Travel Awards

The Society of Fellows (SoF) and the Career and Professional Development Office are pleased to announce the next round of the Scripps SoF Postdoctoral Travel Award Program for California postdocs. 

The goal of the travel awards is to provide postdocs with financial support to present scholarly activities at a scientific national or international conference. 

Grants of up to $1,500 each will be awarded for conference related costs (e.g., travel, housing, and registration). 

Grants are awarded as reimbursements for actual expenses incurred upon attending the conference for which the travel grant was awarded. Proof of conference acceptance and attendance as well as related receipts of expenses are required to receive the award money. Postdocs who applied for this SOF travel award in the past are encouraged to reapply, but past SOF travel award winners are not eligible. 

The laureates of the SoF travel awards will present their award-winning research and their conference experience to the Scripps Research community during a dedicated event.