Vol 11. Issue 5 / February 7, 2011


Scripps Research Molecular Screening Center Work Leads to First Clinical Trial
The Scripps Research Institute Molecular Screening Center has become the first of such National Institutes of Health (NIH) centers to yield a drug candidate tested in humans. The compound is a potential treatment for multiple sclerosis.

"Although many MLP [Molecular Library Probe] probes have been tested in in vivo studies (e.g., rat models), this is the first example of an MLP probe to have been further developed far enough along the drug discovery pipeline to be tested in humans, a landmark achievement for the program," notes the NIH Molecular Libraries Program website.

For more information, see the Molecular Libraries Program announcement, the Scripps Research Molecular Screening Center website, or News&Views article "Scripps Research Receives Record Federal Grant of More than $80 Million to Screen Molecules for Possible New Drug Development."