Vol 11. Issue 27 / September 12, 2011


In Brief

Science Park Cafeteria and Immunology Coffee Cart Open for Business
Many Scripps California faculty and staff will be glad to hear that the Science Park cafeteria and Immunology building coffee cart have now re-opened

A new vendor, Feast on This, has opened its Grill for breakfast and lunch at 3040 Science Park Café location. Featuring a new diverse and healthy menu, the cafeteria is open 7:30 AM to 3 PM, Monday through Friday.

The Feast on This Grill menu choices include vegetarian, vegan, low-fat, high protein, regional, and ethnic-based cuisine, featuring high quality, fresh deli meats, beef, chicken, fish, baked and produce products. Self-service fruit, salad, sandwiches, and "grab and go" items will also be available.

Located in the Immunology Building Breezeway, the Coffee Cart offers specialty coffees, tea, and espresso drinks. In addition, grab 'n go sandwiches, wraps, salads, and snacks will be available. The cart is open Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM.

The North Torrey Pines Court cafeteria—also a Feast on This offering—will be opening in the near future.

NWiS Examines Work-Life Balance Issues
How to balance the pressures and commitments of work, family, play, and other life issues is the topic of the California campus Network for Women in Science (NWiS) Coffee Hour, scheduled for 3 PM Monday, Sept. 12, in the Faculty Club Tennis Room.

"Finding work-life balance is more than a time management challenge," notes the event announcement, which promises the discussion will offer tips and trick for mental compartmentalization.

For further details about the Coffee Hour, contact Jaime Pellis, research associate in the Wright lab.

The group will hold its monthly general meeting Tuesday, Sept. 13, at noon in the BCC Room 5N. For additional information on NWiS, visit the group's Facebook page.

Lunch & Learn: Enhancing Brain Health with Good Nutrition
The role nutrition can play in improving human memory, mood, focus, and attention is the topic of a Lunch & Learn seminar scheduled for Wednesday, September 14, and featuring certified natural health consultant and author Valerie Hall.

Presented by the Counseling and Psychological Services Department, the event will address natural challenges to brain health and provide natural and effective means to help empower optimal brain function.

Specifically, Hall will explore:

  • How to empower the brain against stress, anxiety, and depression.
  • The effect of different foods upon the brain.
  • The importance of "good" fats for the brain.
  • Nutrients that benefit brain function.

The Lunch & Learn session will be held at noon in the Keck Amphitheater on the California campus and streamed live at 3 PM, Eastern Standard Time, to Room B158 on the Florida campus.

Send comments to: mikaono[at]scripps.edu






The Feast on This "Café Fusion" coffee cart in front of the Immunology Building and cafeteria at 3040 Science Park are now open. Here, coffee cart baristas Christina Melfi-Frey (top left) and Michelle Coleman (top right) and cashier Brittany Cabriales (bottom) are eager to serve customers. (Photos by Cindy Brauer.)