Vol 6. Issue 24 / Aug 14, 2006


On Top-10 Most Requested Lists: Nicolaou Paper, "Click Chemistry" Patents
A paper in Angewandte Chemie, "Palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions in total synthesis," by K.C. Nicolaou (chair of The Scripps Research Institute's Department of Chemistry, Aline W. and L.S. Skaggs Professor of Chemical Biology, and Darlene Shiley Chair in Chemistry) and colleagues, is among the most frequently requested articles from Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) in the second quarter of 2006. Also included in the list is a paper by one of Nicolaou's former students, Scott Synder, now at Harvard University. The complete top-ten list of articles most requested by researchers using CAS products such as SciFinder Scholar can be found on CAS's Science Spotlight webpage.

In addition, two patents on "click chemistry" by Scripps Research faculty members Professor K. Barry Sharpless (W.M. Keck Professor of Chemistry), Assistant Professor Valery Fokin, and Associate Professor M.G. Finn were among the 10 patent families most requested in the second quarter of 2006. For the complete list, see CAS's patent Science Spotlight webpage.

Adam Mullick Awarded American Heart Association Fellowship
Adam Mullick, a research associate in the Scripps Research laboratories of Professor Linda Curtiss and Peter Tobias, has won a two-year fellowship from the American Heart Association for his project "Roles of Toll-like receptors 2 and 4 in a mouse model of atherosclerosis." The aim of this fellowship is to understand the time course of atherosclerotic lesion development in chimeric mouse models of TLR2 and TLR4 deficiency using a novel in situ confocal imaging technique.


Send comments to: mikaono[at]scripps.edu