Source: Interfolio F180

Chunlei Wu, PhD
Research Focus
We are currently focusing on applying data science methodology and cloud computing technologies to facilitate biomedical discovery, through the large-scale biological data integration.
Research areas
? Biomedical knowledgebase infrastructure and inference engine
? Semantic knowledge presentation and integration
? Biomedical resource discovery
? Clinical informatics
? Crowdsourcing in biological research
? Scientific data management
? Gene network and pathway analysis
? Large-scale genomic data analysis
Scientific applications developed
? (Gene-centric resource portal)
? (Gene-centric API, ~30M hits per month)
? (Genetic Variant API, ~7M hits per month)
? (Chemical/drug-centric API)
? (Disease-centric API)
? (Generic SDK to power APIs above)
? (Biomedical API registry and semantic integration)
? (Biomedical resource discovery)
Ph.D. (Biomathematics and Biostatistics), The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, 2006B.S. (Biochemistry), Nanjing University, 1997
M.S. (Biochemistry), Nanjing University, 2000
Professional Experience
2021-Present Associate Professor with Tenure, Integrative Structural and Computational Biology, Scripps Research2017-2021 Associate Professor, Integrative Structural and Computational Biology, Scripps Research
2017-2017 Associate Professor of Molecular Medicine, Molecular Medicine, Scripps Research
2011-2017 Associate Professor of Molecular Medicine, Molecular and Experimental Medicine (MEM), Scripps Research
2010-2011 Research Investigator II, Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation (GNF)
2007-2010 Research Investigator I, Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation (GNF)
Awards & Professional Activities
2017 Best In-Use Paper Award, ESWC2015 2nd-place, BD2K Hackathon
2014 1st Place, Network of BioThings Hackathon
2005 GSBS Student Travel Award, University of Texas at Houston
2003 Co-Author for Best Presentation Award, CAMSA
Selected Publications
Xin, Jiwen; Afrasiabi, C.; Lelong, S.; Adesara, J.; Tsueng, G.; Su, Andrew; Wu, Chunlei Cross-linking BioThings APIs through JSON-LD to facilitate knowledge exploration. BMC Bioinformatics 2018, 19.
Xin, Jiwen; Mark, A.; Afrasiabi, C.; Tsueng, G.; Juchler, M.; Gopal, N.; Stupp, G. S.; Putman, T. E.; Ainscough, B. J.; Griffith, O. L.; Torkamani, Ali; Whetzel, P. L.; Mungall, C. J.; Mooney, S. D.; Su, Andrew; Wu, Chunlei High-performance web services for querying gene and variant annotation. Genome Biology 2016, 17.
Liu, X.; Wu, Chunlei; Li, C.; Boerwinkle, E. dbNSFP v3.0: A one-stop database of functional predictions and annotations for human nonsynonymous and splice-site SNVs. Human Mutation 2016, 37, 235-241.
Wu, Chunlei; Jin, Xuefeng; Tsueng, Ginger; Afrasiabi, Cyrus; Su, Andrew I. BioGPS: Building your own mash-up of gene annotations and expression profiles. Nucleic Acids Research 2016, 44, D313-D316.
Wu, Chunlei; Macleod, Ian; Su, Andrew I. BioGPS and Organizing online, gene-centric information. Nucleic Acids Research 2013, 41, D561-D565.
Wu, Chunlei; Orozco, Camilo; Boyer, Jason; Leglise, Marc; Goodale, James; Batalov, Serge; Hodge, Christopher L.; Haase, James; Janes, Jeff; Huss III, Jon W.; Su, Andrew I. BioGPS: an extensible and customizable portal for queryingand organizing gene annotation resources. Genome Biology 2009, 10, R130.