Vol 10. Issue 2 / January 18, 2010

In Brief

ScrippsAssists Sends Thanks for the Holiday Cheer
ScrippsAssists sends out a big "thank you" to all those who participated in the holiday drives on the La Jolla campus.

Through the Adopt-a-Family Program, participants from Scripps Research adopted 22 families through the agency Home Start. Participants contributed $875 in cash contributions and the Human Resources Department donated four boxes of toys and numerous gift cards. "This year was a complete success," wrote Laura Mustari, CEO of Home Start. "Because of gracious people like you, we were able to sponsor 101 deserving families."

Through the food drive, Scripps Research employees donated 1,058 pounds of food, as well as $810 in cash. The San Diego Food Bank—whose slogan is "hunger has no season"—collected the donated food through the holiday season, as well as afterwards, as the food will serve the San Diego community for months to come.

Postdoc Seminar: "How to Craft a Winning Resume"
Ryan Wheeler, manager of the Postdoctoral Services Office, will present "How to Craft a Winning Resume" on Wednesday, February 10, from 3:30 to 4:30 PM. Topics will include the difference between a CV and a resume, tips to highlight your accomplishments, examples of effective resumes, and cover letter writing. This course, which is offered several times each year, is particularly geared for postdocs and graduate students who are interested in industry and other non-academic positions. Registration for the event, which will be held in the Human Resources Training Room, is required. Sign up at http://hris.scripps.edu/training/course/11 .

New Series of English-as-a-Second-Language Classes to Begin
A new series of English-as-a-Second-Language classes will begin Tuesday, January 19. Instructor Cassandra Wadkin's class meets from 6:30 to 8:30 PM every Tuesday evening in the Immunology Building West Conference Room. The price for three months (12 classes) is $60.

Each intermediate-level English class is divided into speaking and listening, idioms and vocabulary, and reading and writing. If you would like to improve your English and your understanding of your friends and colleagues, movies, television shows, and the news, this class is for you. The class uses movies, games, television shows, grammar books, songs, drawing and novels to teach standard American English. Have fun and learn English at the same time! For more information, please leave a message at x4-2176

Library Tip: Endnote Patch
Kresge Library staff note that if you are using EndNote X2 or X1, you may see a blank "Year" field when importing records dated 2010 or later. Users of X3 should not have this problem. A patch is available for EndNote X2, to correct the importing problem with publication dates of 2010 at http://www.endnote.com/support/ENX201_WinMac_updater.asp . Windows users should be able to use the Program Updates from the Help menu, or see the EndNote page for more instructions. Macintosh users go to the EndNote webpage and follow the instructions to download and install the patch. Be sure you have previously installed the X2.0.1 patch.

If you would like to have the latest version X3, it is available through the Kresge Library software download license. (Macintosh users need to have Leopard OS 10.5 to run X3.)

If you would like assistance, please contact the Kresge Library's Angela Murrell at x4-8705 or amurrell@scripps.edu.

Got Manuscripts?
Do you need to have your fellowship application or manuscript reviewed? Editors are ready to look over your drafts!

The Career & Postdoctoral Services coordinates a volunteer peer editing service, the Scripps Research Council of Scientific Editors, to help Scripps Research postdocs and graduate students on both campuses write high quality papers and fellowships. This program is a result of feedback from graduate students, faculty, and postdocs during the institute's reaccreditation process.

The Career & Postdoctoral Services Office matches requests for editing based on reviewer expertise and availability. To have your manuscript or fellowship reviewed:

  1. Send an email to rwheeler@scripps.edu with your name, position (postdoc/grad student), department, lab, scientific area, and brief description of your submission.
  2. Attach your document to the email.
  3. The Career & Postdoc Office will attempt to match your request to an available reviewer with similar scientific and/or proposal expertise.
  4. The editor will contact you to discuss your document (generally within one week).

The Scripps Research Council of Scientific Editors is intended to supplement, not supplant, the scientific communication mentoring that trainees receive from their advisors, by formalizing an additional review option benefiting both the volunteer peer reviewers and the researchers who use the service. There is no charge for the service and the program duration is indefinite.


Send comments to: mikaono[at]scripps.edu




NWiS Kicks Off the New Year
The Network for Women in Science held its first coffee hour of 2010 with guest speaker nutritionist Janet Little (right) of Henry's Market, shown here with NWiS member graduate student Crystal Moran. In the discussion, sponsored by Sol Yoga studios, Little emphasized the importance of eating vegetables, fruits, and beans to promote good health, well beyond the few weeks New Year's resolutions typically last.