Vol 11. Issue 1 / January 1, 2011

In Brief

Single-Stream Recycling Now Campus-Wide in La Jolla
Environmental-friendliness just got easier at Scripps California. Now, all recyclable material can be placed in any blue recycle container located throughout the campus.

“As of January 1, single-stream recycling is in effect,” announced Mario Osornio, Environmental Services (EVS) quality assurance and training coordinator. This new system, piloted successfully in late 2010, eliminates the sorting function required by previous recycling operations, said Osornio.

Recyclable materials allowed in the blue containers include:
• Paper (computer paper, colored ledger, newspaper, mixed paper)
• Glass (beverage containers)
• Plastic (all plastic containers labeled 1 through 7)
• Aluminum (e.g., beverage containers, foil)
• Bi-Metal (e.g., food containers, cans)
• Lab recyclables (empty and rinsed, no extremely hazardous chemical containers)
• Cardboard boxes (large boxes may still be placed outside labs in the hallways)

Consolidating recycling efforts offers Scripps Research such benefits as increased recycling rates, improved performance, a user-friendly system, and greater access to recycle containers for faculty, staff, and visitors, according to Osornio. EVS spearheaded the single-stream recycling project with the help of the Green Team and the Student Sustainability Initiative.

Additional blue recycle containers can be ordered through the Scripps Research online order system at Further information is available through Osornio at x4-2818 or osorniom@scripps.edu.

NWiS Coffee Hour to Focus on Nutrition
"Getting in Tune with your Body and Back to Basics" is the focus of the Network for Women in Science (NWiS) January 10 coffee hour, scheduled at 3 PM in the Faculty Club Tennis room.

Certified Nutritionist Janet Hill of Henry’s Farmers Market will present "Nutrition for Optimal Energy," covering Henry’s four-week detox program, which foods to delete from your diet, permanent weight loss, elimination of sugar cravings, and gluten-free diets.

Pete’s Coffee and snacks will be provided. NWiS coffee hours are held the first Monday of the month. Male colleagues and all faculty members are encouraged to attend. NWiS organizational meetings are held the second Tuesday of the month, 12:30 p.m. in BCC 5N.

For further coffee hour and NWiS information, visit the group’s facebook site, www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=3D112059047804.

Send comments to: mikaono[at]scripps.edu