Vol 10. Issue 12 / April 5, 2010

Sanford Consortium Breaks Ground
"This is the medicine of the future," say businessman and philanthropist T. Denny Sanford.

How to Cope with Grief and Loss
"Perhaps nothing is more universal than loss, yet coping with the pain of loss is perhaps the hardest work we will ever do," says Counseling Psychologist Daphne Lurie.

Floyd Bloom Gives Packard Lecture

Scripps Research Team Finds Structure of "Swine Flu" Virus

Light Activated "Warhead" Turns Modest Molecules into Super Protein Killers

Scientists Identify Age-Associated Defects in Schizophrenia

Courtney Miller's Compass

Team Reveals How An Old Drug Could Have A New Use for Treating River Blindness

Scientists Find Two Compounds that Lay the Foundation for a New Class of AIDS Drug

Team Finds Stress Hormone Key to Alcohol Dependence

Scientists Find Cancer Cells Co-opt Fat Metabolism Pathway to Become More Malignant

Team Wins Global Race to Achieve Landmark Synthesis of Perplexing Natural Product

Scientists Show "Lifeless" Prions Capable of Evolutionary Change and Adaptation

Scientists Crack Mystery of Protein's Dual Function

Study Shows Compulsive Eating Shares Addictive Biochemical Mechanism with Cocaine, Heroine Abuse
The findings from the Kenny lab provide new clues to the obesity epidemic.