In Brief
Remember to Save Energy
In light of the rolling blackouts affecting the region,
Facilities Services reminds TSRI personnel to save energy
whenever possible. Remember to turn off the lights when you
leave a room.
Attention 2000 Healthcare Spending Account Participants
If you participated in the Healthcare Spending Account
(HCSA) during the 2000 plan year, please remember that March
31 is the deadline for submitting reimbursement claims to
HCSA Reimbursement forms are available in the Human Resources
Department. You can stop by to pick up forms between 8 AM
and 5 PM; request them by calling Benefits Administration
at x4-8487 or by sending an email to;
or download them from the Benefits Administration web page,
Brush Up on Netscape
Have you ever used the proxy icon to add a location to your
personal toolbar or bookmark folder? Learn how to do this
in the next Netscape class scheduled for Tuesday, March 27,
from 8:30 to 11 AM. Other topics will include setting your
home page, organizing your toolbars, and finding previously
visited sites using the history feature. To enroll, go to,
or e-mail
Daffodil Delivery Delights Donors

Those supporting the American Cancer
Societys latest fundraiser received their bouquets of
daffodils on Monday, March 19. Here, ScrippsAssists
Janet Hightower of Biomedical Graphics prepares to deliver
the flowers.