Vol 9. Issue 19 / June 15, 2009

In Brief

Library Tip: Keep Up-to-Date with Podcasts

Keep even more up-to-date on science news by listening to podcasts. Many of the major science journals have weekly or monthly podcasts where they highlight content from the journal, interview scientists, and report on what's happening in the scientific community. The National Institutes of Health has a bimonthly Research Radio podcast covering the latest research findings. There are even lecture podcasts from universities like Stanford University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and University of California, Berkeley, available from iTunes U for free.

You can listen or sign up to the RSS feed for these podcasts through iTunes (for both mac and pc), or other free podcasting software such as Odeo or Juice, or by going directly to each website. An advantage of using iTunes or other software is that you can consolidate and update your podcasts in one central place.

Listen to them online, or even better, put them on your ipod or mp3 player. Even listen to them in your car during your commute by hooking up your ipod or mp3 player to your car stereo.

Here are some podcast resources:
 • Science podcast
 • Cell podcast
 • PNAS podcast
 • Nature podcast
 • Nature ChemPod
 • NIH Research Radio Podcast
 • iTunes U—you have to download iTunes (free) to access iTunes U.

For more information, contact the Kresge Library Help Desk, x4-8705 or helplib@scripps.edu.

Lunch & Learn: "Learn to Sleep Well!"

Larry Kline, medical director of the Scripps Clinic Sleep Center, senior consultant of the Division of Chest and Critical Care at Scripps Clinic, and associate adjunct professor in the Scripps Research Department of Molecular and Experimental Medicine, will give a talk titled "Learn to Sleep Well," on Wednesday, June 17, from noon to 1 PM. Kline will discuss normal and disturbed sleep and how it affects your health, with an emphasis on how to recognize a sleep problem and what you can do about it. The event, which is part of the ongoing Lunch & Learn seminar series arranged by the Counseling and Psychological Services Department, will be held in the Keck Amphitheater, Beckman Building, La Jolla campus.


Send comments to: mikaono[at]scripps.edu