award
2021 Maximizing Investigator’s Research Award R35, NIGMS
2021 Burroughs Wellcome Foundation ad-hoc seed funding
2022 David Y. Gin Young Investigator Award, ACS Carbohydrate Division
2023 Ono Pharma Breakthrough Science Initiative Awardee
2023 Ellen Browning Scripps Foundation Awardee
2023 Pivotal Life Sciences Foundation Awardee
2023 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship in Chemistry
Selected Publications
Vilen, Zak; O’Leary, Timothy R.; Reeves, Abigail E.; Joeh, Eugene; Kamasawa, Naomi; Huang, Mia L.
Cell Surface Engineering Enables Surfaceome Profiling
. ACS Chemical Biology 2022, 18, 710-710.[View]
Proximity Tagging Identifies the Glycan-Mediated Glycoprotein Interactors of Galectin-1 in Muscle Stem Cells.. ACS chemical biology 2021, 16, 1994-2003.
Joeh, Eugene; O'Leary, Timothy; Li, Weichao; Hawkins, Richard; Hung, Jonathan R.; Parker, Christopher G.; Huang, Mia L. Mapping glycan-mediated galectin-3 interactions by live cell proximity labeling. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2020, 117, 27329-27338.
Huang, Mia Lace T.; O’Leary, Timothy R.; Stephenson, Tesia N.; Yang, Zueyi; Hassan, Abdullah A.; Bartfield, Noah M.; Hawkins, Richard Chemical editing of proteoglycan architecture. Nat Chem Biol 2022, 18, 634-642.
Hassan, Abdullah A.; Huang, Mia Lace T. Stereoselective synthesis of photoactivatable Man(ß1,4)GlcNAc-based bioorthogonal probes. Tetrahedron Letters 2023, 122, 154521.
Vilen, Zak; Joeh, Eugene; Lee, Elizabeth; Huang, Mia Lace T. Surfaceome Profiling Identifies Basigin-Chaperoned Protein Clients. ChemBioChem 2023, 24, e202300073.